I might lose my job over this but you guys need to know

I might lose my job over this but you guys need to know.

>From: me
>To: me
fuck off and kill yourself.

>inb4 hurr you are le shill!
kill yourself larping scum


An iToddler has defended this

>doesn't know what larping means
The "la" means "live action", you gay nigger. The internet isn't live action. Cut your own throat.

How do they identify you?

>iToddlers literally getting paid to shitpost


this would have been more believable if you had used safari instead of MS edge. no one posting from cupertino would be using any MS browser.

man i wish i could just afford the iPhone x.

Gary, come to the boardroom immediately.

begin key: AHSU7396L9L5JEBFJ43HDN6
end key


This. Learn to shit in a fucking toilet, Pajeet.

iToddlers on suicide watch

Stupid paranoid android retards, there’s no shill campaign.

Apple doesn’t need to shill a superior device to idiots like you.

You're all just stupid, poor unemployed neets that are jealous of my shiny new iPhone X

>take the time to remind you

I expected you to try harder. You disappointed me.

We can't tell who the players are any more.
Which means advertising no longer has any meaning ... so that's a plus.


iFag defense force has arrived



We have to submit our post ID in a special form to be reviewed by a Team Leader


I thought consumer threads were against Sup Forums rules and shilling against global rules

this isn't even entry-level mass.comm 101 bullshit, this is just below amateur

their campaign manager needs to be fired



>trying defend apple produtcs in Sup Forums
You should try it in Sup Forums on the threads of iPresident.

>using the name of one of the best songs ever made, which also refers to one of the best sci-fi books ever made to denigrate Android users.

Go back in your basement, Rasheed. When I am king you'll be first against the wall.

typing on the keyboard to pretend to be an apple shill is live action you fucking autistic nigger piece of shit. drink bleach

>pretending to be an apple shill

We aren’t going to fall for your disinformation Pajeet.
We know your kind operates here.

>the state of itoddlers

when did Sup Forums start unironically falling for shoops and inspect element edits? shit happens on Sup Forums all the time, too. you can literally make up anything you want and idiots believe it

feels like it's been a long time since i heard the words "fake and gay"

>an iToddler has denied the existence of his shill campaign.


>this whole thread

Just stop now iPadjeet
Your campaign has been exposed

>iFags pretending they're just joining the decent




>the decent
Hello iRajesh

Just buy a fucking banner already.

iToddlers will defend this

Looks like you got the same memo as OP.
Fuckin Loser


where do you even apply for such a job.


this thread

that explains it. They can shit on pretty much anything that's not a toilet.

Have you even seen a work email before? Jesus this is awful. It is also unbelievable for a fake.

The email clearly explains the entire situation. Real work emails do not do that, they are fragmented and rely on people already understanding parts of the picture. I have never heard anyone provide a full summary of a strategy in any email.

You also use terminology that a real advertising agency would be unfamiliar with and write words in quotes that no sane person would quote in a work email "iFag". A real email would just allude to "homophobic slurs", since writing the word Fag is a big no-no for anyone corporate.

What's funny is that you are so delusional that you cannot believe someone would disagree with you. Instead, you imagine that there is some vast conspiracy. That is called a psychotic break. Then you forge evidence of your imagined conspiracy.

Who has that kind of time?

>ipajeet damage control

>Apple cares about what gets posted on Sup Forums

Listen, faggot. You're not fooling anyone here. You're wasting your time calling "crazy" who disagrees with you, and making threads with Apple products whose pics' names have the same pattern, everyday. It's fucking obvious to someone who has more than 2 working neurons.

Don't bother to reply or pretend you don't know what you're doing, fucking Tom Cook bitch.

>dere r no shillz

Exactly what an I toddler would say

Does anyone remember when the criminally insane stayed on /x/?
Those where nice times.

I hate Apple but why would they shill here? To gain 0.000001% market share?

What if you get dubs? OR TRIPS??

I need the money, how would I apply for this job? I spend almost everyday here and could post a lot.

>makes a thread about shilling that everyone already knows about
>loses his job
gg op

Why the fuck not?

If legit, post templates from network share

>to: me
>800 billion dollar tech behemoth scrambling to make 10 sales to the 0.4% of non-neckbeards on an obscure anime forum

Is there a name for the disorder where you think you're vastly more important and relevant to someone else than you actually are?

