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International #639
Anyone else think he was a good guy all along and the Jews have been sabotaging him all this time?
What country has hottest black women
Amerisharts think this will be going away anytime soon
/brit/ + /commonwealth/
I just realized that every country has 1 famous river
Mexibros, i've come to realise you have top tier cuisine
Give back Nevada you fucking sharters
Why don't you learn the holy trilogy of languages Sup Forums?
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Isn't this city the greatest city in the world?
ITT: we summon Liechtenstein
Why is european person so hypocrite...
Is Seattle the greatest city in the world?
What exactly is the difference between North Africa and Mexico?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1991
In America, every hotel room has a Bible
Why did the Spanish chimp out in the New World?
Who /KoreaBoo/ here?
1. Your cunt
ITT: cunts you will never go to
Why do Americans have such good schools?
Post your surname Sup Forums and show results
What's your favourite Stan?
Do you like spanish grills?
Post best flag you think
Earthquake in Italy
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
How do we save Europe?
What's the point of letting other countries exist?
Do assassinations happen often in your city?
Mom, Dad, I'm back from Monterrry, Mexico. Meet my Mexican wife
/ita/ - il filo senza negri
Mfw I posted "really small foamy beer.jpg" in /nederdraad/ and closed the tab
You have ten seconds to explain why you don't drive a French car
What is his name?
How is it possible to be this good?
Okay, let me get this straight
Do Ruskies actually like this man?
In light of the recent Toronto tragedy, let's talk about Canada. What is the first thing you associate with Leafland?
Why is this barren wasteland considered the """"heartland""" of the US when it has nothing to offer except for Meth...
I want to ask Italian
We don't exist
1) country
Why does Scotland and England hate each other?
Post Your Country's Best Warriors, Past Or Present
Ask a Russian anything
Sup Forums learns esperanto
The British only managed to give the world ONE (1) decent pornstar
"A United Kingdom"
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
1-Can you solve it?
Sister just called me
ITT: We describe the country above us with two words
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Egyptian feet reporting in
What are Native Americans like?
Why do europoor beaches have rocks instead of sand?
Why do Americans riot all the time?
What language are you learning?
Any Moroccan bro in Marrakech interested in hanging out with me and my wife...
ITT: Rituals from other countries you find interesting
Can you speak Italian?
Why is this goddamn country so less represented in the news?
Random fact: Russians have no word for "happiness"
Alphabets thread. Post your favourite alphabets and scripts
Your cunt
/fr/ - le fil francophone
/deutsch/ - Miehmzeit
/nachtschicht/, ehemals und morgen wieder /deutsch/
My phone was stolen a couple of hours ago guys..... i hate this fucking country.... why didnt they get a fucki ng job...
Let's have one of these thread
Driving with a european coworker
Any part of your country you wish wasn't part of your country?
Europeans will actually defend this
R8 each others countries based on the people thread
Have you ever been so butthurt that you made a documentary on why Anglos bash you?
Post some beautiful or comfy villages from your country
Walking down the street in Copenhagen
Inside a walmart ama
You wake up at your current location in 479 B.C
Daily vocaroo thread
You wake up and your country has been taken over by ISIS sleeper agents. What do you do?
A-are you okay, Canada?
/flag/tism - Flag Thread
What is the most free, safest and homogenous country in the world that would accept a white tranny (not transitioning...
What percentage of people in czech slovakia speak english?
Sverigetråden - Bättre förr
All glory to China
I'm in the middle
/ita/ - il filo
Anyone else just make up new dishes by mixing delicious things from different cultures...
"Don't listen to American propaganda, efendi, Turkey is secular!"
/nachtsicht/ ehrmals deutsch
Looking at pictures of traditional North African food
1. Your cunt
This is russian TV station. And this is not a main place to view...
If you aren't on this list you live in third world shithole
How culturally different are all the Anglosphere countries?
