>DDR4 price
DDR4 price
>twice the price in a span of a year
nothing personal goym
The kit that I bought back in May 2016 is almost three times as expensive now. Truly our greatest ally.
We need the chinks to save us from the qorean kikes
Kinda makes me wish I invested in RAM suppliers instead of crypto coin.
>floods fucked up ssd prices, I'll wait on building a new computer
>miners are fucking up gpu prices, I'll wait some more
>DDR4 prices will come down eventually, my current pc can hang on another year
>tfw bought gtx1080 and 16GB of RAM when shit wasn't so expensive.
All this price DRMA shit started when DRUMF came into office and AMD released Ryzen, fuck AMD fucking kikes
Just wait ™
I'm still using the same box from 2013.
You can do it, user.
why is ddr4 memory so expensive?
RAM cartels.
EU once intervened over situation like this but this time they are sleeping.
>want to build a little chep homeserver
>ram is more expensive than cpu+mobo
These korean jews really want to fuck us. Preparation for rocket man? Need to fund their arsena?
They are the point where even if someone farts in the room they blame the Norks.
This is getting out of hand.
>tfw didn't fall for the 16 GiB RAM meme
So why are the DDR4 prices rising this much?
SSDs was because of floods.
GPUs was because of miners.
But why DDR4?
You should've bought 32GiB RAM when it was cheap. :^)
>Truly our greatest ally
Why are you blaming Jews/Israel for rising DDR4 prices?
>PC that i built almost two years ago with none of the parts on sale actually appreciated in value
What a bizzare feeling
>Oy vey, goyim! It wasn't us, we dindu nuffin!
supply and demand. DDR4 is harder to make = less supply. PC building is becoming more popular = more demand. At least that's what I had heard on 4chin a while back. Maybe it's wrong, i dunno.
My i5 2500k can last another few years r-right?
Pretty much correct except its more the silly amount of RAM now going into modern phones and consoles I believe, as well as generally higher amounts of RAM going into PCs. Combine it with DDR3 production winding down and you have a shortage.
Also almost all new phones and maybe tablets (not 100% sure) are using DDR4, hence the spike in demand.
What about DDR3 prices?
That's complete bullshit. For one thing to the additional demand has nothing to do with PCs (it's because phones and other devices are making the switch), but the supply limitations are also entirely artificial. The DRAM cartel of Samsung, Hynix and Micron have been underinvesting in manufacturing capacity expansion for years in order to drive up prices.
Since they got fined for their price fixing before, this is a more sneaky way of doing the same thing. They can say that they're selling every chip they produce, and that's why prices have gone up. Regulators can't force them to build new facilities after all.
And this isn't some wild conspiracy theory either. TrendForce have been reporting this happening for ages now. It's simple fact.
They're fine, smart phones are causing the price hike in DDR4.
Sup guys
When will chinks finally flood the market with cheap RAM?
Thanks for increasing my stock prices :)
Didn't samsung and other manufacturers agreed to increase their prices in order to kill the competition?
This was in August 2016. Me? I'm set, but it isn't fun to be doing builds for friends when a decent amount of RAM set you back as much as a CPU or GPU.
I might as well stick to ddr3, how much is that going for now?
nice just bought 100k
With the current prices, Are 16GB ram worth it or am I good to go with 8GB?
They openly stated bro,tacit cartel or i dunno. See trendforce post.
>just build new a pc bro wtf r u poor or somethin
Mine just died yesterday. It was probably the motherboard, but I have no real way of knowing.
Good luck, user.
Nice quads
DDR3 ftw
>2 weeks till I order my new desk, chair, PC and lamp
can't wait
another reason why there's no need to upgrade past the 2500k
Why doesn't some other company just start making their own ddr4 and sell it for peanuts?
>increase prices to kill competition
It does not work that way.
patents and high cost of fabs. also, when those current dram companies knew someone is prepping up to build a new fab, they will oversupply and drop the prices. thus, discourages the new player.
Why don't the Chinese just buy the factory defects and rebuild them say like if one chip out of 16 is bad or so.
This. Please save us, China. You're our only hope against the gooks. You've made cheap electronics before. You can do it again!
Should I go for DDR3?
