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International #640
Kurva anyátok, most almamentes övezet kiadás
Why doesn't Argentina just send a bunch of immigrants to the Falklands...
How fix Africa?
ITT: We sing the Canadian anthem by heart
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I'm planning a vacation, which country has the best pizza?
What are jews like?
America was the last country on earth to drop slavery
What sort of a braindead retard abortion of a country would use a literal leaf on their flag?
/cp/ Cultural Pals General
September is soon
ITT: We rate each other's countries by our female police officers
I wish I could leave this shitty country I'm sick of being surrounded by dumb fuck bogans everywhere I go...
You may only post in this thread if you live in one of the world's top 20 most populous metropolitan areas
God fucking damn it, I hate non-Europeans so god damn much
What's the point of this country?
France and Germany are the objective heirs of the roman empire
Do you think Italians have the comfiest level of intelligence because they aren't too smart and aren't too dumb?
Leaving this shit hole
How can you sleep at night when there is so much bad in the world?
America has the best nature
Why the fuck is she so sexy lads
Is your country a heavy country?
Drunk food
Be Italian
Stroke my giant fucking American ego
Name one successful American overseas war
Post warriors from your country
Why do feminists and black people say that the beauty standards in the west are white women when in reality are latinas?
How can a country with such a massive population and strategically useful location be so irrelevant?
Is this gay ?
Why is South Korea so much better than Japan Sup Forums?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
TFW mom is threatening to kick me out if I don't go to university or get a gf
Do Europeans drink tequila?
Old Worlders are asleep, post the New World
How do you feel about the struggle of refugee children?
Brazil is japanese colony?
International Autism Stations Thread - post your setups lads
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
What is the ethnic background of women with faces like this?
Why do the Japanese dislike foreigners?
When did Russians get color photos? Every image of young Putin is in black and white
Post rap from your cunt
Stay away from Finland, foreigner
Your cunt
/MENA/ - Islamic edition
In your opinion... What's the future of France in 150 years ?
What's the most brutally and puritanically Conservative social group in ANY country?
Why are turkish girls so pretty?
Turan edisyonu
Give me one reason why white people shouldn't pay for their historical crimes
USA and race relations
Are you Scottish?
What is your opinion on European Federalism, meaning, creating a single nation out of the EU?
Why is America so good at improving other countries food?
ITT: Tell us some facts about your country. Anything
How much would you pay for a legitimate United States passport in your name with an accurate photo and information?
/flag/tism - Flag Thread
Handsome Sup Forumsernational men
Gulen after failed coup footage kek
Christians have brought more suffering to this world than any other religion ever will
/nacktschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free
Does your country have a "motto" or patriotic phrase?
Are Finnish girls aesthetically superior to white girls?
There are people on this board who has never eaten this
Sverigetråden - Riktiga upplagan
When America was actually great?
Tell me about the English teacher. Why does he teach in Asia?
How do I become a muslim? I dont want degeneracy around me any more
Is there any hot chicks in the Isle of Man?
Do you want to live long Sup Forums?
When you see this flag, what do you think of? And I don't just mean initially, but on a deeper...
Will some Westerner adopt me?
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - le fil francophone
How do we make Latin America great again?
Which country do you have a crush on?
Is there still a hope that they become independant ?
I've had enough of Belgium and its existence. I will wipe this shitty country from the map
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
You will never live in moscow
/deutsch/ - Schleswig-Holstein-Ausgabe
Food of your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Really makes you think
Please don't come
Would you fuck this Turkish beauty ?
1- You're country?
Can someone explain some latino memes to me?
This is Ritsu (Argentine)
I'm jealous of American and Canadian roads...
How come they speak totally unrelated languages yet they're so similar?
Is Oklahoma the Texas Jr or is it New Mexico, unless Texas has no kid?
Sverigetråden - Mjölkupplagan
/deutsch/ den Deutschen - auslenders raus
How do Asians feel about dating mexicans or mexicans in general...
How easy would it be to sex a Slavic girl?
Russia thread
You are so important that people in all countries across the world will speak to you in your language without prompting
/ita/ - il filo
What do they call this in your country/language?
I'm glad Harambe is dead
At least they died doing what they loved, complaining about the weather
Why are Americans always the nice guys in video games and movies?
/fr/ - Le Cil de la France
This is considered an luxury equipment in the USA
Post your hometown. I'm from Jasper, Alberta
Post lost buildings of your city you´d like to come back
So, what are the most difficult Indo-Europeans languages to learn? In my opinion they're Japanese and Greek
Sup Forumsdrinkers thread
Poland-Israel thread
I'm starting to learn Irish it's so cool
Should G4 nations (Germany, Japan, India and Brazil) become permanent members of the UN Security Council?
