Because Sup Forums will discuss any map

Because Sup Forums will discuss any map.

What a load of shit. All a map of Europe needs is

>The Rest aka rightful British clay

babby's first meme

just split up germany and give half to france and half to poland

We should get Hanover if you do that

>ex commies
>the rest

all you need

that's a pretty valid map desu.
not much to argue about.
northern england and northern italy are a bit questionable but that's it.

newfag's first intentional spelling mistake

>he fell for the europe is divided in anyways but east or west meme

turkey is european

This is the ideal map of Europe in case you were wondering

How is Ireland northern in any way?

What the fuck happened to the uk and Ireland? it makes no sense

Give template but leave text colours.

I think mine is a little more nuanced.

delete this

Belgium, you are smart. I was going to make this exact map.

Good map. Make it happen.

t. Hannoverian



Bad decision

Thanks for proving why you need us to make decisions for you

This is the best Europe that has ever existed

You think the Balkans are distinct enough from Eastern Europe to warrant their own classification? I'm actually asking I don't know much about the region except that America bombed the fuck out of it during the Clinton Administration

Finland was 1000x better under swedish rule. They were respected and treated well

>Sweden the same colour as Turks

They aren't I've been to different Balkan countries a,nd different eastern euro countries. It's eastern Europe with better weather and a mediterranian feel.

The Balkans were dominated by the Ottomans for a while, so the culture and architecture are different in some aspects. At least that's the impression I got from Bosnia

and england as the mamluks!!! this is comedy gold my friend!

That map has never existed. Novogrod never ruled Finland.

>They were respected and treated well

Spain is also european

>central europe
u wut?

Novgorod didn't even exist anymore by 1550.

Almost as it is, but Bavaria is a part of the West, not Central Europe. Salary in Munich higher than in Prague in two times.

This map is simply fantastic, describes everything so well.
Congratz Belgium.


Portugal is not Eastern Europe tier, EE is much better than PT. It's a Brazil tier shithole.

This map is a whole load of horseshit

This. We're not even Europe.

Just so you can keep the memetugal maps, right?

Europe is a new socio-cultural concept that should not exist, we each belong to our own nation.


>Belgium exists

Europe is new but Christendom isn't. Before nations, Europeans belonged to something called Christendom. It wasn't geographic or national

"Europe" became a thing during the Enlightenment, and then nation-states were even more recent


t. alberto barbossa

What are you doing so far up north?

Come home, your people need you to tell stories about kangz n shiet.

fuck you got me

Christendom in Western Europe is dead

Yep and it ain't coming back. What should come back is Empire. It's a somewhat similar idea to Christendom. Multiple nations and ethnicity in one happy family

From my own unbiased POV I feel like Britain is the best placed state to be the mother country of the new European Empire, since the UK is the only multi-national state remaining in Europe


>we wuz
Fuck off, Alberto.

Not sure your american or muslim masters would agree with your point of view.


Multinational sure, multicultural (in the sense of traditional culture) however ... The Scott and the Welsh got ANGLO'D severely ...
Spain however has been cucked by the Basque and the Catalans into a multinational and multucaral state for ages.

I agree on the empire part though, as long as you leave us out of it.


Those bridges can be crossed when we come to them

>I agree on the empire part though, as long as you leave us out of it.

I don't think we can leave Britain out of it, Charles

Alberto, s'il te plait, arrête ces sottises, tu vas te faire mal

>Alberto, please stop this nonsense, you are going to hurt yourself.

Rendrez grâce à Dieu que je vous suis préparé à aider traduire.