Gab, Vidme, and Voat have all failed dramatically. Is it because their technology and design are bad or because they are right-wing in nature? Why do right-wing internet platforms always go to shit?
Gab, Vidme, and Voat have all failed dramatically...
Because when you make a platform that's the same as platform X but without censorship, the only users you're going to get are people who were censored on platform X.
They all have stupid names that mean nothing
Way more of an audience on youtube, also shitty thread everyone make sure to use s@ge
>left handed salute
I hope you fucking die faggot
beside vidme other 2 still alive
>Kekistani faggots
>Right wing
Good joke lad.
It's fundamentally why projects like TOR, i2p and Sup Forumsnet will all "fail" and stay as some obscure medium only few people use.
HTTPS is an example of how to do it right. If you can provide a service that forwards your underlying agenda (in this case, encryption and a more secure internet) while either not interfering with normal user interaction with a system then that's how you make a significant change in the word of technology - everything done gradually with as much backwards compatibility as possible. This explanation is more relevant to stuff like TOR or i2p.
When it comes to alternative social media platforms, they fall into the same pit as every other (all 5 billion of them) platform that just takes something another successful and already popular platform does currently with some gimmick or twist. In the cases of Gab and Voat, the twist was respecting freedom more. The average person does not respect freedom.
Even if the average person did respect freedom then they STILL wouldn't use yet another social media platform. The internet is becoming increasing centralised as people drift towards conglomerated services that have massive companies financially backing them.
I see it as the AOL crowd returning to the comfort of the walled garden they were used to.
But they are that's what all the redpilling gets you a bunch of fags that come for the memes.
Because creating sites just to be echo chambers for your political views are doomed to be shit.
No investors, probably. It's amazing Twitter is still alive - they've yet to ever turn a profit.
Jeez don't insult your brethren, they are a good reflection of you.
Exactly. Safe spaces are inherently exclusive
you mean like twitter facebook google
Don't you have a kekistani rally to go to?
Youtube isnt a good name either.
Voat hasn't failed. It has slowed down recently though. Also, the front page is just right wing grandma-tier Facebook memes. But they've recently cut their costs dramatically and have survived a couple very big DDoS attacks.
Gab is still doing OK. Although I think their owner banned someone or something and angered some customers.
Vidme did fail.
It's part this too.
Reddit is in the top 10 most visited web sites.
just about any contentious issue i search on google has the most leftie articles it is cringworthy
one of my fav's
wikipedia can come too
and don't get me started with youtube, which is owned by google. almost every one of my guys is being demonetized in some way
twitter, facebook, reddit, wikipedia and google were NOT created with any intention of being "echo chambers" nor were they developed to replicate some existing service just with a twist towards leftist politics.
Your opinion of what these sites are now is irrelevant.
And I'm the guy who called that guy a dumbass and I'll call you a dumbass, dumbass.
>opinion of what these sites are now
i just thought what they are now was more important, dumbass
>months ago this guy was trying to 'redpill normies' for the 'lulz' and 'irony'
>not seeing what it boils down to
Well that's not relevant to his statement, dumbass.
He's wrong in the argument that a site or company or product can't be created with the intent of appealing to a closed community of people or a community where a diverse range of beliefs are held. That's obviously wrong.
The argument here is that you can't just create another social media service on the internet that replicates another almost exactly except has a particular target market. He's also wrong in the implication that Gab or Voat are just right-wing echo chambers but that's part of the bait, dumbass.
none of those sites were meant to be echo chambers, they were meant to not have any censorship therefore be less of an echo chamber
my point is that facebook and twitter are echochambers so an alternative would be a step in the right direction.
I also love to smash jewgle so i threw it in
Vidme wasn't initially about avoiding censorshit, though. A better comparison would be -- I am embarrassed to type this fucking name -- PewTube.
"Subhuman" is a silly word because it implies that regular humans aren't garbage.
But you have to understand that the mainstream now conflate "freedom" with "racist bigotry" and that just won't fly in our brave new world.
why do your retards purposefully omit context. i think ethnic pride in general is stupid but among minorities it was obviously born out of oppression. by contrast white pride has always just been trying to restore the oppression of other minorities. fighting for equal rights is not the same as trying to subvert someone else's rights. wikipedia is not being biased, you are because you obviously identify with the far right.
spot the leftist
>right-wing internet platforms
No censorship does not mean they are right wing.
Right-wing and sci/tech don't mix. Plain and simple.
Dat smallbrain
this. but i think it mostly applies to censorship. if you can create a platform that is actually innovative or fulfills some sort of niche then it has a really good chance of being successful.
>Why do right-wing internet platforms always go to shit?
You mean just like anything right-wing in reality?
>they've recently cut their costs dramatically
>someone makes a point that you don't like
m-mmuh...mmuh leftist LIBRULIBRULIBRUL
Who says they failed?
They fail because they're small as fuck, you retarded nigger.
Sage and report baitshit. I hate Sup Forumstards as much as the next guy, but you're just b8ing at this point.
>they are right-wing in nature?
This is the reason. When you fill an internet forum with paranoid people who see every little slight as "somebody is out to censor me/kill me/turn my frogs gay" the community eventually collapses on itself.