Are Poles the most non-Slavic Slavs?
This is what happens when Irish and Greek mix
There are countries out there that still use cash instead of credit cards
Do basques consider indo-europeans to be filthy invaders?
Are we the last great white country?
Be russian
Slavic languages can be understood by various slavic nations and percepted with varying degree of comprehension...
/balt + ausnz/
Why are Europeans scared of praising Jesus?
What are you eating today? post & rate
Is it true that asians worship whites?
Why is Poland so bad?
I am a native iberian
This triggers the Pole
Underclass genocide
/fr/ - Le Fril de la Fance
What does this say, slavbros?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Thanks for paying for my neeting loosers
You're now the absolute dictator of a Sub-Saharan country, what realistic steps would you take to develop your country?
Why is African history made fun of on this board?
Bovine beef alone is a luxury meal in his """"""country""""""
Any people from an ancient civilization that went extinct thousands of years ago here? I want to kick your asses
What region is currently better place to live?
Why don't yuropoors live in pic related?
I heard from friends and stuff that in scandinavia...
/ita/ - il filo /siclo/
Go to america
Sverigetråden - Rem upplagan
What's the point of Italy?
Tfw no Brazilboos
De verdad te hace pensar
오랜만에 재개하는 한국어 스레드 COREANOOOOOOO
My great grandpa gave my grandpa a small penis
Is it true that in countries with "free" healthcare you have to wait months to see a doctor?
Really makes you think
Tfw met a qt Swiss girl at work
This confuses and enrages the european
Why do you hate Poland ;_;
Polish Soccer Fans Set Fire to ‘Jewish’ Effigies
1. Your country
Everyone here will eventually die
Intensive SEAsia plus Japan hours Day2
What's your favourite alphabet?
/CP/ Culture Pals general - We're All Going to Die Alone edition
Why is every other country so pathetic?
21 years old
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What's your opinion on burkini?
/éire/ /eire/
Really makes u think
Female sexuality
Would you racemix with a Finnish girl despite her small eyes?
The white bitch race
I'm just another loser in Sup Forums but now I'm a poater in an /asean/ thread!?
Westerners travel to my cuntry
She's Japanese. He's Australian
Do you love Japan?
What to do
Why didn't Nazis invade Spain?
Wake up
Russian What kind of place?
What country is the cutest?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Ethnicity guessing
You're cunt goes to war against India
The Russians managed to win 56 medals when even half of their athletes disqualified by imperialists
At the current level of production, [Russia's] reserves will have been used up in around 22 years
Go to Poland
How many of you retards are still butthurt about brexit?
You may only post in this thread if your country has never lost a war
What would the world of today look like without Germans?
You have the power to kick out 5 members out of EU. Which ones do you choose?
/balt + ausnz/
ITT we love Portugal
My dad said living in big cities made people gay
Tell me about the Japanese. Why do they sleep on the floor?
Ancient Persia
WTF I hate planet earth now
Is the Netherlands really Nordic?
The Finnish Defence Forces is based on a universal male conscription...
What do you call this in your country?
Russian 5th gen fighters
How do you go from this?
Most people in western world dont know feel how to live in 100% white city
Island monkeys must stick together
ITT: improved versions of your flag
He doesn't have blonde hair
This sexually arouses the Pole
Can girls love girls in your country?
What happens here?
Why are Scandinavian women so obsessed with american "culture"?
Primitive English
Why don't you own a gun, Sup Forums?
You cant ban me you worthless subhuman
5€ for a coffee
ITT: this
You will never be a Russian billionaire with this yacht
I am very proud to be japanese! my country has a rich culture and history! we have the best people, technology...
What do they think about each other?
Which one you would choose for your worrier suit?
Sup Forums Classification
How is the mental healthcare system where you live, Sup Forums?
Kurva anyátok
Hispanics to outnumber whites in Texas by 2020
What is your favourite animal? Mine is elephant. My least favourite is crocodile
Top kek
What happens here?
This is the sort of girl that is attracted to me
Why was the Apartheid strongly condemned by the West in South Africa but similar practices in Israel hardly raise any...
Hilo latino de discusiones serias
We should give this another go
There is NO Muslim Problem in France
Tfw parents said they're disappointed I turned out a NEET
How do we save Britain?
