I post a text about a GNU/Linux distribution from the official website and you try to guess the name of the distribution.
Distro number 1:
The philosophy of *name_of_distro*
Every user has work they need to do. The goal of *name_of_distro* is to design tools and systems that allow a user to do that work as pleasantly and efficiently as possible, as they see fit. Our tools should be a joy to use, and should help the user to appreciate the richness of the Linux and free software community, and the flexibility of free software. This is only possible when the tool is designed to reflect and transmit the will of the user, and leave the possibilities open as to the final form of the raw materials (the source code.) If the tool forces the user to do things a particular way, then the tool is working against, rather than for, the user. We have all experienced situations where tools seem to be imposing their respective wills on us. This is backwards, and contrary to the *name_of_distro* philosophy.
Put another way, the *name_of_distro* philosophy is to create better tools. When a tool is doing its job perfectly, you might not even be very aware of its presence, because it does not interfere and make its presence known, nor does it force you to interact with it when you don’t want it to. The tool serves the user rather than the user serving the tool.
The goal of *name_of_distro* is to strive to create near-ideal tools. Tools that can accommodate the needs of many different users all with divergent goals. Don’t you love it when you find a tool that does exactly what you want to do? Doesn’t it feel great? Our mission is to give that sensation to as many people as possible.
Easton Rogers
Parker Fisher
Samuel Morales
Right, good job!
Distro number 2
Not a fork!
*distro_name* is an independent distribution, developed entirely by volunteers.
Unlike trillions of other existing distros, *distro_name* is not a modification of an existing distribution. *distro_name*'s package manager and build system have been written from scratch.
We use runit as the init system and service supervisor.
runit is a simple and effective approach to initialize the system with reliable service supervision. See the usage page for a brief introduction.
Adam Adams
Distro number 3
*distro_name* is a source-based GNU/Linux distribution based on a sorcery metaphor of "casting" and "dispelling" programs, which we refer to as "spells", and a package manager called "Sorcery". Our packages are designed to allow the user to customize the package any way they want (custom CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, ./configure flags, etc.) as well as offering as many of the package options as possible to the user up-front (you will not need to know what options a package has or what optional dependencies it can use ahead of time). Source code is always downloaded from the publisher's website and rarely patched. *distro_name* also includes many advanced features such as self-healing and sub-dependencies
Luis Rogers
source magic?
Joseph Perez
Hunter Rodriguez
*Source mage, right!
Good job
Distro number 4
*distro_name* takes an approach called security by compartmentalization, which allows you to compartmentalize the various parts of your digital life into securely isolated compartments called *distro_name*.
Brayden Thomas
Angel Perez
Kevin Campbell
DIstro 5 The purpose of *distro_name* is to produce a modern, elegant and comfortable operating system which is both powerful and easy to use.
*distro_name* is one of the most popular desktop Linux distributions and used by millions of people.
Tyler Evans
Dylan Cooper
Distro 6
The *distro_name* Philosophy
Since its first beta release in April of 1993, the *distro_name* Project has aimed at producing the most "UNIX-like" Linux distribution out there. *distro_name* complies with the published Linux standards, such as the Linux File System Standard. We have always considered simplicity and stability paramount, and as a result *distro_name* has become one of the most popular, stable, and friendly distributions available.
Charles Rivera
Gabriel Jackson
Josiah Wood
>april 1993 Slackware
Luke Barnes
Damn phone, I meant Mint.
Anthony Peterson
You are really close
You get it!
Good job Distro 7
A simple, lightweight distribution
Our strong community is diverse and helpful, and we pride ourselves on the range of skillsets and uses for *distro_name* that stem from it. Please check out our forums and mailing lists to get your feet wet. Also glance through our wiki if you want to learn more about *distro_name*.
Hudson Brooks
Distro 8
*distro_name* is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost anywhere you go and on any computer but leaving no trace unless you ask it to explicitly.
Kevin Hill
Distro 9
“The plethora of tools provided by *distro_name* allows me to get the job done. It just works.”
Jeremiah Brooks
Chase Phillips
Arch ?
Isaiah Scott
Jordan Edwards
> (You) >Ubuntu
Distro 10
*distro_name* is a Linux distribution with a unique approach to package and configuration management. Built on top of the *distro_name* package manager, it is completely declarative, makes upgrading systems reliable, and has many other advantages.
This was the last one, you can create your own questions if you want, hope you enjoyed it