How fix Africa?

How fix Africa?

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lvl 4 railroads


Liquor factories

Same way any other place was fixed:
Kill natives and colonize it for real.

End the plundering by transnational corporations, stop the political corruption that facilitates the plundering, that would be a great start.


>End the plundering by transnational corporations
That pretty much destroys their only source to foreign currency and whatever middle class they have.

> stop the political corruption that facilitates the plundering
How is the West going to do that without colonialism?

Like this?

Much better


Let them sell their resources for gold.

Because why not? I will be lenient for some Berbers, East Africans, and the Khoisan. Other places don't have an impressive enough history to deserve a place on my map.

Much of Africa got its shit together in recent years.
Nigeria is looking pretty good, as is East Africa.
My dad used to go to East Africa on business trips all the time, and he never minded it.

I think a lot of the American perception of Africa comes from those TV advertisements that purposefully make Africa look much worse than it already is so that they can scam people into "donating"

Stop sending aid and give them a government that is for the people.

>Kill natives and colonize it for real.
Good luck

Tbh Nigeria and Ethiopia are probably the most developed countries in Africa (outside of SA). Loads if prosperity nowadays, in fact my uncle told me that in northern Ethiopia schools have already introduced computer labs containing rows of iMacs. I live in fucking Greater Vancouver and my high school would never have been able to afford more than 30 iMacs, let alone Apple computers. Of course there still exists quite some shitty areas, but times are changing and improvements are possible. Africans won't attain Lagos/Zanzibar/Luanda levels instantly but it can happen.

As in everything, education.
They need to pull their resource to make an African Union University with ample dorms and scholarships. Make it prestigious, make it competitive. Have an entrance exam that decides everything. Asian model basically.

Also helps if they pull a Hungarian, and promote math contest.

This desu.

Africa is actually improving quite a bit

Granted, there are still shitty parts to it, but at the moment, it's not all like the shitty conditions that we see on those advertisements for those charities.

Why fix it? It's more useful to us as a cheap source of minerals, which will not be so cheap if the continent becomes civilized enough to treat its laborers humanely.

Surprisingly I hear there's improvement‚-world-ranking-shows

But apparently there's a funding crisis ATM.

Watch empire of dust