What are jews like?

What are jews like?

Can you be more specific?
Generally I only see fellow reformed Jews, who are no different than Christians in my part of the country, and then there are the more rare Orthodox Jews.
Orthodox Jews perpetuate the stereotypes and make us all look bad.

Idk man

Italians with worse food

Normie jews who don't dress like this

I would rather renounce Judaism than take up that shitty fashion sense.

If you borrow money from them, they don't charge you interest.

they rock

The normie jews are usually pretty smart and bro tier. Also we should gas Soros and his friends.

weak, effeminate and cowardly

Only if you are my friend. Otherwise I will totally try and jew you.
These make me feel happy.
Only the second two are true of me.

The most powerful race in the world.

Even the part about Soros and a gas chamber?

Most of the ones I knew didn't even practice Judaism.

You know how in history books you read that Christians always felt jews were very foreign? That's exactly how jews are, despite being freindly and casual there is always something so foreign and fake about jews. Once you can spot them on their looks, you immediately tell how different they are. It blew my mind when I realized this; I used to hang around where there were lots of jews. Only ever really became freindly with one jew because he was really nice. One thing for sure though, never trust a jew.

I'm jealous of their superior intelligence and money making abilities

In all seriousness Soros is a corrupt cunt.
What kind of gas is in this chamber though? That will determine my answer.
>People actually believe this.
I can see some jews being that way. Mainly Orthodox Jews. Most of us are pretty regular though, just a bit better at economics.
There are economic lessons worked into the old stories we are taught as a kid. At least I saw them once I went back and read them during high school.

Never met one tbqh, But the Sup Forumstists have told me great things!

>weak, effeminate and cowardly
You've just described Canada in three words, congrats.

>just a bit better at economics

Why end your response with a cheap meme? Everything I've said is pretty true. Jews are not like normal people, think above the surface level stuff and it's incredibly noticeable. Obviously if you close your mind to that possibility, jews seem like any other degenerate.

I ended with a meme because it actually has some bearing of truth. I have always passed economic classes without studying. Same goes for the other college students at my synagogue.

You need to be more specific if you are going to claim that all jews act a specific way. What is so "off" about us? Because I'm beginning to think your just some "le redpilled" Sup Forums goer.

>What I say has some bearing in truth
>What he says doesn't

Anecdotal for anecdotal then, besides even if you were a jew i'm doubtful you'd understand. There is something inherently different about jews, foreign at their core, nothing I truly experience with any other race. Best way i could possibly put it. I don't understand why your whole crux is just some economics meme. Yes, jews know how to con, but thats not what entirely makes them different.

They're okay people. Zionists are pretty awful though.

Yes i did, but it still stands for the jews

Family-oriented, educated, wealthy, and intelligent.

They know how to make the most amount of money doing the least amount of work.

Can you please elaborate on the "foreign" thing? Because I am a born and raised midwestern American. I act no different than others around me, outside of being a slightly socially awkward dork.

The economic thing isn't even something I feel strongly about. Throw it out if you don't believe me. It's all the same.

From my experience I would say that generally speaking they are hard-working but arrogant, entrepreneurial but selfish, and knowledgeable but hypocritical.

Already put in the best way I could, ponder over it a bit, you jew.

Jews are horrible.

Among their other crimes against the white man, they're never on discord when I want to get our rocket league doubles team going again.

I respect there tenacity

I've heard they are a frugal and industrious people

>be jew
>hated by SJWs and commies for muh palestinian genocide
>hated by Sup Forums for controlling the media, banks, and other institutions

I don't know why I'm dead yet but all I know is I'm instantly responsible for the downfall of Western Civilization even if I or my family have any part in any of this.

French Jew reporting in, AMA

How do you feel about all the Muslims in France?

I take it you're also against open borders?

I hate the Jews here that are pro-immigration. Islam is the ultimate cancer to Western Civilization. Literally everyone hates me for this. The leftists on my college campus for being "Islamophobic" or Sup Forums for "lying to them."

I'm actually serious about this shit. Jews also were more likely to vote leave for Brexit.

Bad. They are more numerous and more aggressive (towards Jews, the general population, and themselves) year after year, and there's nothing in sight to stop them.

I feel they're now mildly disliked because of the latest events, but that won't be enough.

I always thought France's population was more redpilled towards the Muslims. Like with the Burkini ban. I literally don't understand why the reversal.

Besides, I would have left France long ago to a place where Western Civilization still runs free. Seems like every place where you can find a job is infested with undocumenteds and gangbangers

Kazakh Jew

Where do you go to school?

University of Washington

they are the real nazis

they think they are superhuman because it is written in their holy book but they are actually dumb arabs who got genocided over and over because they thought they were better than everyone

this actually caused them to become superhuman because of artificial selection
the end for jewish menace is not genocide,becuase survivors would be smarter but by FUCKEN
marry jew women
dont raise your son as jew
remove jewness from everywhere and never mention it
fug :DD

French Jews are mostly sick of Arabs. Open borders are good when it's about free trade, but that's it.

Only a small minority of rich leftist Jews (but a vocal one) still support mass immigration here. The "basic Jew" can't take it anymore.

The reversal is because French magistrates, and especially the Supreme Court, are notorious leftists. Not that they're noxious SJWs (although some of them are). They're more clueless leftists who defend "individual freedoms" because they don't really understand what's happening.

France is becoming terrible but I wouldn't feel at ease anywhere else. Israel and the USA feel too alien to me. I'm really French.

It's actually pretty much the same here in America desu.

My Jewish friends for the most part tend to want Trump to build the wall. Based 2bh. Then again, I literally hate other Jews for the most part for being bluepilled cucks and hating themselves because m-muh progressivism DUDE FUCK PALESTINE LMAO XDD

France seems to be Sweden lite in regards to Supreme Courts tho


French Jews went from full bluepill to full redpill when Arabs began to be really aggressive with us (with the Second Intifada, because Arabs in France love to roleplay like they're actual Palestinians).

Now our most proeminent patriotic writers are Jews, although the most SJW ones are Jews too. And in international matters, supporting the Israeli right-wing is the standard position for a majority of Jews, including myself of course.

What about Switzerland? That's where my dad's French cousins went when the Muslims started firebomb attacks too close to them for comfort.

It crossed my mind, but I'll have to get richer first. Cost of living is insane in Switzerland.

>Cost of living is insane in Switzerland.
Wages there are very high.

In my situation I could only go there for retirement, maybe after I get an inheritance.