what happens here?
What happens here?
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Luxary, heat, and oil
Oil, luxury goods, slavery and tackiness.
I hear it's nice (if you're rich and not a poor foreign laborer) but boring. A great place to raise a family and live a quiet life but like all Islamic countries is best avoided if you're looking for a good time.
I wonder how accurate that is however.
This was literally the first thing I found when I entered 'dubai vice' in Youtube. Do you want me to only show the good things that happen in your cunt m8? Not that I'm saying your attempt at mockery hides your denial, but UAE isn't 100% a pretty place.
A den of sin and hedonism.
show us your mormon pants, joe
It's incredibly boring.
t. lived in Abu Dhabi for three years
>Do you want me to only show the good things that happen in your cunt m8?
What good happens in UAE? Not even memeing, is there anything good there?
I'm not saying it isn't true, but it is heavily exaggerated.
Workers on visas are getting paid more than they would ever make back at home, and many of them eventually live here and start businesses/better lives.
The ones who are getting abused are being taken advantage of by foreign contractors, not by the Emirate gov't.
Keep in mind that the United Arab Emirates isn't even 50 years old as a country. Show me one country that at the age of 50 cracked down completely on workers' abuse? Not many, I bet.
We Emiratis don't want workers to be abused. Not only is it wrong, but it is also hurting our tourism and giving the country a bad rep.
Does it happen? Yes, but not to the extent that it is portrayed in Western media.
Nice nightlife, good food, diversity without all the b.s.
what kind of nightlife?
The super duper haraam kind
I can't wait for these fucks to run out of oil
I'm betting it's the overpriced club kind.
That kind of nightlife is fucking shit and panders to rich tourists. You're unlikely to meet anyone interesting at that kind of nightlife.
>he doesn't know that we're using oil money to invest
lol. By the time the oil runs out, we'll have invested enough money to make a return on it triplefold, nigger.
You sound cynical as hell my dude.
Wahhabism / Sallafism
>You sound cynical as hell my dude.
Not really, I've just had my fill of upper class nightclubs. They tend to be soulless and designed only for profit, not passion and they're filled with the same kind of people.
Who said it's upperclass nightclubs?
Maybe not all upperclass, but I bet lots of them are. And if they're not, I bet they're still clubs filled with loud music, probably owned by scummy ex-pats.
>probably owned by scummy ex-pats.
everyone in the UAE is a scummy expat
Well yeah, a lot of them are. Most are typical nightclubs, though. Don't believe the hype.
But if you ever find yourself in Dubai and want to get down to the basics of clubbing, just go by the beach @ night. There's always a bunch of foreigners partying there.