How do you go from this?

How do you go from this?

to this?

>everything copied from greeks
>called itself a republic
>its really an empire even before the caesars

They are not the same people anymore except those that live in northern Europe. Italians are basically Arab rape babies and they love to deny it


>i don't know what an empire is

In the case of that image, earthquakes you silly little leaf

The real roman empire remanent is France

Central Italians are probably the closest to Romans.

Lax international politics and a really shitty string of emperors after Constantine

The roman apartment buildings were shoddier. Think about how terrifying a seven storey building must've been when it was made with technology available in 100 AD.

Northern Italians are probably the only ones with some semblance to Romans. Anywhere south of Rome is the Arab rape baby containment zone

Fuck off Gaulish scum

I always imagine Romans look something like this.

You would be åretty close to truth

No, they were manlets, average height was 1,65 cm

You've fell for the propaganda.

do you picture them having british accents too


Too soon mate

Looks like somebody did not get the metaphor behind the story of Atlantis.


Wtf that's Saudi tier, now I get the "southern italy is shit" memes

Yeah, and they have names such as Biggus Dickus

Reposting from the other thread,
>Empires are actually shit. No one really wants one after they learn the consequences of it. See also: The burgeoning Pakiland in Rotherham and elsewhere in Britland.

I'll add: See also the loss of territory, rather than gain, of the Hapsburgs, Bourbons, Napoleons, Qings, Hanovers, etc etc.

>That's Saudi tier

Not really.

I think it's the inbreeding that made them dumber:

Lynn replies: The only region in Italy where the IQ is as low as 89 is Sicily. In the other four regions of southern Italy the IQ lies between 90 and 92. These IQs in the range of 89-92 cannot be described as “almost a full standard deviation below their Northern Italian compatriots.” A full standard deviation is 15 IQ points, but the difference between the north and the south of Italy is two thirds of a standard deviation


Constantine was a shitty emperor too