Best Pc case fans?
Case fans
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If 140mm fans then Noctua iPPC-2000, NB-eLoop and Aerocool DS are all pretty top-tier.
If you're on a budget, the Arctic Cooling F14 series is pretty decent and also quiet.
whatever the cheapest
i wouldnt pay over 10 usd for a case fan
Pic is my fans, a bit pricy but work great with a fan controller.
The only ones that are better are Sanyo Denki fans but instead of 35 a pop they easily cost 70.
used deltas
Is the correct choice. I nabbed a bunch of delta and san ace fans from old work units and my PC - now that i've tamed the pwm signal - can air cool anything that can be air cooled.
as could be expected people will start posting some gay meme fans.
this is fan for a real man
Pretty sure pic related is the only correct answer.
>banshee scream
The sound of 1U server powering up.
When fan TDP is higher than your CPU TDP.
>over 53W
that would slice your finger clean off
Boy oh boy have I got a video for you.
quick rundown on pic?
It is a greyscale jpeg picture with the dimensions of 638x630 pixels.
Yes, i get them for like $12 at ebay. Just as good as noctua fans.
is there any brand that can get on noctuas level
>b-b-but mine cools just aswell
while being a fucking leafblower
>b-b-but mine is just as silent
while not connected probably
suck it up noctua WINS
pretty much
also cheap as fuck
Many of the industrial/server focused fans far outstrip noctua - the issue is consumer pleb motherboards don't pump enough juice through their headers to power them. My board has a 4 or 5amp header intended for water pumps and bolting the delta fan I have to it gives me near silent rpm at idle and more than enough cooling (because said fan is extra thicc) without screaming at me. In fact basically every 38mm thick fan murders noctua's efforts.
daily reminder pc fans are a meme
they just introduce dust and loud noises, a passively cooled case with teh PSU pulling from within is all u need
the mobo, SSD sensors never get above 30C
My personal favorite. Cheap, reliable and also has header sharing while maintaining speed control.
These xspc ones
I've had good luck with em.
Only PC fan I've had as a Top exhaust fan that doesn't make noise after 1+ year of use.
I've had expensive ($20+) Delta and other fans fail at the same task.
>I was just pretending
i like gentle typhoons and ek vardar fans.
Nigger image search knows what it is.
so.... i can't stick my penis in it?
>gentle typhoons and ek vardar fans.
Pretty much the same thing.
IDK why they stopped making Gentle typhoons.
I have the be quiets, they're quiet as fuck but don't move loads of air.
>be quiets, they're quiet as fuck
The hint is in the name. Its also why the dark rock pro 3 is quieter than a D15 at basically every point of the rpm curve but loses out on aboslute performance on really high TDP chips.
Nidec still makes them, they just changed distributor. Current one goes by DarkSide I think. But in any case they're starting to show its age against newer designs.
put it on succc and you'l dont need meme fans
>you'll never be forced by your yandere gf to put your penis in there as punishment for having looked at another girl's pic online
Life is suffering.
yeah this. also coolerguys distributes them too.
>their amazon store page
>and actual website
i just bought two of the pwm 2150 versions from their amazon store page
but why the fuck is it a jpg?
yea but what if 38mm Nostua?
>not having a passively cooled psu
You can't get GTs unless you buy 100 of them at once. Nidec basically stopped dealing with consumers.
Also Vardars are very different. I bought some of them for the PWM connector and they're far from balanced. From my experience they even make tons of additional noise on radiators, the irony. Good fans, but definitely not silent and far from GTs.
Got an erection
Because fuck Kerning, thats why.
I don't think those exist.
I have these be quite silent wings 2 and top down cpu cooler of the same.
The only fan I can hear is on my gtx card.