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The varied discussion here is indicative of overall interest in Android Wear

i am still waiting for better battery tech myself
these things are just too fat and goofy looking still
i watch included

the problem is that Android users are not hardware fanboys like macwhores who need to buy every single fucking shiny thing that comes along with a half eaten fruit logo on it to fill the holes in their souls

Thissss on the battery thing, as soon as graphite batteries hit the market smart watches will finally be useful.

But I'm compelled to get a Huawei watch 2 since it's the cheapest smartwatch with Android Wear 2. (Google botnet integration is a god send for my convenience nowadays.)

For me, a smartwatch is just another thing I have to charge all the time. My watch is powered by the sun, tells the time/date/day, and a few other things I'll never use.

Pebble was the best idea behind a smartwatch because of the battery life and e-ink display. Thanks fitbit for buying them out then doing jack shit with it so far.

>Powered by the sun
Where's the solar panels?

All around the bezel here

Batteries. I want to charge it once a week at most. Until then it's a no go.

It's a fade, who gives a fuck.

They're all fuck-huge except for the 38mm Apple watch. Apple gave women and manlets an expensive option to prove their status.

Oh, that's cool.

Why did Apple Watch succeed where Android Wear/FitBit/Pebble/Band failed?

They are phone accessory, not phone substitute.

Who the fuck wears wristwatches nowadays?



Bruh, I said it already. There aren't any android watches for ladies and manlets.

The Apple watch is also the only one marketed as an aspirational device. Buy it and you'll be a functioning adult who takes care of their body. Apple sells sheeple a better version of themselves. Android/Pebble tries to sell their watches on features, which aren't currently compelling enough to sell themselves at iWatch numbers.

I got a huawei watch 1 Christmas, I love it. Metal bland and metal case looks good. All my notifications right there. Voice to text is easy. Maps convenient for driving. Home and other automation via tasker. Control my kodi. Not have to take out my phone for my list while grocery shopping. Can find my phone easy if I misplace it. Control my bluetooth stereo. Granted much of that can be done with the phone but I find it more convenient.


Here is some supplemental reading material on aspirational marketing:

Apple has tremendous mind share and brand value they can literally do whatever they want. Pebble was relatively unknown and badly advertised. Plus you had tech reviewers that insisted touchscreen LCD or OLED is the cats meow instead of the way Pebble did things. Almost everybody bitches about smart watches needing charged daily but reviewers spent more time complaining about "washed out colors" compared to LCD or OLED. Nevermind that Pebble actually had really nice colors under bright sunlight whereas LCDs or OLED where/are barely visible in such conditions and drain their batteries in a hurry trying to fight daylight with their backlighting. Pebbles are nice because they do the watch thing really well (always on display that doesn't burn battery and week-long battery life) and are just smart enough to add value over a normal watch but don't demand your constant attention with short battery life and xbox-huege physical size

t/proud Pebble owner and really pissed the aren't any replacements aside from obscure China watches on AlieX that aren't as good

got a gear fit for the HR and wrist GPS
alerts are nice I guess

Addendum: Apple watch is so pervasive in the minds of average people that over 50% of the smartwatch market is Apple watch and almost everyone thinks Apple watch if you mention smartwatch. So basically Apple watch is now the bar that all others are compared to in the minds of normies.

>tfw still have a pebble time steel going strong
I hope rebble picks up traction but I'm annoyed fitbit demolished the company. Pebble really made the perfect smartwatch.