Why do Europeans buy bottles of mineral water instead of just drinking tap water?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/balt + ausnz/
1. Your cunt
Sup Forums music thread: post music from your country
How are Germans and Germany seen in your country?
Mexican "weed"
Where were you when Merkal reintroduced Nazi Germany?
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
Be Canadian
What are some facts about your hometown?
Is it true that Euoropeans can't afford cars and have to ride their bikes in the snow?
I hearded that Yugoslavia is the exemplar of multiculturalism which was false
What are your unironic thoughts on this guy?
He lives in a manlet country
Rate my dinner
Post your view from the window
Why isn't Greek people strong anymore?
Why cant europeans afford dryers? Why do they use centuries old drying technology?
International Dogs Thread
Germany likes the €
Post the shittiest famous brand from your country
If Merkel has her way every german girl will look like this
Waht country has best memes???
There are countries where it doesn't snow
You're cunt
/fr/ - le fil frônçais
Either this is a really, really, REALLY a freaky historical coincidence, or this means that the Ottoman empire is back...
Post your lunch today
2 dutch girls exchange students move into student corridor
Med women > Slav women >>>>>>> Germanic "women"
Wake up
Thanks for paying for my neeting loosers
Can we all agree that the Nordic model can work only in a civilized nation?
I lik spaijn do you lik
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Daily reminder that these six countries are the only countries in Europe worth living in...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Hey, int
Germans LITERALLY SHIT ON A SHELF so they can inspect their faeces before flushing it away
Do you know the tuna salad sandwich in your country...
Name a famous finnish person hard mode : no kimi raikkonnen
If France replaced Spain and Portugal as the colonizing power in Latin America, would it have been better off today?
Any others getting off to the shart thing? German on vacation here...
Born muslim sand nigger in a country where virtually everybody hates you
Whats the purpose of life when you are a 18yo male and your height is 1.64
What is fall like in your country?
Guys, I just found out my sister is dating a black man. I can't believe it...
Why would any sane person believe in a religion that forces women to wear hijabs and you can't eat certain things
Hi from japan
What's the worst year in your country's life?
Literal daily reminder that yuropoors will never, EVER experience pic related in their entire lives
Live stream from Finland. Rally against immigrants in Forssa
In terms of WOMEN
I can spot people who visit this site because they let certain words sip into their vocabulary unconsciously and the...
Why does Japan have so much cool technology?
Post great white countries
Find a nice, interesting thread
On all levels except physical, I am 6'4"
/ita/ - il filo
Arabs in Bosnia
Sloveni edicija u miksu sa premijer edicijom br. 2
Really makes you think why most Europeans who post here live off welfare
Be American
Debt thread
Be Australian
What's keeping you from leaving your country and seeing the world?
Do people dab in your cunt?
Why do countries that constantly get fucked over by the EU (Greece, Portugal, Ireland, etc) support it the strongest?
Let it go
Why are yuropoors so fucking nu male and faggot looking coated to the average White American ?
Somebody speaks japanese ? I went to see my japanese escort. 250 euros 1 hour
/fr/ - Fil de la France
'British' one of Britain's most despised words
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Earthquake in Chile
Do you agree?
Faces of Sup Forums
Sverigetråden - Junkoupplagan
How common are double decker buses in your country?
Police Scotland introduces uniform hijab
Chink insectoids
Anime chars recognition in your country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Don't forget, if war with China happens the Chinese immigrants in your country WILL side with China
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
1. Your country
What is your opinion on basque country?
Is it true that in Europe, university students do not work part time jobs?
Be swedish-speaking finn
Two American elite soldiers planned to improve themselves and learn something new by having a world cruise
What we muslims on Sup Forums should embrace is the stereotypes that Sup Forums has about us. Don't be apologetic...
What do you think would happen if your country fell under authoritarian Finnish rule for 50 years?
Ireland and Italy are my only friends
The best way to tell which people below 30 have a IQ < 100 in Germany is by talking english to them
How do Russians feel about the absolutely crazy amounts of Russiophobia in Western media and among major communities...
