No iPhone X thread?
Let’s fix that.
No iPhone X thread?
Let’s fix that.
Is it charging or is there a pair of headphones plugged in?
Go back to /lgbt/
>Let’s fix that.
haha it's funny becuse iphone x is fucking buggy
Got mine yesterday and holy shit I love it. It's fucking awesome.
Notch is sort of ugly as fuck, but everything else is at least 20x better than android. I thought I would miss widgets or tabbing between apps-- nope, not a single bit. This is fucking glorious.
Also, siri kicks google's ass when it comes to phone functions. It's shit for internet searches, definitely go google on that, but I can basically tell my phone to do anything and it does it. Did not happen at all with any android device.
It might just be the novelty of iOS, but I am floored. Most satisfied I have been with a phone since I got my Note 4.
its a phone that people here don't like eyy waka waka guaranteed replies
What are your suggestions to fix this phone?
I, personally, don't like notch and OS. Cn we fix that?
Does it have 3.5 audio jack?
Can we fix logo too? I'm not vegetable...
This. Above and beyond the great screen and powerful phone, the phone is fucking greatly designed. It looks sexy as fuck, feels ultra solid in my hand and the stainless steel is such a great touch. Also great for preventing scratching and breaks and the phone is durable as fuck.
>siri kicks google's ass when it comes to phone functions
You used Google Assistant the wrong way.
the X stands for XIET
Sage, report and hide.
bump, support and view :)
viral marketing thread?
Shots fired
i concede it has the best screen but thats it
I want the phone but I can't accept the notch. I am hoping that they will remove it in 2018, by then fingerprint readers behind the screen is doable.
Sadly they probably invested way too much money into the facial recognition to leave it in a year.
Have yours started throttling yet?
Nice fan fiction, faggot
>using smiley faces
someone is new here.
Hey guys is this the shill thread? I hope I'm not late.
this is professional trolling
it's so subtle yet detailed enough to provoke a response
which is why I will respond: all of those things are in an s8+
I am beginning to think that this might be a double meme in the effort to stop Sup Forums from shitting on applel fags.
>let's pretend to be apple shills that are pretending to be against apple and use common apple-rediculing terms like "iToddler" and "iSheep"
>now let's also make a fake email and screenshot it as a proof
>this way other anons wouldn't want to be associated with apple shills and will refrain from shitting on us!
Is this like shillception?
Bought one what I noticed (before had 5s)
>it’s fucking huge can bearly grab it with my hand
>super heavy compared to my last phone
>face id is okaysh but not work at super high angle or in bed. Touch id was better
>truetone is amazing my eyes are super happy with it to a point I can’t look at my last phone’s screen
>haptic feed back is cool
>notch is bearly noticable
>command center at the top is extremly hard to swipe
>it’s annoying that you have to swipe up after face id unlock your device
Eventually this will get so complex Sup Forums will be repopulated with shills, false-shills, false-false-shills, to the point where it's just you and several layers of ironic shilling.
But no, that shit is probably true. We know we have shilling, so the sort of thing described in the email does happen, and it happens like they described it.