How does it feel knowing that she codes better than you?
How does it feel knowing that she codes better than you?
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The absolute state of women
Me on the left
cd code
Indifferent. Trying to be the best "coder" is like competing to be the best toilet scrubber, IMO. I'm just a keyboard puncher for making money, only a literal retard would try to make being a programmer some sort of lifestyle.
How does it feel knowing she earns more than you?
Lemme smash brah
Not as bad as all of the Goldman-Sachs executives getting golden parachutes.
I don't care, because how much someone makes doesn't determine their value to me as a person.
Diversity hires are cancer
It feels good because I don't get laughed at.
So? The sales people and the key account managers and my boss, and basically everyone makes more than me.
Being a developer is being the bitch at the bottom.
Only testers and customer service is lower.
I "program" don't "code" brul.
>live in a capitalist system
>get angry that other people are better at conning others out of their money then you
that's the whole point of capitalism, let me guess you believe in "muh hard work pays off" and other lies told to the plebs?
I don't know, you tell me.
>It feels good because I don't get laughed at.
uhh no sweety
>then you
Pick up a book, nigger.
Honestly I dont know the first thing about coding, but at least I dont own tshirts and pizza boxes(?) With my name on it like Im a cult leader or something.
>what is marketting and branding
>can't make it in the Koding world
>can't hack it in the normie world
how does it feel?
I'm a horrible failure as a hipster. I have no idea who that is.
But she doesn't. She doesn't even have a handle on basic navigation of directory structures in a command line interface. If she can't even master basic syntax of shell commands, she certainly isn't going to be any good at the syntax of various programming languages.
Why do I keep replying to such obvious b8 threads?
Blue board, faggot. Sfw only.
As far as I'm aware she isn't a programmer. But that's not really the point. She is a role model for girls and women as being both beautiful and a genius programmer. So if a young girl keeps up their suspension of disbelief of that, goes through and learns how to code in the face of a Sup Forums-like social environment, then that was the goal all along.
She doesn't. No one in my family went to college so I'm considered a minority despite being straight white cis male. I got a free ride through med school on the same diversity and minority programs as the darks, pajeets, and sluts. Stupid trash like this space wasting slag are taking orders from me, building the software i tell them to build so my job is easier.
Daily Reminder
>interaction "engineer"
>building software
What in the fuck is a "Interaction Engineer'?
Buzzword for graphical/UX designer.
she's still an ugly subhuman creature
Genuinely curious, what kind of doctor are you? And why do you need people to program for you as a doctor?
cd code
cd ..
cd ..
Most people do. It hurts, a bit. I've wanted to be a programmer since I was young. I'll hopefully get around to learning properly someday.
the skeleton queen
she is pretty and all, but there's a sister of hers that's literally an angel.
>women in america need to be coddled and encouraged by mass media and top models to become programmers
meanwhile in my grandmother and mother are both programmers (and they're not the only women I know in software) because they liked mathematics and I live in a country with no diversity movements.
Friendly reminder that US women in large parts were stay at home wives until the late 70s and early 80s, where I guess you're from some pooristan country where women were pretty much forced to work and therefore never needed the same kind of women's movement.
gets to show you that women are at least as capable as men and that these movements are very necessary, only dumb neckbeards that are scared of women would say otherwise
>following rules means someone belongs on plebbit
It's like playing "spot the newfag" when you retards say this shit. You honestly couldn't be any more obvious that you're here from redshit and deflecting.
>only dumb neckbeards that are scared of women would say otherwise
Well, they were catered and had their every needs seen to by their uneducated and unskilled stay at home mothers, so this is really the first generation of Americans where there are almost as many female workers as male.
That's not porn, it's art.
Kek. It's just the body of a man and yet you retards call the trap fuckers gay
General surgeon. Some of the procedures I perform, such as a cholecystectomy, have some really awesome machinery involved and sometimes the software for the machinery could benefit from an additional data display, or other feature that makes guiding the tools for laparoscopy a little easier.
