Private property is a good thing, lad.
Private property is a good thing, lad
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I agree. I still don't like Windows. Not for any ideological or political reasons, but because it's too damn clunky compared to everything else.
Back to /po/ you fricking tard.
You can't just say that for everything you disagree with. This is relevant to this board.
Hey, at least you didn't tell me to go back to lebbit like you Sup Forums shitheads usually do.
>papercraft and origami
>you can own an idea
>Private property is a good thing, lad.
yes it is, thats why its better to use an gpl or bsd licensed system for the pc you own, instead of windows, which restricts your usage scenarios through licensing.
>Still hoping Jamal gives his wife back.
>Thinks "proprietary" = "private property"
Nice try cunt. Standards are good thing, especially when your dogshit has to interoperate with someone else's dogshit.
>software is an idea, not a piece of engineering
>you can own something that can easily be copied without modifying the original
It isn't ownership of the bytes that make up a program, it's ownership of what that program does when executed, which is tangible
You do realize that's true of anything, right? The only difference is the "easily" part. And ease has never been enough to preclude ownership of anything, you faggot.
what the program does is still an idea
>you can't own things because property is theft and mean you reactionary bourgeois scum!
Commies pls leave.
What a building or a car does is really just an idea too.
>it's property because the state says so!
statist scum leave
a car is physical, software isn't
All property is property because the state says so, user.
>energy isn't physical
it's property because i can physically defend it
Even the concept of copyright/ownership is just the idea that I should have the right to stop other people from using something if I made it.
The difference with software is that software isn't just a string of bits; otherwise, it'd be just data. It's valuable because of what it does when executed, and it is that value which is owned
>implying Microsoft couldn't physically defend Windows if they wanted
all the more reason to eat the 1%er swine
>you can tell if someone copies your software
just because you came up with an idea shouldn't mean that others should be kept from using the same idea because you thought of it fiist
You can.
>all pirates are caught
Just because you acquired a deed to this spot from the state first and built a house on it first doesn't mean you should have exclusive rights to it!
Not all thieves are caught either, Satan. That doesn't make your stolen property any less property.
DC could sue Marvel for using Superman without license, not for having a superhero that flies around and wears a cape.
but not everyone needs the same land
trademark laws are different from copywrong and (((patent))) laws
I disagree, which is why the whole field of patent law exists. I don't like software patents, because software is covered by copyright, but if you invent something physical I think you ought to have some period of time where you can be the sole beneficiary of the distribution of your invention.
But anyways, for software, I think if you invent some algorithm or some other new thing in your software project then anyone should be able to take that particular idea and apply it elsewhere. The whole product isn't an idea though, it's a piece of engineering that does something, and is a new invention that you should have the copyright (closest to digital ownership we have) to.
software patents and drug patents should be abolished
Did you know companies can patent strands of DNA?
How the actual fuck is that allowed
Not everyone needs the same software either.
ITT: faggots can't tell the difference between software patents, IP (Intellectual Property), and Fair Use.
>How the actual fuck is that allowed
The US doesn't have a representative government, quick rundown for the not-so-politically inclined here:
have you considered free stuff?
>le jewspiracies meem XDDDDD
I laughed at that picture and briefly wondered why they aren't euthanized upon birth, am I a bad person?
Why are you sending me to do Origami, I'm not a fucking weeb.
>Private property is a good thing, lad.
said the monopolist robber barron
I cant wait for sheepal to get fed up with win10 and FINALLY break up MS into competing companies
>he thinks information can be private property
Goberment copyright laws can suck my snek.
>subjunctive mood
>anti-windows spammers were commies all along
huh interesting
I like free software but I also like money.
wat do?
I'm fucked
>piracy = thieving
Fold your anger and resentment into a paper bird and release it to fly away.
win10 is honestly fine. there are no reasons to switch any more
Well it can and it is.
>b-but it's government enforced
All property is government enforced, user. What stops me from stealing your bike?
Well, it sure doesn't equal caressing.
>What stops me from stealing your bike?
A gun.
Yeah, I like to own the software I use. Which is why I don't use windows.
Yeah, and how many games do you "own" on steam, retard.
I'm too old for (arcade) video games.
The only game I play is solitaire and minesweeper. I have the full rights to use, tweak, re-distribute them as I see fit. Problem?
fake news
I have a bigger one.
Several million lines of code is not just an idea.
Have you ever had a job before?
Programmers have families to feed, too.
Not that user, but technically you can sell free software, although that would probably lead to someone taking all your work and reselling it with a few modifications...
the interface is clunky and it take a million clicks to do anything not including the inevitable google search "how do I do this in Windows 10".
Not as bad as the freakshow that was Windows 8, but Microsoft really does have no taste.
Are you going to bring a RPG to steal a bike? You must not be that bright replying to my post without an actual argument. Instead you opt to make some cancerous "what if". My point is that governments aren't the only ones that can protect property, and you can't really protect intellectual property.
If million of lines are not easy to come up with and maintain, you should be okay to sell those millions of lines.
Back to Sup Forums
Microsoft can. Fleecing companies who have more copies installed than they paid for is part of their business.
>you have a right-wing opinion
>therefore you must be Sup Forums
OP is retarded because intellectual "property" can't be private property, but this post and any similar to it is retarded. Go back to /leftypol/, where all le Sup Forums boogyman posters originate.
>not supporting IP is communism
government cuck detected
Well your point has been proven wrong. Try again.
>claim property is theft
>call us government cucks
No, you are not. They can't enjoy life at all.
IP law is the exact opposite though, it's illegal to rip off a calculator app byte for byte, for example, but not to make a functionally identical calculator from scratch. I.E., it's the precise implementation that matters, not the general function.
Software and software patents are not the same thing. Patents are obviously retarded and should be abolished. But if you have an idea and keep it secret from others you basically own it and can profit from it.
Yes, private property is good. This is why if I buy a product I expect to receive and own said product, not the license to use a product that is still owned by someone else
Not when it comes to public infrastructure.