Post what you see
Vote: Who's got the better flag?
Poland without foreign powers
Finnish girls >>> White girls
Wtf i HATE france now
Do Americans not consider this a burger?
Every day I wake up wanting to bask in glory of China...
/esp/ hilo español de españa
Wtf i love france now!
Okay, serious question...
The flag below you is the country you'll have to move to
One chance at life
Female general
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Thinking about studying abroad. What do you guys know about these Aussie unis and the places their in?
What the fuck are we even?
Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?
/ita/ - Il Filo
ITT: Your country's most influential director
In this thread we discuss Suomi Shitposters
White people
If you were a dictator, what changes would you enact?
Culture Pals - /cp/
I love how brave you all are behind a computer, but with our great gun laws and stand your ground laws...
Before you ask how 300 people can die to such a weak earthquake in Italy...
A Korean celebrity accidentally squashes her nose on live TV
Italy earthquake death toll rises to 247
The 'Americans shit and shart' meme based on some cherrypicked images of aisles that are selected by management to be...
Tfw mexican
Any aboriginals on Sup Forums?
Russia has the highest percentage of hot women in the world...
Why are western Asian girls so terrible?
Be french
That map is showing what kind of prices people are looking for every country. Needless to say...
Kurva anyátok
What's your country's terrible convention?
How long will the Easter? spamming last this time? Why does this Australian do this to us?
Why are Confederate flags tolerated at all in the United States, yet alone flown at federal and state buildings...
When the American guy come into your university but he don't know that "exited" mean "horny" in French and say that he...
This is an electric shower head
America and India has a shart off, who wins?
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Canadian girl (21 years) searching for american male to marry for green card
Tfw your country has the best posters on Sup Forums
What is the drink which you want to drink in summer?
Control f "brit"
Can you believe that this is the same woman?
Engineers in the US have built a self-contained, entirely soft robot - in the shape of a 7cm octopus
How did the world and Sup Forums reacted to the Chilean earthquake in 2010?
Post pictures of schools ITT
They have 80.000+ characters representing words instead of just 30 characters that can form 80.000+ words
Hilo latino
West coasterners
Is life in North Korea really that bad? Is it true they dont have internet...
An American walks up to you, how do you react?
How many accents exist in your country? Which one do you speak? What you can say about the others?
india once touched antarctica
1. your country
I just got offered a 145k a year job + bonuses...
/ita/ - il filo
6.8 quake hit Myanmar on Wednesday
In how many years will the US look like this?
Would you marry an Asian woman, Sup Forums?
My father said we need to leave Finland...
Sverigetråden - Mysupplagan
I'd like to personally thank Portugal for creating Port wine
Why doesn't this happen to the US...
/cum/ - Canader, USA, Messico
West has defeated East multiple times in history
So it's agreed?
41 deg C / 105F outside
This is american girls
Be dutch
Former superpower thread
90% of Finland is lakes
If China was a republic would you still hate it?
What are the differences between Brazilian Portuguese and Portuguese Portuguese?
/deutsch/ € /nachtschicht/
Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Really makes you think
Do you guys ever regret or feel bad about being friendless, fat virgins?
My dad wants to disown me because I don't want practice Islam lol
So there's a bit of controversy in the city of Chicago (my current residence)
/balt/ and /ausnz/
None of you faggot would say SHART IN MART to my face
Shart In Mart Thread
Sverigetråden - Allt kommer bli bra upplagan
We classify languages into white and non-white languahes
Are all spaniards hippies? I see them a lot here and they are all dressed like clowns, have dreadlocks and play drums...
There is only one god and his name is Allah. And his final prophet in this world was Mohammed, peace be upon him
Dad, mom, I'm back from Spain. Let me introduce you to my beautiful fiancé, Diego." How do they react?
Divide your cunt into regions
Hey Italy, what's shakin'?
