Hometown thread

Post your hometowns, lads

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what a crappy place desu


Ok, post your superior hometown then desu

do you accept greeks?
i want to come and rape your women


feels good



Red and white commieblocks, what city is this?


figuratively says "second home" in Swedish

looks balkan as fuck lol




You're so lucky to live there!

It's ok for chink tourists, I guess


skopje aerodrom municipality
tho i live in the suburbs hehe
commieblocks are depressing af in gloomy weather



Looks like typical Slav dwelling, senpai.

The photo doesn't really show it but the town is situated in a very cozy slight river valley. We're the northernmost wine growing region in Germany. Btw the dusty air in the background is probably from crop harvesters, photo must've been taken in late summer.

capital of roslagen, the province that named russia

looks nice where is the ocean tho and where be mountains

Don't lie

ain= source of water
drahem= money
it means source of money here

Are you retarded? Go back to facebook


>he thinks i live in cair
lamooooo c u c k
lisice masterrace, we shit on mosques


It's a nice suburb but I'm not a fan of where it's located (Chicago area/Midwest). Eventually I want to move to Western Washington or Oregon.


could be better, could be worse

Eugene a best.


Fun fact, I regularly listen to an online stream of WDVX.

Wtf I love Hopвeгия now

~25 minutes from Stockholm, with direct access to the archipelago

Commieblockville in Boratland

I'm down to live pretty much anywhere from Eugene to Bellingham. I guess the farthest east I'd want to be is Issaquah. I'm pretty much restricted to college towns because I want to be a planetary scientist. I know UW has some planetary people.

Living on a Puget Sound island and taking the ferry into Seattle for work every day sounds cozy AF.

Then come visit.

alter, warum? von allen den radiosender in der ganzen welt...

ich meine, es ist kein schlechter radiosender aber der ist auch nichts besonders

hast du hier schon mal gewohnt oder?

Sounds like a commute that would take ages. To me only a short commute is a good commute.

Moving out next year

>having money to visit Norway
man would take 10 wages to stay there a week probably
how much is 1 loaf of bread, 3 euros?


Nein. WDVX entspricht von den Radiosendern, die ich online probiert habe, einfach am meisten meiner Suche nach Americana-Musik. Die meisten Countrysender spielen zuviel country.


Like 1-2 euros depending on the bread.


I don't miss it one bit.

>tell people I was born and raised here
>"Oh that's rare!"

fucking commiefornians get out ;-;

go away autist

>Live in Africa
>Get more snow than many cities in Norway

ja da hast du recht. ich würde diesen stil von musik Bluegrass nennen. country musik gefällt mir nicht uesz, aber bluegrass ist doch klasse

schön zu hören, dass diese art musik europäern gefällt


Seattle Bainbridge takes about a half hour.

It's nothing compared to when my dad would take over an hour to get to pic related in the middle of nowhere.


Can I post a place that isn't my hometown but feels like home?

used to live in Nashville, now live in east TN. everytime i go back to Nashville i amazed by how much its grown and mostly appalled by how horrible traffic has gotten. gets worse every time i visit, seems like unsustainable growth tbqh

Is this SP ?

Looks comfy. Hows the climate?

This does look pretty american.
Isn't it boring? How's the cultural life?

Here is my hometown, where I was born and where my grandparents live.
My parents live in another town where I grew up and I now live in Mexico.

My commute is 15 minutes from putting on my shoes at home to booting up my computer at work.

Es ist nicht nur Bluegrass, sondern eine gute Mischung aus Bluegrass, Folk, Country, Roots oder wie auch immer man diese Genres nennen will. Einen Sender, der den ganzen Tag nur Bluegrass spielt, würde ich auch nicht hören.

5/5 would be born there again

What kind of shit bread do you buy? I buy bread for at least 3 and a half euros.

I know this is a honeypot thread, so I'll post somewhere else. Checkmate CIA

From bakery and from kiwi.


>This does look pretty american
Yeah, it's your typical American suburb. I'd say the real center of the town is the train station. The tracks have both passenger trains (into the city) and freight trans. We also have Amtrak but it just passes through, the only suburb it stops in is Naperville. The town kinda grew up around the tracks. The train station is in the classic downtown and beyond that for a ways are typical grid system neighborhoods (like where I'm from) and some old churches. After a while that turns into a sprawly nightmare of cookie-cutter subdivisions.

>Isn't it boring? How's the cultural life?
I'm not a big night-life guy so my answer is skewed. I'm mostly interested in the outdoors so the area is pretty boring for me, hence why I want to move to the Pacific Northwest. If clubbing and stuff is your thing, it's also boring, but there's still a lot of good restaurants. For a while it was almost completely Italian restaurants in town and now a few Mexican ones are opening up. I'm still bitter about the lack of Portuguese food around here.

The bread where I live is 1.30€ a kilo and it's baked in a wood oven.
The shit's delicious, and it's still good 4 days later.

Finland always have commieblocks everywhere. Are you sure you're nordic?


I'm from the capital of Tennessee, Anderson IN. I swear 80% of people in Anderson are from Tennessee. why?

I believe the politically correct term is "finnblocks"

My hometown, but I'd rather want to move though.

Dutch as fuck

Why don't you?

Costs... Otherwise I would move to Leiden, which is in the same province


Where are you user?


tfw winter is just around the corner

altitude maybe


where is this looks very nice in russian standards

Boring, but well-planned city


far east




Also I'm always astounded by just how gallicized the Maghreb is


In the background

5/10 i guess

I always thought Krasnoyarsk should be 7/10 at least, why is it only 5/10 for you?

Wow netherland is not called nether for no reason, it's super nether.

grov street

jesus fucking christ, what a shithole

nimble my dick u arab cumbucket

>Looks comfy. Hows the climate?
We have snow every winter, but it usually doesnt stay for more than 2 months.

During summer it is usually 25-30 celcius during sunny days, but sometimes as cold as 15 when its raining or hard wind coming from the ocean. The most common weather though is cloudy and somewhat windy