>what is blind carbon copy

I suppose you’ve never had a job iToddler

Delusions of grandeur.

>muh sekrit klub XD

>Androjeet honestly and truly believes Apple Inc, APPLE, are on a campaign to convince the 50 daily users of an obscure, soon-to-be-banned anime website to buy things 3 of them can afford

This is truly the dumbest place on the internet. I come here to laugh. Please, please tell me in explicit writing you believe Apple are ruthlessly trying to sell iPhones to Sup Forums and have entire teams working on it. I want to screencap it and put in my 4channer dumb fuck Hall of Fame along with screencaps from mentally handicapped /biz/ troglodytes.

>Sup Forums.org

99.9999% of that figure isn't for Sup Forums
have you seen how slow this board moves?

>>Apple cares about what gets posted on Sup Forums
They should. I actually bought a Thinkpad for university because Sup Forums shilled it hard enough. Now I'm not saying I would have bought a macbook if they shilled for that instead (i'm a poorfag so i can't afford one to begin with), but others could be persuaded into buying one.

So you think the costs and time involved in persuading 20 people on a forum are worth it to Apple when they have Hollywood, the music and arts industries by the balls? God you're fucking dumb. Don't forget to take a toothbrush to that keyboard. Don't forget to replace those wobbly hinges and wait 28 days for delivery from chinkland for a new palm rest.

15,000 posts daily and that doesn’t include all the lurkers who don’t post. It’s not slow by any means

Samsung doesn't have this problem

That spike is literally Sup Forums though.
You know a legion of redditors moved in there right?
Does the donald rings any bell?

>Eastern European samshill literally doxxed about a month ago


> Thu, Dec 18, 2017


Easy n cheap

Larping is a colloquialism. Its been used so often to refer to shills and roleplayers that the live action part doesnt even matter. The language evolved

You are so dumb. This board is in an obscure corner of the internet and has people that Apple does not want as customers.

The average person on Sup Forums is:
>Not attractive
>Not into social networking
>Not making $200,000 or more.
>Not willing to pay for anything they can pirate.
>Associated with embarrassing political/social movements.
>Already brainwashed into shouting down anything Apple.
>Just not cool.

Instead, Apple can focus on twitter, instagram, facebook, football commercials, google searches, large reviewers, news outlets, etc. There is absolutely no reason to waste time and money on Sup Forums, which is full of manchildren without money. Apple's audience are socially successful professionals, not weird stigmatized creepjobs who learned CS to compensate for their small dick and undesirable personalities.

How much did you get for that post? is it one cent per word?

>insulting the intelligence of other users
>calling them poor
>denying shilling is taking place
>bigging up iPhone users

Holy shit the fucking OP post is spot on

Doesn't even surprise me. I used to work for Apple (no proofs provided, so take this with a few grains of salt). I did a lot of low level software engineering for iDevices. I worked on iPads mostly but the EFI on all A-series stuff will be mostly the same across all products with the same chipset. Anyways, I can vouch for the probable authenticity of OP's image. Looks a lot like the usual formatting and language used in many other Apple internal emails and the friendly reminder at the end corresponds with the stuff in the official training manuals they give you on day one in retail stores and Apple Care call centers. As far as posting from Windows/Edge goes, that's also consistent. Do you guys really think that Apple gives a fully loaded iMac to every single Pajeet in tech support? Of course not. They buy cheap Dell and Lenovo business machines running some enterprise flavor of Windows. In hardware engineering they still had CNC machines that were running 32-bit Windows XP Pro as of like 2014. Most of the offices have some dual core i5 trash pre-builts from Dell running Windows 7 Enterprise. The only times that Apple employees actually use Apple products is in the retail stores or in the public areas of their corporate offices, and that's to keep up their appearance as a company. I did the bulk of my development on Windows 7 and the servers where we kept the code we worked on were running RHEL. The only time I ever pulled out a Mac was when I needed to test the serial interface that the boot ROM sets up to talk to iTunes and make sure that it was passing alone the correct IDs and signatures and stuff for the hardware. I also used a Mac for some Apple internal software that we used to build software packages and bundle them for flashing.

TLDR Apple is a lie

Fuck, I want that job. Looks so easy.