I want Ubuntu but no systemd. How do I do this?
I want Ubuntu but no systemd. How do I do this?
you can't
closest you can get is Devuan.
U know a right answer
Suck it up and install gentoo
I don't like shit
Is Devuan worth it or should I just remove systemd from a normal Debian install?
> Is Devuan worth it or should I just remove systemd from a normal Debian install?
Can you even do that without fucking it up?
If you are not sure use devuan
then why are you installing ubuntu?
Yeah, I'll just use this guide on it. It doesn't seem that difficult.
You can't
All those deluded Linux shills who had been saying things "You have unlimited choices with Linux" were lying. The truth is that just like Windows, pretty much all relevant parts of Linux are controlled by a company, the paradise were open source hackers collaborate freely is a myth.
Here is a rant written by a Red Hat employee (company that controls pretty much all the fundamental components of your LInux desktop: systemd, pulseaudio, GNOME, GTK, among others)
I'd go with Devuan if I were you.
By giving that repo priority you're pretty much not even using Debian anymore but some chimera so might as well go with Devuan, at least there's a community around it so you can look shit up when your stuff breaks (it will).
What's wrong with systemd?
It's still open-source dum dum, and anybody can make a fork.
>reddit spacing
Please go back to Windows
But does Devuan get all of the updates at the same time as Debian or no?
No idea, never tried it.
Don't you get tired of making the same inane comment?
We all know you can fork open source software you imbecile, but guess what?
Forking software =/= maintain a project that consists of millions of lines of code, which is maintained by a team of highly paid engineers and of which you have almost no documentation.
Fucking deluded Linux shills, man.
AntiX is a better option
no, not ArtiX
with an "n"
its a Debian based distro thats been around a long time
>antiX is a fast, lightweight and easy to install systemd-free linux ...
Just make a single post, jesus.
sorry, it just legitimately bothers me more people dont know about antix. it also bothers me that theres a new distro called artix whose name looks almost identical
I think you may have autism. Please get that checked out
Ubuntu uses Gnome which uses systemd so basically no.
You don’t want Ubuntu, you want an easy install.
I'm specifically not though
False statement. I want something that just let's me do work.
FUCK you
Gentoo with openrc is still comfy
>tfw you need autism to be comfy
youre thinking of artix
Nope. Antix is a meme. Just get devuan.
Oh wait devuan is a meme too.
Just use gentoo or void
Oh wait gentoo and void are memes too. Just use systemd
It's still open-source dum dum, and anybody can make a company to mantain the fork
antix is not a meme. you can tell by the fact that no one mentions it other than me
antix cant even boot into its own installer without editing its boot config
t. artix and antix user
>thinks he knows what reddit spacing is
Install gentoo, unironically.
Ubuntu is built on systemd. If you replace it you'll have to reconfigure everything yourself. Ubuntu will stop just werking, and if so, what's the value of it? It's simpler to just install gentoo.
I don't have time for Gentoo
Then enjoy systemd.
Every normie distro is set up to work with systemd.
You need plenty of time to figure out how to make it work with a different init program.
Systemd is comfy and convenient. Whatever reasons you have for not wanting systemd are likely incompatible with Ubuntu. Might as well go full linux from scratch.
sudo apt remove systemd
OR I could just use something that doesn't use systemd but respects that the user has other shit to do
install gentoo
Use Devuan then.
You can't, without having to configure your alternative init to do the same thing systemd did.
Does Devuan have a minimal net install like Debian?
What is systemd
>acuses someone of reddit spacing
>uses reddit spacing
try antiX-16.3, it is mostly debian with systemD removed and a kernel upgrade
I use MX Linux. It's the same but less autistic
antix is definitely for people who dont mind a little tinkering; that doesnt make it bad
antix is relatively ok for normies
try antix user
>mx linux
neat, another distro i might actually like. xfce is a nice DE
Where is it?
stop posting lain
shes shit