Fractal Design Define R6

When's this bad boy out?

The official statement was mid next week at the earliest.

Thank you


>Lets put a window so people can see the guts
>Oh no, people can see the guts. Lets put a shroud around all the components!

It's like watching naked girls in burkas.

>fewer drive cages
>have to buy separately (which will be very expensive to buy if you're outside the USA)

I'll be getting the R5 instead

it's already out where i live but why would you buy it?

r5 is superior to it in every aspect

>no psu shroud
>more HDD trays

>Make a white version
>Put a black front panel on it

Fuck you!

The power supply shroud isn't bad at all, makes it more clean looking aswell, its the same like asking why people canle manage in the back

>all these people complaining about HDD trays
If you have need of a ton of HDD space why don't you just build a NAS?