Day 3, Hiro still hasn't fixed the issue nor apologized. Please purge your UO cache and update your filter lists if you haven't yet.
Day 3, Hiro still hasn't fixed the issue nor apologized...
Can someone give me a full rundown of what happened?
Sup Forums's serving bitcoin miners as ads instead of ads
if you try to block them Sup Forums stops working
Is this is why I the site looks like bbs unless I allow and other shit in noscript?
Hiro infected our site with AIDS
>discussing Sup Forums on any other website
>using any other website
Absolutely disgusting.
Yes. You didn't actually allow these sites, did you?
Use uMatrix instead of that shit so you both block xhr from them and still receive css from Sup Forums.
I can't post anything.
Because you disallowed google captcha servers and/or don't use proper userscript to browse 4chans.
oh, now I can...
my original post, I got connection error when I tried to post it
It doesn't support wildcard domains. You have to make rule for every fucking subdomain, or it will still allow it. Add those rules to your firewall with * around.
This is inane.
Why can't I post path to hosts file?
if I block the aids will Sup Forums x and oneechan sort out the CSS problem?
Looks like you already have a miner on you, good luck :^)
I just can't do it.
It's not just ads, its does xhr to all those suspicious domains.
rip then
>using the smiley with a carrot nose
Sorry, have this instead.
There’s no actual problem, you’re just being trolled or buying into fearmongering. The real problem is user data being sold in order for Hiro to rake in a suspicious amount of money, but that’ll be forgotten once this blows over.
Possible venerability?
GNAA 2.0 when?
i get the ads and obfuscated javascript, but has the bitcoin mining shit actually been confirmed by anyone or is it just a rumor started by some 8gagger who people just took and ran with?
>and obfuscated javascript
So it can be literally anything. What's your point. If it can be abused, it will be.
>there’s no actual problem, goy. Hand over your data!
Fuck off Hiro
what’s your point? the obfuscation is obviously for bypassing ad blockers, i’m asking if the bitcoin miner thing is actually true or not. even if obfuscated it’s not like javascript is running in some black box, it’s easy to see if you are making requests to weird sites or using up more processes than usual
How do I protect myself? Is this little line of code in ublock really enough? It seems too simple. I see people talking about umatrix but I’m a pleb and I don’t know what that is
The malicious sites arent showing up on uBlock anymore
does that mean the filters worked?
That is enough. It's a filter, there's no need for it to be long, it just needs to block the bad shit you don't want.
No, this meaning they getting better in hide themselves.
I dont understand, I don't see ads and I see the site fine, but I'm still using Adblocker plus because I'm lazy.
this is false info
You can see it yourself if you go into your browser dev tab
Paranoia is a very comforting state of mind. If you think they're out to get you, it means you think you matter.
On all boards?
oh shit niggers it disappeared from my umatrix
I don't matter for +++them+++. Only my connection and my processing power matter.
How long has this stuff been in the code now?
A few hours or days?
3 days
3 days including today.
they appear on request policy
can't you lads track hiro down?
>have adblock with allowing non-intrusive cancer disabled
>have uBlock with autoupdating enabled to manually block things like those fucking sidebars on sites like wikia, or anything that slips past (((adblock)))
>nothing new on the site, nothing new in my system processes or CPU usage
I feel like I missed out on all the excitement. Browsing without any of those seems insane desu senpai.
Yellow monkey should hang anyway for rangebanning everyone to force them to buy passes.
Did regular u-Block origin also block the "mining and scanning" without the extra filter? I didn't notice any difference the last few days of browsing.
Unless you use noscript, which just works.
Only umatrix idiots are having problems.
I tested with a regular u block and with the extra filters and ther was no real difference, but still better be safe than sorry user
Sup, String.fromCharCode)
You're welcome.
Much appreciated.
Godspeed Anons.
boards.Sup, String.fromCharCode)*
What's wrong, with this one?
i'm not a code guy, does this go into the unblock origin my filters section?
>it scans your PC and for identifiers such as your PC's name, MachineGuid and your Windows Account ID
What's the point of spreading FUD like this?
Can we disable and replace all Sup Forums scripts with custom user scripts? how hard would it be?