>had to cave in buying a stick for 124$ the other week
>check prices now
what in the fuck is going on
my 2500k is doing okay, but my 7770 is thrashed and needs replacing :(
i need to build a new machine. someone shill me parts
It's just like bitcoin, lol.
Thanks BASED Samsung!
anything below this post is irrelevant.
Smartphones, Laptops, and pre-built desktops all use DDR4 Ram now, and all of them are using more than ever, which means there is less supply, which means Jews can get away with raising prices.
>implying this will affect market prices
This. Year and a half ago, anons were bragging about their 64 and even 128GB desktops. Feels bad only having 16, even though I don't need that much. Would be nice to be able to run 10 VMs at once.
Lol hertzlet
don't do that user. i'm stuck with my E6500 because of that
I just bought 16GB of DDR4-3000 at $220
In theory they are running at like 1804mhz or some fucking thing because I'm running a bclk of 180 instead of stock 133.
But the board runs triple channel, and that helps I would imagine?
I don't understand ram performance, and it really doesn't matter to me.
Because it's they're fault
Consider cancelling your order
I did. I just thought why the fuck not. It was dirt cheap anyway so i wouldn't have felt that bad even if the prices got even lower.
kek, I gave in a month ago and bought another 16GB for $210. It's up to $270 now. Glad I didn't wait any longer.
Increase the prices they sell their shit to other manufacturers. Then they can proceed to manufacture their own from the ground up and sell it cheaper than competition
It was the cheapest one available. Fucking import taxes make everything even more expensive.
>my salary is $200/month
>saving up for gayman PC
>see this
>heart attack
Eastern EU?
In the same boat buddy.
Just fuck my shit up
agreement between all DDR4 manufacturers to raise the price to make mad profits instead of competing by lowering prices
Free market at work KEK
Blame smartphones and mining niggers.
>learn how to code
>move to Poland
>get job at corporation
>earn 2k+ EUR
There is shitload of people who speak some kind of Russian language where I work.
>be slav
>move to bongland
>earn about $2000/month in a comfy 9-5 IT job, boss appreciates me while I fuck around playing KanColle
>consider /going back/ after almost a decade
>same job $350/month at a company known for 12h/7d work week with no overtime pay and about 20% employee turnover in 3 months
If you think that's bad, try living in sopa de macaco land.
I just paid $190 US for 2x4GB 2666MHz.
Memory prices are stabilizing with supply and demand curve.
ITT: Kiddies who got spoiled rotten by severely depressed prices of mainstream memory when demand was low as fuck and memory was flooded with DIMMs.
And then there's this guy thinking he's so smart for knowing the most basic concept in economics.
Jesus user, I just paid $80 for 1x8GB 2400 and got a free 16GB flash drive with it.
This is what I get for stealing all that RAM from CompUSA in the early 2000s
Phones and jews require your mineys goim
I wasn't even overcharged considering the prices here. It was actually a decent deal because I keep seeing slower ram for the same price.
Prices here are usually bad but ram takes the cake. I bought a Ryzen 5 1600 for $210 plus shipping, for comparison.
glad I got 2x16GB at 3GHz with decent timings for < $200 a few months ago.
I actually just got a 1600 as well, only $10 less here.
What the hell is going on? The ram I bought for 65€ last year now costs 200€
Emo Nazi bitch and her friend have some nice titties.
but miners buy as little ram as they possibly can
I had 2gb in my rig until very recently
Stop breathing, mining nigger. Computers have rights too, you can't exploit them for your monetary gain.
>tfw waiting for DDR5
My 2500k is fine but for some reason my PC won't work with a graphics card installed. Tried it with a new card and still the same issue, so the problem is either the motherboard or the PSU. No real way of knowing without spare parts. PC still works without a graphics card, but I can't game. I'm really annoyed that I need to buy a whole new PC when the prices are so high. If not for this I'd be using my current 2011 build for at least another year
>wants to upgrade my laptop to 16 GB RAM
>still have no money as I'm still NEET
>the price keeps rising
Fuck you, guys.
Supply, demand, and corporate agreements to not maximize production in favor of maximizing profit. They do not want a repeat of the previous DDR prices hitting rock bottom.
They've been caught before, but every time they get a little bit smarter on how to dodge charges.