Icloud unlock

Anybody know how to bypass the activation lock on an iphone 6?

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It's called a lock for a reason, Jamal.

Give it back, Jamal.

you're welcome, James.

Retrieve it to its rightful owner, monkey hands.

How does one go about doing this?

Damn, these threads really show up as often as people say they show up.

Why do people come to Sup Forums with stolen iphones?


Literally just type root and keep pressing enter.

I can help you out, have done it plenty of times. Email me at [email protected]

Give it back, tyrone

Return it to the owner Daquanathan

>being this stupid

God damn bell curve.

>deer Sup Forums, plz help me unlock a phone that i totaly didnt steel
>ps i dont now what google is
You had better hope the actual owner didn't activate anything to track their phone down while you're dicking around like a sperg trying to unlock it.

Show a picture of your skin
>inb4 nigger

What if he's a coal miner?


Nigger or drug addict



Give it back Jamal

iphones are the real headchache that i know when it comes to unlocking them once they have been locked by the original user of the phone this is what happens when an iphone is stolen the user just goes online into icloud and enters their original apple id and then does some little stuff here and there and their iphone is disabled and on the other end the iphone cannot work and it willl be displaying the word disabled on the screen but here is the medicine to that just download the iphone unlock toolkit from here and then set it up and click on unlock iphone and you are good to go no need to be worried up because you can now use your iphone and even access itunes and dont be worried whether you are going to be tracked or not but you cant so live life up to the fullest!You now can access itunes and have access to music that you love and even buy books from there!

>drug addict

Sii im noot a nigger

Give it back Tyquan.

You're missing a Sup Forums

give it back bacan

>>Why do people come to Sup Forums with stolen iphones?

why don't you just help out these fucking people and make a tutorial to help them unlock these stolen phones so they stop showing up.

people really do google "how to unlock iphone" before posting this bullshit and having a guide for jamal will stop this shit from happening as often.

If they can't be bothered to google search first, what makes you think the idiots will bother reading a hypothetical tutorial?

I've been searching all fucking day.

get the apple id at the apple store and log in with those credentials