My job is neither exciting nor glamorous, I literally remove gallbladders, tonsils and appendixes all damn day, and most of the work is actually performed by my OR nurses and the surgical students working under me.
Body types are body types. The difference here is the fucking penis you enjoy sucking on.
Tall and skinny with tiny tits, sure, [spoiler]but she doesn't have a dick[/spoiler].
Long hours
Literally the plebs among doctors.
That being a heavily masculine body type. It's pretty fucking gay either way man
Thanks for the (you)s
>heavily masculine
I'm not American, so I like healthy, fit bodies with defined muscles. Enjoy fucking flubby lardasses
she cute and sweet want to mary
women shouldn't be programming anything you dumb fuck
Who the fuck is Klossy?
>a heavily masculine body type
If you think this is a "heavily masculin body type", you've clearly been jerking way too much of to loli and/or are biased because of traps.
>linus' shills being paid to promote his shitty collab video that has more thumbs down than up
nobody likes this entitled bitch
>being emotionally invested in youtube vloggers and up/downvotes
Please consider suicide.
you’re not helping your case with that pic.
The continuum isn't between obese and masculine. There is a such thing as a healthy feminine body. Of course we already new that most of the world outside the US is gay as all hell, so not really any surprises there.
That shit is tasteful nigga.
are you getting paid per reply in the thread or by how long said thread is alive on Sup Forums?
I'm not the one being butthurt about tech reviewers, how the fuck am I shilling?
>trying this hard
Fuck off back to your trap porn, mutts.
cd code
nice rebuttal, Terran
Don't talk shit about my giraffefu you plebian dipshit.
you need to be 18+ to post here
>video game references
You're not helping your case.
christ id touch this tall bitch leg.
Not to spark an argument dude, but if someone doesnt do the hard work, then there wont be any free rides for assholes.
But she doesn't. I am a failure, but at least I can "kode" better than she.
>Butthurt about not being able to work in a professional environment writing software
Maybe if you were any good or not such a sperg, you wouldn't have a problem. Enjoy the NEET life faggot
Have you met my friend "echo."?
those poor feet...
>There are places where engineer isn't a protected title
Christ I wonder how much we spend just on fucking packaging. I feel you entitled millennial fucks are to blame for this worthless bullshit.
>then that was the goal all along.
nah m8 pretty sure the goal is to keep filling the coffers of her and her kike masters
all that bullshit you wrote is just the angle
literally what. Surgeons make bank. If you want to be underpaid as a doctor, become a general practitioner. You'll be making 90k with 30 years of experience affiliated with an ivy league hospital in no time
Wrong. Work at family medicine office associated with a medical school. Earn base salary of 50,000 for teaching duties plus whatever they manage to bring in through patients. Averages out to 170 - 200. Depends how much you want to work.
Post proof or larp.
Feels pretty indifferent considering that I know jack shit about coding
women are too stupid to become actual engineers, so their making up titles now
I'm literally not wrong, speaking from first-hand experience. General practice on average makes less than any other type of doctor in the current day
And this is why we have to import tons of pajeets to fill the shortage of GPs
Fucking greedy fucks in med school
a fuckin usb and a small power bank
above 10$ it s pure bullshit.
I'm an Imageboard Posting Engineer
She talks with people and does user studies. It's called engineering because womans fuck yeah.
>on Tuesdays we kode
>cd code
>cd ..
>cd ..
>cd code
>find / -name code
Um sweaty
>nigger & poo
nuclear holocaust when?
don't worry, they are running blog, not power plant
I know how to use cd, so already I'm pretty sure I'm better off than her.
I don't care because my entire life doesn't revolve around upholding the appearance of being masculine.
how the fuck does this cringe have so many likes lol
This kloss bitch is such a self-indulgent mediocre piece of trash. All she's doing is selling products and her stupid cunt attitude in the name of "women's empowerment"
Literally just get good at programming and be a programmer if you want. End of story. You don't have to turn it into a "women can do it too" social movement. The fact that there's a lot of that going on in engineering is actually pretty insulting to women in some degree.