How do you guys cope with the fact that studying is shit?
This is Ritsu (Japanese)
ITT post rap from your country
/v4/ Heroes edition
Post a picture of your local Shart Mart
I still can't grasp how is being born, raised and living in a country with no crime?
If you could change three things about your country, what would it be?
Since it's been settled that america reffers to the continent
How do you go from this
Uruguay? More like U-R-Gay!
1 Your country
Moldova turns 25
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Why is this country so based?
How come federations are so shit? Literally not a single good country is a federation
Any amerisharts here? I'm going to wipe your ass
Why do they love each other so much?
Why don't you accept that Argentina is white?
Any slavs here? I'm going to kick you're ass
Why do Japanese people have such a high life expectancy...
What's the current risk level (1-10) of your country losing its cultural identity?
Bodies of int
Walk outside
What did you say about Canada?
/nachtschicht/ autistische Ausgabe
Why does this country trigger the EU so much?
Irrefutable proof Mestizos were a mistake
Olympics run without any major problems
Mom, dad. I sincerely regret to tell you that I am back from Canada and this is my trap girlfriend...
Which one would you marry?
Japan why do you have chicanoboos?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Hey Russia bros I want to marry a Russian. Is it ok if I steal one of your women?
Is this allowed in your country?
This is how white race dies
This is how white race dies
Why are you upset that an Anglo will once again rightfully be President of America in 3 months?
Wake up
Burkini and France
Tfw want to fap but my parents are at home
When will they unite into a BIG LONG AND DEVELOPED CONE?
What's the least worst city in Brazil?
You were born just in time to witness your country become a superpower
Does she know that she has to speak English here?
Does your country accurately represent minorities in television and film?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
If you could wake up in a country of your choice, being ethnically of that country and with its citizenship...
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Do you prefer north Iberia or south Iberia?
Do you find fingol eyes attractive?
/naziarmee der finsternis/ danach wieder /deutsch/
Hey guys, Syrian here. I just got my residence card and I'm celebrating. I'm drunk as fuck after 6 cans of KOFF
New zealand
Tfw when the village gypsies are getting rowdy again
I want to cuddle with Russia :3
Sup Forums related shows
How common are these in Japan?
/ita/ - il filo
Why are white people so racist to Asians especially about looks?
What does your country's chess opening say about your cunt?
So war is coming soon between us and the Serbs
Post your favorite place in your country
Italians fuckin' destroyed all nuclear energy cancer on their land
What was your personal 9/11?
What happens here?
What is wrong with Americans?
His city is less than 1,000 years old
Could he save Mexico?
Please nuke us
Pick a movie and replace one word with your countrys name
Your ethnicity
UK stronk
1. Your cunt
Not living in your nation's capital
How does it feel that the rest of you faggots speak our language while none of us can be fucked to know one word of...
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Falkland Islands
Pls help
Do you click on ads Sup Forums?
Why do Japanese boys make the best traps?
What the age of your first alcool purchase?
Sup Forums thinks the best time to be American was the 1950-70's... But it was actually 1910-30's
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
International ass kicking thread
Mexico appreciation thread
White "women"
Le british women are ugly meme
How did the Swiss manage to make such disgusting cheese?
Can some westerner who lives alone adopt me?
What went wrong?
What went wrong?
This is Ritsu (African)
I thought Europeans were master home builders? Whats the point of having an overpriced, tiny...
What's up with Cornwall?
This is Russian/Polish clay
How accurate is this image?
What went wrong?
Whats your opinion on Cornwall?
German """"""men"""""" sit down to piss
Why do you learn languages?
Europoors will defend this
Why are fucking japs literally the most cancerous out of all nationalities on Sup Forums?
Why are Chinese people subhuman trash?
I have a sory to tell and I can't tell anyone I know, but I need to tell this somehow...
1. Your cunt
Slavic women are the best
Post places worse than Africa
/carib/ - The Children's Edition
Would you ever convert to a religion for a qt or would you convert yer to atheism?
Do Finns really believe that we didnt help them in WW2?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1969
Why is everyone on Sup Forums obsessed with being white?
/CP/ Culture Pals general - harem edition
/isr/ - /ישר/ - Israel Thread
Why are italian posters the nicest and most polite posters on Sup Forums?
1. Your Cunt
I will let this here for now
Memes aside what's life like in Argentina? Both in Buenos Aires and in general...
One day, you wake up. The world looks like this
In Greece we learn about Irish culture and history
Hilo latino
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
How does this make you feel, Mexicans?