Sup Forums x works fine with Sup Forums native js blocked
- 3 new domains are loaded when visiting Sup Forums, executing obfuscated JavaScript
- when trying to block them, Sup Forums CSS breaks an the site looks like shit
- based gorhill fixed it by adding a new filter to ublock, so most people with automatic filter update woun't notice any change
- hiro is silent
- anons trolling newfags into fear and tears
wait, it was automatically added to ublock? so I dont need to do anything myself?
if you update your filter the css isn't broken so i guess no
i think its the ads especially the weebshit ads
some sites is also serving that css breaking shit
How will I know If cpu usage increased. I use firecux to browse 4chin and it uses lots of cpu on its own
Identifying market distribution. Stock prices go up if you're winning.
>doesn't know what code does
>knows what code does
>pay dorrah fo chan pass or we mine coin didi mao didi mao!!!
Do you know what FUD means?
>tfw I never blocked Sup Forums ads like a good goy
>Still get fucked by Hiroshigook
Thanks for forcing my hand with this bullshit
It's true though. And fear is derived from a real threat. That's what the data is used for.
It's not true. It's a fucking browser script.
It can't read your "windows account id"
I can understand minified/uglified JS for transfer optimization (source maps are a nice thing to include), but handcrafted obfuscation with the intent to hide a piece of code's purpose is gross.
I don't think anyone has confirmed miners being run yet. However, the domains that are being called out to HAVE hosted malware in the past so people are jumping to the worst conclusion. I don't blame them though.
Just cuck my website up senpai
>Being this defeatist
Jesus christ it has so many likes too, fuck thie country.
>However, the domains that are being called out to HAVE hosted malware in the past so people are jumping to the worst conclusion. I don't blame them though.
Maybe Hiro is just running out of options? Advertisers have been pulling away from people associated with the alt right.
Do you read everything multiple times to find a single semantic to nitpick?
He should just let Shkreli finance it. That's still miles better than some mining shit
To be honest what is even the point that Garrison is trying to make? Mass shootings aren't the result of guns we don't want to control but the result of pharmaceuticals we don't want to regulate?
This is not semantics, this is pure fear mongering.
It doesn't "scan your pc" for anything. There are no coin miners. It's just ads that try to bypass ad blockers and try to fuck up the site if they are blocked.
It's really bad but lying to make it seem worse than it is is downright stupid and doesn't help anyone.
Your fault for falling for the good goy maymay desu.
I'm right, aren't I. You can't even concede you're being the slightest bit obtuse.
Name a single wrong thing I said.
@dril is a shitposting twitter.
You're still missing the point. I think you're just a shitty person. There's no point trying to help you.
>no argument
don't know mate
compare with another website maybe
Ok. Have fun being alone now.
If being alone means that you'll stop replying to my posts then that's great.
that it's mentally ill be people do mass shootings and they're not geting the medication they need because the kikes at pharma only care about profits
Okay so the point then becomes not guns that I don't want to control but health care that I want to repeal
I see, that makes much more sense
user you must add more sub-servers
host file don't block all related proxies and servers
We had a pasta yesterday here with 18 servers to block from these address
I sent the address to Dan Pollock’ and hphost I hope they add them in their next update
There are a couple of missing servers this is not the full list
I'm working on deobfuscating the code and I *will* get to the bottom of what it's doing. So far I've reverse-engineered some 80% of the initial inline script, which seems to be "only" responsible for the communication with the cancerous hosts through XHRs, encoding and decoding payloads exchanged with them, and purposely (no doubt about it) disabling all active css sheets and removing src attributes from all elements in case communication fails. Now, the real cancer, I believe, gets served later -- at one point one of the hosts sends 36KB of additional JavaScript for evaluation (that's 6 times more than the inline script) and it's extremely, and I mean fucking *extremely* obfuscated. I'll keep you fa/g/gots updated.
Is wildcarding in your blocker not sufficient? (Pic related my iPhone)
I don't own a smartphone and the last time I had one in my hands was 2013 so I have no idea how these adguard blockers work and/or if you can edit host file in mobile
all I know is host blocking is safer than ublock but the downside is you have to manually edit every new server you find
I don't see ads right now and I purged and updated my filters except for Malware Domain List, which won't update for some reason, am I fucked?
>Sup Forums
Can you link to his comment?