What is this Jewish scroll?

Wtf is pic related?

It's been sitting in my garage for the last year and a half, yet I still have no clue on what it is.

My family and I are Lutheran's/Catholics, so this shit has no meaning to us.

Is this Jewish magic? If I break it, will a demon arise? The old owners of this home were said to be Jews (moved out because of home invasion).

I'll keep poating pics until one of you Merchants explain to this goyim.

Other urls found in this thread:


it's stealing your shekels, penny by penny

Also not sure if this is board related. But I figured it would be better than Sup Forums or Sup Forums.

Quality information.

Another question, does this have any value to Jews or Goyim? My parents won't care if its gone I'm sure.

This isn't Sup Forums you dumb frog.

Does any one know?

One last pic/bump.

Pic related of the back. It doesn't look that old. I think it's supposed to be hung on the wall? We found it just laying on a shelf though.

>isnt Sup Forums
>opens a Sup Forums tier thread
not gonna answer your shit question pablo

Looks some cheap souvenir from Jerusalem desu

It's a Jewish curse scroll that will steal your shekels in the dead of night if you're a goy.

Sand jews are truly the worst.

You've just been pwned. It will turn you into shabbos goy forever when you leave the room.

Looks like a


>Go to board with international demographic.
>Board with population who knows this mystery.
>Ask question.

Wow. Truly the most random and Ilogical train of thought I can muster.

Bump for interest

It's a mezuzah. It was probably stripped off the front door frame and tossed into the garage. The scroll is the Shema, an important series of prayers that we keep in door frames and also recite a whole bunch.

Thank you. Truly our greatest ally.

you can ask it else where , make it /biz/ or some other shitty board.

This. It's a Mezuzah.

Well thanks for wrapping up this mystery. I imagine its quite worthless to us goyim?

looks like a nice artifact, I would buy it for 10k

Good goy

Post email.

Let us do business Greek Merchant.

It'd be a good start if you want to start collecting items from world religions. Otherwise, no. Throw it out; or, if you feel like being an extra good goy, bring it to a synagogue and let them take care of it.


Stop being stereotypical!

I'll consider keeping it.

Thanks for helping.

I am a wizard of level 31, hailing from the tower of solitude in Central Italy. That is an ancient scroll of average power, it contains a spell of Harvberg's Black Tentacles

From my Librus Arcanum: A field of thick, 10 foot long rubbery tentacles rises from the ground. Each is capable of grappling a target and stealing 1d6+4 shekels. If successful, the target must then make a fortitude saving throw or become guilted of nazi crimes and genocide. The tentacles are randomly spread out over the area of effect allowing no more than half of the tentacles to reach a single target in any given round. The inability of the tentacles to target small creatures makes all small creatures completely immune to the spell's effects. In other words, American manlets are not affected

It's a Jewish talisman that grants +20% shekels

So it's like a charm protecting one's home from evil spirits?

pretty sure that's the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, read it and become enlightened

ebin meme