Now what the fuck is that? Have I been hacked? How is that allowed? If it is...

Now what the fuck is that? Have I been hacked? How is that allowed? If it is, who the fuck do the developers think they are?

Other urls found in this thread:


>using MacOS

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

> Samsung
Poor thing! Enjoy your 20 minutes battery life.


This is not the way things are done in 2017, user. Imagine all apps do silly shit like that.

This is actually something I get happy about every year

>being this depressed

I'm not religious.

Into the trash it goes then.

Santa isn't even came from christianity. It's a product of consumerism.

You don't have to be an edgy shit to not be religious.

mpv doesn't have this problem.

I'm muslim and I find this deeply offensive

>using vlc over mpv

Lol you deserve it

Sent from my Blackberry



:teary laughter emoticon: :teary laughter emoticon:

>mpd doesn't have this problem
>using desktop icons
i3+polybar+rofi, no icons = pure UI

>using the media player with the cone

>tfw not hacked

Yo what the fuck

Dude, fuckin A. PC Buffalo chips are dope.

I remember the original guy sperging out over this. Good times.

it could be worse you could be using shit linux distros




This happens every year so congrats on getting your vision back I guess

Sorry Mr. Shekelstein, no one cares about your war on Christmas.


Christmas is hardly a religious holiday. Most people celebrate it, regardless of religious affiliation. Not only that, but Christmas has traditionally been a holiday for non-christians. It wasn't even when Jesus was born as that was very likely in July and was moved to December to undercut Saturnalia and/or Yule.

>It wasn't even when Jesus was born as that was very likely in July
I was born in the same month as Jesus. I feel special now.

>mpv doesn't have this problem either


SMPlayer doesn't have this problem.

macOS does this gay shit cause you let it.

At least my icon isn't hacked, but they jewed my startup screen.

What if someone is Muslim??

This could be offensive.

> using the cone with santa hat

Opposite to me, reminds me it's christmas again and nothing has changed


How NEW are you?

Simply the best.
Your shitty wannabe media players don't count.

>inb4 it's shit because I'm too dumb to tweak and configure shit like I want it to be

Mpv user, you litterally just have to add one line into the config and have to type mpv (VIDEO HERE)

I used to be like you, think like you.
Then I downloaded MPV.

can someone pass a alpha background rip of that santa hat?

I'm kekistani and I'm here to tell you to get used to it. VLC is a WESTERN APP. What apps come out of your shit hole country?

That's a big hat.
If I took it off would you crash?

>using StarbucksOS

:joy: :joy:*

ITT triggered muzzies

Happy mac-o

Ho ho

These. And posting on a technology board, to boot. Just pathetic.

>Mactoddlers unironically post on Sup Forums

Yeah bro, all those passages in the bible about Santa Claus and Rudolph really tick me off.

It's a pagan holiday

*tips fedora*

complain to apple's official twitter and they'll remove it in minutes while deeply apologizing like the cuks they are

Actually, I've always appreciated that. It probably triggers every fagtard liberal and shitskin on the planet, though.


>ameriturd overgrown gnome "santa claus"
The only thing he has in common with Saint Nicholas is the name

I can watch videos for 8 hours during work if I wanted to on my s8+

>newfag and underage: the post

They are French and therefore faggots. Just compile your own version. It is free & open source software.

There should be two hats.


just change date to like February-november and it will go away


fuck you, pedo.

You're telling me a SAINT isn't from Christianity?

I thought they banned Christmas in France

Learn what a webm is you dumb macposter

Of course Santa is gay, he fucks all those little elf twinks.

Hon hon hon, sacré bleu, Americaines!

the pajeets did it too, makes me respect microsoft more.. god bless them

This offends me.

>mfw this offensive chr*stian shit gets removed

>he thinks mpd players video

change the date to before epoch time

>his VLC wears a fedora

calm down my dude, it's supposed to be fun

wtf i love drumph now


Christmas as it roots in pagan feasts and rituals that celebrated the winter solstice and the new year. Both Celts and Romans celebrated it in different ways.

When Christianity was trying to implant itself in Europe and to convert its people and rulers it appropriated these very popular solstice feats and rituals and merged them with their own traditions.

Christians authorities couldn't stop people from celebrating their pagan rituals so they simply Christianized them and made it a holly day. It was easier that way.

Then modern Christmas with Santa Claus, the Christmas tree, Christmas presents and all is much more of a consumerist celebration than a holy christian day but that's another story.