Non-Latin Americans of Sup Forums: Are you taught that Latin America is a continent where there are lots of whites...
One shot at life
One chance at life
/afr/ Africa General
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Post countries that are literally impossible to hate
Your cunt
/ita/ - il filo
Congrats to Italy on the most modern ruins!
What are norwegian women like?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Are these people considered white in your nation?
Is Mexico really that bad?
ITT: non-white countries you wouldn't mind living in
Do you know that we have today 25th aniversary of Ukraine's independence?
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Hey Europeans and American allies, it's me, your friendly neighborhood American soldier
Culture Pals - /cp/
Where were you when Globalfirepower finally fixed its list and put France above Britain like it always should have?
Bravo Finland!
How common are tall girls in your country?
Spend three months travelling through western
Why does England have the right to be called a Christian country again?
Music from non-Anglo world
Norway and Switzerland
U r country
Heritage R8 thread
If you could chose a country to have been born in, a nationality you could have, which one would it be and why?
Do they REALLY hate each other or is it just a meme rivalry like Britain with France and Germany?
/slav/ – /cлaв/
How do you call this ethnicity in your cunt?
FACT: Mongols are the most powerful race in the world
What happens here?
I will destroy anime
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplaga med 2d
I just came back from Spain
Had one chance
Italians in charge of building quake proof buildings
États Latins Unis (ÉLU) when ?
Why are Germanic/Nordic women, in fact blonde women in general so overrated? So boring and generic looking imo
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Why is flag of China best flag in world?
Is Portuguese worth learning?
Why don't you live in Mexico, Brazil, Lithuania, Italy or Denmark?
This is fair
Would you shag a British slag?
Ask someone who constantly muh heritage as a Finn despite not speaking a word Finnish and never been in Finland for...
Feels great to be American
/neger/ = /nederdraad/+/deutsch/
The 80's or the 90's?
Over here people born in the Isle of Man or the Jersey are bullied for being inbred in different
ITT: We read eachother's languages and butcher it
Who has more loyalty to another country than the one they live in?
How common are asian female/ white male couples in your country?
Bono appetito, Sup Forums
Seriously, why don't westerners wash their assholes after taking a shit?
How do I fuck black girls?
A knife wielding alcoholic Finnish woman corners you at a party and says:
Poland is only country did nothing wrng
Muh heritage thread
Cool Countries Club
I can sell my commieblock apartment and buy 10 houses in USA
Why japs are always trying to tone their own reputation somehow?
/slav/ /cлaв/
Country is filled with qt femboys
Feels great to wake up in a white country
Anyone who was/is in a black country?
I wish I was European so I could buy food from their American sections...
Go back
Why are japanese posters so mysterious? everything they post is so cryptic. what are they trying to hide?
What does the average person in your country look like? No cherrypicking, just pure average. I'll start, typical finn
So now that the dust has settled
/ita/ - il filo
Why are white south americans so uncivilized compared to other whites around the world?
Who has the worst accent of English language?
Did you know?
Well, is it?
Have American food establishments butchered your country's cuisine?
The UK is the stronkest European country
Is there a mosque in your city?
/asean/- Peaceful region edition
What do you collect, Sup Forums?
Maghreb thread NA
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Be me
ITT: We laugh at Britain
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why the fuck is greece blocked from Sup Forums?
Why are french posters so aggressive towards us? we didn't do shit
If you could change your country's flag, what would you make
Would you have sex with a Canadian? Have you?
Ukrainian Independence Day
How can non-white women ever compete ?
Opinion on Germans?
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Oh boo hoo, soe pasta niggers got their shit shaken up. Remind me again why civilisation should care?
Because Sup Forums will discuss any map
Chinese Thread - 中文主題
Is this actually considered a "good looking" hairstyle in Russia, or is it just the "I'm not gay...
ITT: we laugh at natures greatest mistake, still alive, defying natural selection only the kindness...
