Is this a viable option?
Is this a viable option?
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and it's getting updated to Quantum in may or so (follows ESR)
Yes. The true Sup Forumsentoomen browser.
Wow, I only have to wait 5 FUCKING months!
That cat looks comfy
Uh I thought the next ESR was going to be 59? Generally they are separated by 7 stable releases, why the delay?
Why not jus use pale moon, fifth browser or midiri instead?
IceCat is great if you like Firefox but not Mozilla, since aside from telemetry and similar stuff being removed it is otherwise identical to Firefox
so well finally have unmozilled quantum
Somehow it is available on FDroid, but not on ARM gahnoo/loonix distros, so, 6/10.
No. Just install Chrome and be fucking done with it.
So why not Waterfox
>Wow, I only have to wait 5 FUCKING months!
Yes. That's how ESR works. It's meant to be stable and comfy.
Last time I checked this image, it said 59 would be the next ESR, but they must have made a change in plans. The image does say that the dates are subject to change.
Yeah that pretty much sums it up right there.
Indeed. It'll be awesome!
>not on ARM gahnoo/loonix
It's source code. Compile the fucker
I literally don't see a reason to even try this browser out, since it's fucking Firefox with different branding.
Unless you have so much of a grudge against mozilla that you think it's worth the switch. I read that even the privacy settings that it's pre-configured with don't make so much of a difference, unless I've been lied to.
t. Mr. Robot fan
>fucking Firefox with different branding.
When will this meme die?
>even the privacy settings that it's pre-configured with don't make so much of a difference
>unless I've been lied to
You have.
Also, changes you make to privacy settings on Moz://a's version have been known to revert themselves on update.
Meme into getting rid of FF and using Icecat
This here
What's the advantage?
Because Waterfox is going to be eternally stuck on version 56 and since I like Quantum a lot I don't want anything to do with it. So far I'm just using Firefox with custom settings but when IceCat 60 comes out I might try it.
Apparently they are delaying it to have a more mature Quantum for the ESR.
And if I don't care about Quantum, is there any difference at all?
The difference is that the pre-Quantum codebase and plugin system is vomit inducing, and that Waterfox is sooner or later going to end up like Pale Moon, left too far behind from upstream.
Whats so great about quantum for someone who understands techical details but hasnt heard of it
this. it exists only because debian didnt want to use the firefox brand because they didnt like the license. its just firefox with different logo and name so its probably still sending everything you browse to google if you didnt disable it in about:config
Wrong. That was IceWeasel, made by the Debian project.
This is GNU Icecat, which actually does something (disables all telemetry, removes proprietary components, gets rid of WebRTC and EME)
Actually take the 5 minutes to look this up.
Please let this fucking meme end.
nothing. its slow on older computers and the ui is disgusting.
Are there any binaries for Wangblows?
I only see binaries for GNU/Linux
Yeah they only make binaries for GNU/Linux.
Cute neko.
Yes, it must be usable.
Why would you want it? No treestyletabs is unusable.
When is someone going to compile it for Windows? There's gotta be a neckbeard out there willing to do it.
Good thing there is Tree Style Tabs for Quantum.
the developer said it was impossible though?
Firefox botnet is the least of your worries on Windows anyway.
I was seriously thinking of this yesterday. Is there a demand for it?
Isn't their real issue is that recent Mozilla build systems use MSVC for windows binaries? of course GNU people cannot use that.
So he reneged on his claims that he wouldn't try to update it and that it was impossible? Can you give us some backstory?
Anyway, I guess I can get off 56.0.2 while I wait for icecat 60 then. Thanks.
I want it but since I know it doesn't exist I generally ignore icecat threads. Just popped in today to see what alternative browsers people are using.
its gnu software. gnu people do not care about windows users and would never support people using it by compiling a version for their proprietary os. switch to a freedom respecting os if you want to use it.
Indeed it used to be impossible a few month ago, I haven't looked too closely into it but apparently Mozilla wants to expand the capabilities of WebExtensions regarding tab management and TST is one of the first ones to benefit from these changes.
>Yes. That's how ESR works. It's meant to be stable and comfy.
Sounds a bit shit to be honest
Aint nothing wrong with firefox.
It's great. LibreJS can be annoying. Turned it off. But other than that, it feels great, since it's basically FF without the botnet.
>Obscure browser thread
>If its something a normie knows about, im not using it, edition.
Normies hardly recall that firefox is a browser, since they've all been using chrome strictly for the past 7-8 years.
I remember during the IE exodus, Firefox was pretty popular among normies for at least a year or so, then it got abandoned for the proper botnet
Im told firefox is an obscure browser for some reason.
Is this how the world is like? Im sorry ive been living in a bunker for the last ~10 years and do not interact with humans very much.
It's obscure in the sense that relatively few people actually use it.
What's the most lightweight Firefox fork? Currently using Seamonkey which I like but it still takes a long while to start up
Its uh Frigidhowl 4.20
one of my normie friends actually recommended firefox to me over chrome so i moved over, i had wanted to for ages but have so much shit synced with my gmail
Vanilla Firefox is ok, but you need to take some 5 minutes of time to harden it and disable a bunch of undesirable features. Sup Forums just has an hateboner for Mozilla, sometimes warranted, sometimes not.
i moved over when quantum came out desu actually really happy with it all my addons were updated and those that weren't were supported after about a week it's a comfy browser only thing i dont like is the lack of a download bar at the bottom. Definately great that it uses less ram when i moved over i only had 4gb as my pc died so had to upgrade without much money chrome only allowed for like 10 tabs with smooth operation while firefox allowed atleast 30 if not more
I use Palemoon because their automatic downloader is a nice thing but IceCat is GOAT. Too bad they jump to quantum shit in may.
>ppa for Ubuntu broken
>Deb package doesn't work on 17.10
>Tarball is massive and has no working launcher
>AUR package long since broken
I wouldn't know if it's viable, it's impossible to install.
Its way slower that ESR on my toaster for some reason
I agree with the tiers each browser is in, but Waterfox and Seamonkey aren't part of the Mozilla project and haven't been for years now. That disclaimer doesn't apply to them.
>auto search botnet in url bar
>tons of autistic non-free JS addons
>new page botnet still there
>plugins more difficult to install finding a compatible version
and at the end of the day its still firefox. they just do some of the work you. so why not just de-botnet quantum on your own?
IceCat should be on every distro desu
Tech illiteracy should be a bannable offense on this board