ITT : your country's rightful clays
/esp/ hilo de españa
Yuropoors don't have this
What is this Jewish scroll?
Is Scotland really Nordic?
Irish Voices
Sweden is a moral super power
Right pic taken just minutes before she was put to the chainsaw
Why do Asians hate the sun...
Brazil appreciation thread
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Hometown thread
Really makes you think
Do you believe in karma?
New worlders that have visited Europe
Claim your waifu from another country
Try to talk to girl
Your coutry
Australia is really a fucking shithole
Why aren't you learning Mandarin?
Portugal is a big country
Tfw have stupid United States citizenship
A victory for common sense to be honest
What's your country doing to make isis died?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Clothing code
Does Sup Forums know who Papa Franku is?
Tell me more about Moldova and the Transnistria region
How does it feel to not live in the greatest white country in the world?
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Sverigetråden - Fin fredag
Only in America
Daily reminder that you will never live in a nordic country
Moving to germany
85 million people live there, and yet, I still haven't seen a single poster from this country since I'm on Sup Forums
/ita/ - il filo
Post most popular dessert in your cunt
Finland and the EU
Post you are country's national dish
How come Eastern Europe is such a shithole when the richest/best developed countries are their direct neighbours?
/ita/ - il filo
Why are Americans so uneducated and dumb?
Hey Russia, how about to border together
/fr/ - Fil de la France
What's the difference between all these countries? All I know is that they all speak some form of Mexican
Asian real talk
Why do Americans shart in the mart?
Is this considered normal in your country?
What do you think of spaniards?
Bring it on, French fucks
/deutsch/ am Nachmittag
Why does it feel so clumsy to say "centimeter" in english...
Are Anglophiles common in your country?
You're cunt
Tfw you will never have a Chinese gf
Ask a Libyan in Tunisia anything
Why are Finns called Mongols when they have blonde hair?
Thank you Japan for anime
Interracial couples in your country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why are Brits so autistic?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Any Frenchies here? I want to kick your asses
Is it true that aussies have never seen snow?
Hate toward English speakers on Asia server
Make a negative observation of islam backed up with facts
/ita/ - il filo
Why don't Westerners believe in Jesus anymore?
What drove Western explorers to go out into the vast Pacific Ocean...
Is China the biggest missed potential ever
Today we submit to China!
Lvl 17 pally lfg deadmines
Why are Aussie chicks so disgusting their personalities are vile I don't think there is a worse breed of women in the...
Pls h-help, UK and USA are bullying Finland again
How can non European women compete?
When the west destabilizes the middle east and orphans millions of children all for some cheap oil
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
You can only post in this thread if your country is white
Why do all Finns look like this?
Sup Forums bros, what's it like to have a QT white girlfriend...? Indian brotha here - hard to approach Canadian grills...
I love Mao so much
Faces of Sup Forums
So now that the dust has settle. What went wrong with Brexit?
/heiliges römisches reich/ ehemals /deutsch/
So now that Europeans are going extinct and replaced
That's it I'm converting to Islam
Weird misconceptions foreigners have about your country
Canada-Russia friendship thread
How and when exactly did America make the paradigm shift from freedom loving and enlightened republic it used to be to...
Europeans see the American Revolution as a proxy war that happened between the Seven Years War and the Napoleonic Wars
What a day to start with
Kurva anyátok
How do we fix her?
Mfw no Polish politician wife
"user! Come in, I'll microwave you some tea"
Do you look forward to visiting Paris in 30 years?
Sorry user, I only date practicing Catholic men
What country has the best memes? Personally i prefer Finnish memes
How do first worldlers feel about the fact that the people you talk with from 3rd world countries might get killed in...
/bodies of Sup Forums
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
I came to Sup Forums to learn about different cultures...
Yo punk ass white boys, y'all a bunch of fuccbois forreal, how u gone sneakdiss black people like dis...
Your country
Why do americups sing about sharts, is it really that common for them?
Will Mexicans learn to shower by 2030?
How different are all the Slavic languages from one another...
Name 5 famous Mexicans and 5 Mexican cities
Okay so, I, as a loyal colonial of the Empire, have gotten hard into the British Imperial nationalism as of late
Happy Friday!
/asean/ thread
Tfw black
Which do you think would be the better country?
Hi, Sup Forums
Want to buy this
Sup Forums memes:
I don't trust America. I trust and respect Russia more
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Morocco
Your country
Black culture
I have a question to arabic people. why do they wear black hijabs only in two decades? what happened...
76/sp/ GET
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...