/deutsch/ - Meddlausgabe
Where is the place you want to go in the UK and France?
Post what racists look like in country
I will be living in a dorm in Madrid for the next five months...
Japanese Father Kills 12-Year-Old Son For Not Studying
/ita/ - IL FILO
Sverigetråden - VANLIGA skor
Bring this new girlfriend home to meet your parents
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why are Polish women so degenerate?
If you don't use one of these you're not human
Why does France have morality police?
What the fuck!!!!
Country Envy Thread
French police make woman remove clothing on Nice beach following burkini ban
When will France be based again?
Al Andalus Islamico
Take a shit
How did you know Sup Forums?
Norway is so rich they have more money than they know what to do with
Rate my breakfast
1. country
Give it to me straight guys, what's the nicest city in Europe?
/esp/ - los cibervoluntarios solo vienen por la tarde
Life in korea
1. you're cunt
What's your most honest opinion about Colombia and its girls?
Why does England drop a stool in the pool?
Would you date a Chinese woman?
Why would a black person ever go to Japan
Make fun of America everyday on int for 2 years
Edycja dla zaufanych
Is IQ really set in stone Sup Forums? I thought it was?:
My planet tries to remove all non-Greeks
Shart MART theory
Post delicious roll food in your country
Post foreign foods you always wanted too try
Tfw told my dad I was a globalist and he punched me in the face
Is this accurate?
Is it true that Europeans can't afford cars and there are adults people who ride their bikes everywhere?
Ideal map of Europe in my opinion
Iceland... explain yourself
How do we save Europe and Australia?
/fr/ le fil francophone
How is Hummels German if he is black-haired, brown-eyed and dark-skinned?
Kurva anyátok
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
When will america finally ban burgers?
Today I am so proud to have both British and American heritage. Quite literally the two most powerful race in the world
For fuck's sake, why do so many Koreans and Japs on Sup Forums act like they're puppet states to us...
How is your capital city?
TFW Jamals are taking white women even here in Canada
I think we have to stop triggering murisharts. They are done
What's wrong with this cutie?
/balk/ + /gr/
Posting this again since nobody got the right answer last time
Why do people smoke weed?
Why was Prussia so based? When will Germany reclaim it's rightful land?
What are Dutch women like?
Mfw americans UNIRONICALLY shart in mart
Hilo Latino /lat/
Beat up russia and it was the remote reason that occuerd russian revolution, later they conquer half of world...
Why is this allowed?
TFW saw a bunch of qts in pic related while walking home
All confirmed leaders of Civ 6 so far
Why are Australian men so beta that they gotta get a gook?
"Mom, dad, I'm back from Pondicherry. Let me introduce you to my gorgeous fiancée, Poojee Masalamurthy.''
/ita/ - il filo
American cars>>>German cars>>>>>>>>>>>>x100 British cars
Italian earthquake
If your neighbours are China, South Korea, North Korea and Russia, what do you do?
ITT: Your surname
Post good-looking cars from your country that are under 10 years old
Tfw too intellectual for Canadians to understand my posts
You will NEVER EVER be a WASP
/balt/ + /ausnz/ - /weebshits/
ITT: Sup Forums in 1900
Country of 1...
Who was your country's greatest leader?
Guess the city?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Sat next two a cute German girl on a 1.5 hour flight
Imho if you're learning a language that every english-native language learner in is...
Why do you oppose racemixing? Wouldnt you be happy to know that your culture is expanding towards other races?
Losing 140k soldiers to little paragay
What did Italy mean by this
Ask a dude visiting Sudan anything
“I know some really f***king racist people, friends I vehemently disagree with...
fr - Fil Francophone
Culture Pals - /cp/
A coalition of The Netherlands, California, Afghanistan...
/nachtschicht/ bzw. /deutsch/
"Mom, dad, I'm back from Kiev. Let me introduce you to my gorgeous fiancée, Smetana Borschtenko.''
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...