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International #641
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
/deutsch/ am Mittag
Sverigetråden - Hanrejupplagan
Why is there an area in Russia with lots of gingers?
Meanwhile in India
Learn German
Hi dad. Hi mom. My trip to Ankara was very fun and I met my girlfriend Melike Mehmetoğlu there. I want you to meet her
Why do we not have any culture? Even niggers have culture
Ask a Bosniak v2
Why do jews think they are a race?
/zh/ China 今日也是今天中午版
Any Swedes here...
Wake up
Your heritage
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What's your favorite Asian country?
Does anyone else like it when first worlders bully you...
Post hot creamy Japanese babes
Vocaroo thread
I can't read German
What is the best city in Australia?
Why is most of Germany populated with cucked drones who can't really cultivate their culture or tradition while running...
Italy saves 6,500 Somalian and Eritrean Migrants in one day
Why is Germany such a dirty and ugly country to visit, whereas the German people seem quite nice?
Any English here? Might cave your skull in
post yfw you makea finea italiana saucea
/ita/ - Il Filo
The next mass shooter in Finland will be Swedish speaking
/fr/ Early fil de la France
Ideal world
Are there Hispanics in your cunt?
India and World
Does your country have tradition of outdoor parties? How do you do it? In Russia it's called shashlyki
/ex-yu/: jutarnja edicija
Can I move to Spain?
European NATO members + Ukraine (no US&Canada) vs Russia (and CSTO allies Armenia, Belarus and Kazakhstan)
This is Ritsu (African)
Why is South Korean business always based on pretending-Japan?
Carolingian come BACK !
Why can't NZ's handle banter?
Walk into your living room. See this
Qt mormon chicks tried to evangelize to me today
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
You wake up in March 1939, 6 months before the beginning of WW2. What do you do?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Anyone noticed how it's Europe that's always the center of attention for Sup Forums
What are the equivalents to New York and Los Angeles in your cunt?
Post satisfying videos from your country
There's not a lot down there Down Under
Know thy enemy edition
How do we fix Japan?
Greatest ally
Cuban Doctor Meme
What happens here?
Kurva anyátok
Post your lunch
I fixed the planet
Which is more aesthetic? Latin or Cyrillic?
We're the best country in the world
Why do white women feel so threatened by Asian women in the West?
Yeah, so my life isn't perfect. I'm a kissless virgin at 30 years old. I have no job, no money, no friends...
What's your country's opinion on Slovakian women?
What do you know about this state?
/deutsch/ - Morgenausgabe
Does your cunt have nude beaches?
The shart in mart meme is dead
Napoleon was a far greater conqueror than guys like Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan
How do I become an Argentine?
Is there a more degenerate, savage race than the Russian?
My dream is that one day South America will unified. We will have a very rich culture, and will all be white
Do u lyk mi cuntrie i lyk ure county
Japan best country in the world!
Hdi in 1998
Girls in far away countries are sometimes attracted to me but Nordic girls aren't
What are dutch women like, Sup Forums?
Is Brazil really seen as shit stains on the world's map?
How do we save Britain?
Post great white countries
Any Spaniards here...
Do you like chocolate ?
Over 1.000.000 Greeks in America
1. Your country
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Why is Germany so much better than other Western European countries?
/brit/ + /ausnz/
1. Your cunt
Why are Americans so tolerant?
Which Immigrants are Welcome in Finland
So which one is the least shit?
Tfw I can already notice the days getting shorter
This is the next First Lady of the United States
This is an average high school in America
Be me
We were the terrorists in the Revolutionary war
How do we save Mexico?
U are coutnary
ITT: The worst leaders in your nation's history
Americans, remind me how you pronounce this
What does Sup Forums think of Sup Forums?
/qc/ - Édition nettoyage du quartier Westmount
Why do Westerners fear so much the rise of China?
Japan vs Korea
Ask a white guy who is his favourite rapper
Top 3 fav countries to get (you)'s from
Post funny shit that came from Sup Forums
Japanese posters like to lick eyes
Thread about my country
Mfw a Canadian gives me a (You)
A finnish guy replies (you)
All of Sup Forums memes are stolen Sup Forums memes
Say something funny on Sup Forums
Why do hispanics write so badly?
There are girls on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
/infidel slaughterhouse/
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Any Dutchies here? We're as much of a country as you and you won't ever change that
Be honest with me Sup Forums do you hate Mexicans? Why?
1. Your cunt
I genuinely can't stand shit posting. I really can't. It's the most autistic...
How does this type of photo get called?
/Éire/ + /Alba/ = /Conradh na Gaeilge/
Best region of the USA
Post nationalities you can't ever see as fellow human beings
/nachtschicht/ tagsüber /deutsch/
English is Germanic
/ita/ - il filo
Why is Italy so hated on Sup Forums?
