What was your personal 9/11?

What was your personal 9/11?

when my gf left me


When my ex hijacked an RC helicopter and crashed it into my abdomen. Hurt like a son of a bitch, I tell you what.

protestants burning an irish flag pretty much right outside where i live
really looking forward to moving down south

Is the whole, 'Protestants vs Catholics' thing really that serious?
Why do they dislike each other?

Pretty much my entire life

when a terrorist crashed a plane into me

world of warcraft: cataclysm

Warlords of Draenor

Is the whole, 'Muslims vs Hindus' thing really that serious?
Why do they dislike each other?

Could have chosen a better name instead of james

She has good aim

Ehh, not really an apt comparison. Both worship different gods and are completely different.
Islam isn't an Indian religion and the Muslim invaders have historically killed many Indians.

Honestly that was more like my mother dying from cancer.

Horrible, but a long time in the making.

Nostalrius shut down was like 9/11 tho

Yep. I managed to stay up for an hour before collapsing 2bh.

Might as well be, given that arguably protestant invaders have historically killed many Irish Catholics. Religion is quite affiliated with culture in general, 2bh.

syrian immigrant influx

I mean I couldn't come up with anything else

this one time when I were a teenager I had a really bad tummy sickness

When I told my wife I was cheating on her. It was the worst time of my life, and I will always regret betraying her.

Why did you cheat on her if you regret it?

It was today. I dropped an open pair of small scissors on my dick. It's a tiny cut, but it prevents me from jerking off.

I cheated because my needs were not met. She was completely asexual. It's easy to say now that I never should have been married to her, but she was the first woman I had been with and I didn't know any better. We were best friends otherwise, together for 11 years.

Why...I mean how...?

Welcome to America, bud.

I feel you. Two small magnets took a small piece of my tip off a few years ago. It stung like hell

did she leave you?
I cheated on an ex, too, I'm just not cut out for it. Felt like absolute shit and it ruined the relationship.

>It's a tiny cut
It sure is.

I had to trim because otherwise it gets too sweaty. When I was done I was clumsy while putting the scissors away.

Thanks. But please don't shoot me until I've built up a resistance by shooting myself with smaller calibers.

Norths need to chill out, only reason i don't go up there because how hostile they are.


>Trimming your pubes.
What a fag.
Did your bf complain about them?

>t. doesn't do anything physical or has barely any bodyhair

Yeah, she didn't want to at first but I basically forced her to leave me. I let her take almost all of our possessions and savings, but I still feel like shit. This was 5 years ago.

Hey now, ot everyone wants to look like a 70's porn star

When I was born

When I came face-to-face with the hacker called Sup Forums

My grandpa moving into my house as a kid and ruining my life

Catholics: Pope>Holy Bible
Protestants: Pope

When I accidentally cut the base of my dick with scissors while trying to trim my pubes. I haven't been able to have a normal, pain-free erection since.


To be fair you are more honest and better than most.

I'd imagine I'd keep cheating and never say anything and push comes to shove I'll burn down the house in a divorce so long as she doesn't get it.


Goddamn. I posted mine before reading about my Norwegian twin's problem. Lol.


It's not hard to hit an American stomach