will windows 7 still be safe to use after 2020 ? i know it will be getting unsupported afterwords but will the community still try to keep it alive ?
Will windows 7 still be safe to use after 2020...
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Just use Windows 10 LTSB, it's better in every way
t. pajeet
can i save this wallpaper?
sure go ahead
t. faggot who uses outdated operating systems
more pajeets use windows 7 than windows 10
Windows was never safe: it's closed-source.
Tell me more about being so insecure you need to argue over how much of a "pajeet" you are on a Bosnian throat singing imageboard.
>implying I use a toy os
>using a data mining os to access a data mining site
How deep we can go?
you're absolutely fucking retarded
go back to you fucking chink zipperheads
windows never was and never will be safe to use.
Till Oct 2021 if you use POSReady 7, or Thin PC(32 bit only)
frog website
look at these open source whores
Windows for the win
Safety is an illusion
kys yourself
This gave me a chuckle.
>kill yourself yourself
What did he mean by this?
What's broken?
>he still thinks Microsoft cares about Windows 7
Just kidding, they care. They care because a metric fuckton of corporate business use computers that run windows 10 and wont fork over the shekels to upgrade
Id say you’re fine.
*Windows 7
Fuckin gon messin up my numbers again
Surely that is the business' fault for not upgrading?
Or can't they into IT?
>Fixes when keeper
>Fixes when keeper
>Fixes when keeper
>Fixes when keeper
>No fix that explicitly states that GKs are now able to actually catch the fucking ball
SI poetry in motion.
You’d be surprised how many businesses run old software and hardware.
Reason being some company specific programs (like specially made medical or dental software) were built to run on that OS and not supported on newer ones.
Also upgrading is a massive business expense especially if you’re a large company.
Apply this times 1000 if you’re China
ReactOS will be on overdrive
everything will be daijobu
>Bosnian throat singing
if only there was a board for that, shit is lit as fuck.
faggot seeks to be identifiable on an anonymous image board. You're not special. No one will be searching for your faggot ass t. Kill yourself
If you are either a big enough customer or have enough cash you can more or less buy support.
This is actually more common then one would think in tech. Hell I work at a place we still sell cards with PCI and VME busses for outrageous prices.
where can i buy it without volume licencing?
>the community
What community? The community of twelve year old Egyptian kids and neo-luddites who use outdated Windows?
Enjoy hte watermark.
Lol wut.
Here, I removed the watermark for you.
LMAO man, I saw that reply pop up and was expecting something else, funny.
>implying windows was ever safe
if you care about safety, install openbsd
t. Theo
Believe it or not, business PCs are tools used to do a job.
Corporate IT departments don't even push out new video card drivers that offer a 3% FPS gain in Metro 2033, the horror!
Holy fuck this is real
hahahahha, amerilards are fucking retarded
Every IT department worth it's salary pool has a migration pan to 10 before 2020 though; nobody is going to stay with 7, excepting non-connected embedded systems.
No wonder you're salty. One less American dick to feed you and your Yurofag buddies.
>being this new
Я pyccкий, блядь.