
orthodox brotherhood edition

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Haha you finally got your thread

Samo ako nacekam nekoj Bugar niz Skopje vecerva mamata u picka nema da se vrati ziv


You're not Orthodox, almanci

shte te plqskam

>autists can't distinguish between german flags
You people are hopeless.

δεν ειμαι η kατσαριδα τβηφαμ

Greece > Turkey > kaka > bulgaria


The real enemy of this region has and always will be the eternal russian




Ros pls, you don't have to introduce yourself every thread.


Look how happy they are and yet you do this

pellopponeseian war when

Seakike όλε. Που είναι kαι ο Βουλγαροβραζιλιανος?

the russian is a sea away
the turk is a border away

Am not ros. Hello!


sup ahmed, salamalekum

niggas got cucked hard by eternal athenian
cancels out with my venetian genes

why are balkan leaders such giants compared to russians


There is God after all.

>the real irrelevant country of this region has and always will be the eternal voulgarian
>Που είναι kαι ο Βουλγαροβραζιλιανος?
my suspicion is hes hunting for brasilian

whats this




Your destiny

Don't be edgy, Skopje was leveled by a quake what, 50 years ago?


That's exactly why I know.



fucking cuck

We had a 5.5 several years ago, everyone was scared shitless.


Belgrad seems safe enough.


>skopjeboi posts quake probability map
>his '''''city'''' gets destroyed by a rain
Literally cannot make this shit up.

Ok I take Greeks back. I hope you only get shaken a bit. Just enough to make you fear. ;)

Nah, we trained

one day albanians and bulgarians will kill all fyromians

I hope a quake levels athens τουμπιχι
will weed out the shitty 60s buildings, maybe build it back with a plan this time


This happens here. But with trees instead.

the only thing that can kill fyromians is if we stop breeding otherwise we cuck the entire balkans

serbs and greeks won't allow this
fyrom is under our protection

With people in or out?

greeks already betrayed serbs when we occupied them in ww1, you will betray them again

>serbs still on probation after kosovo
>greeks are bankrupt
Not this time, Stavros.

Trees? By the wind and floods?

nigga we had civil war over telling the king to fuck off and join them
that's how strong our brotherhood is

Skopje needs to go too a 2nd time.
First, Gruyo's history Disneyland; second his fake baroque; third the Turkish towers; fourth all mosques.

and you never joined them

we joined in time to get some extra moreta tho

greek civil war was in ww2, not ww1



there was some internal altercation in ww1 too, that venizelos guy they post a lot

Don't see it. Albanians are on the move but won't get much. Maybe a small piece of land and in retaliation they will be expelled from the rest of the country. Bulgarians will stay put.

that one was over commies, not royalists


why do euros have different designs on the back? can you find all euro designs in all countries which use euro?



Fyrom will become unstable if Albanians chimp out. The South and East are sympathetic to our cause. There are a lot of hotheads here.

bulgarians are the worst posters on int

bulgarians are the worst posters on int

i can swim to solun

bulgarians are the worst posters on int

i will personally go into fyrom and genocide fyromians and turks with my albanian brothers

There are too many factors at play. EU, Americans etc. If Albanians chimp officially and not like the recent gang fight everybody will be hesitant to back them up.




>with my albanian brothers
Serdare, my son...

serdar is a turk, i will genocide his kind as well
also gypsies if there are any in fyrom

>Zagreb is criticized only by Belgrade, but also by minorities in Croatia, who say this country is trying both to minimize its fascist past, and glorify it.
If I were a Croat nationalist, I'd be planting willow trees on the Serb border in my free time.

try it subhuman, I'll shit on your palm and force you to eat it like ice cream


But Albos love Turks

first i will beat you with brass knuckles so you feel immense pain in your face and then i will induce brain damage to you with my feet fyromite remember my words

I will push a stick into your ass and impale you over a pig pen while they snack on you serdar


Leave him alone

I can't, this edgy turk kid has been shitting up all bulgaria related threads all day im pissed

you're a fyromian, you are weak
you dont have the balls to do what real men will do to you aka bulgarians and albanians

not me

You are retarded

>not me

you sympathize with alvos because they are just like you, frail, manlet, inbred and guzzlers of turk semen
Pigs feast on your family's remains serdar

oh he's a turk?
carry on then

what is the difference between a shiptar and tatar subhuman? we see them both as gypsies anyway

i will beat the fuck out of you and make you my bitch fyromite all you're saying now you will be made to regret i will make you feel like a woman, you will apologize and cry but i wont stop


*runs away very fast*

i'll literally force the leg of a pig up your rectum so far you will see allah in pyjamas

i'm not a turk, he just doesn't accept that bulgarians and albanians will genocide his fyromian beta kind in the 21st century

Ah finally.

pigs will feast on your whore mother's corpse

m8 you're shiptaroids, we're chill because we know we're stronger than any threat around us, you know well you'd never go to fight a macedonian

you won't do shit because you will be powerless and you know it, you just vent on the internet while albanians and bulgarians will act, and you will be turned into a scared bitch and then i will kill you bitch fyromite

i'm catholic