What does Sup Forums think of their neighbors?
You may post in this thread ONLY if you ever won a war against France
What do you know about Morocco?
ITT we share secrets about our countries
What immigrants are welcome to Finland and what are not
ITT : Name famous architectural landmark from the country above us
This place
Oldest Ally
He can't roll R's
I fixed Europe
What are the regional meals in your countries McDonald's that aren't available anywhere else?
When a first worlder bullies you
Reminder that a Mexican intellectual literally beat the rest of the world at the international math olympics
Any russian girls here? I wanna fuck your asses
How do we fix Australia?
Hey, non-native english supeakerusu! How did you learn english? I watch movies and stuff, read fiction in english...
Any Frenchman here? I wanna kick your ass
You will never have a norwegian gf
/éire/ agus /an ghaeilge/
I fixed my flag
Why are Germans so robotic and analytical? They aren't human. I swear they all have autism
Would you have a Mexican gf?
Peaceful /balt/ and /a*snz/ thread
I never knew how BEAUTIFUL Slovenia's flag was
/fr/ Fil francophone
Would you rather live in Mississippi or the best State of Brazil?
What are some countries?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
How much of many is spaijn in up to for by on onto you into are own li
Can anyone give me an accurate translation for this tattoos meaning?
Black Americans
/Fir romanesc/
Why suddenly Sup Forums hate my country?? What have we done...
Is she the best ASMR artist?
Average European
Best & worst tourists in your country?
Thank you Germany for this good food
Food from your country, in English
For all the posters above the age of 30, how often do you go to your barber to trim the facial hair, like eyebrows...
How are girls in your country?
Are you a russophobe?
What will happen if I come to your country, wearing this t-shirt?
Yanks explain me this
What's considered the "cartoon mascot" on your country?
I am Jewish girl
/deutsch/ - Weimarer Verhältnisse bald!
ITT: Post food you think only people in your country make
I'm fucking tired of the English. They just keep fucking everything up for everyone
So, if Finland is not Europe and not Asia, Finland is all alone now...Finland doesn't belong to anywhere
Do you think the hapa peoples deserve their own "country"? I would support it
Algerians and Tunisians rape more than Somalis
What happens here?
Would you racemix with a girl from Caucasus?
Daily reminder that Nordic women were made for Southern European cock
How do we stop the Westernization of Asia?
Why are americans so rude?
Australian subs appear off the coast of your country
One of these threads
Why do you people in other cunts smoke ciggarettes when this is so much better?
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Friendly reminder that you foreign devils will never ever have a Portuguese gf
Why you like nordic girls so much user?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ - Il Filo
US state HDIs compared to other countries
What states of usa are the best looking girls from?
De verdad te hace pensar
1. You're cunt
What does Sup Forums think of my country?
Will Japan ever apologize?
Go ahead. Keep talking smack about the US. You call us fat, but we're the most athletic country on earth. Call us dumb...
You can remove only one country from the face of the Earth. What country it will be?
I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese...
Do you love Japan?
Someone calls the Netherlands Holland
Why are bantz about America so shit on this board?
Who's the most famous Japanese person in your country?
Say the first thing that comes into your head about the nation above you
Dating was so simple during the 1920s. All a man had to do was wine and dine a girl, and then she'd have sex with him
Feels bad, man
How often do you feel a "spanish shame"?
Dutch people are infested with lice
/FWB/ - Fil des Belges Francophones
If UK and Ireland would unite as a country, would it be called UK or Ireland?
I want to move to Iceland
Wheeew, I live un a green country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What do Brits think about Germany and Germans? Any animosity related to the War or the whole Brexit situation?
This is the shittiest county in Europe
Why do white people eat so much meat?
Based Hungary
1. Your country
Why is the economy of Germany better than that of... all the other shitholes, basically?
Post the most american webm or pic you have
/deutsch/ - danke Rainer
1. You're a cunt
I'm aragonese call me catalan and I'll kick your fuckin ass
What's the most racist and sexist country?
Is it time for a new Chinese exclusion act?
What is Japans obsession with Germany I see it in all my Chinese cartoons
Post areas of the world worse than Africa
Fort/Castle and Palaces thread
Post non-white countries
/fr/ Fil francophone
What is the most underrated thing about your country?
1. which european country has the most pretty girls?
ITT: we post delicious regional food from our hometowns/home state etc
In England, they call this Sushi
What is your favorite country to get (You)s from?
What is the meanest thing a British poster has ever said to you?
What are some arab contributions to world culture? be it art, music, film, etc
El oeste de Paraguay
/esp/ hilo de españa
What is Sup Forums's opinion of him?
What really makes you think?
ITT: Post the national dish of your country, then we ridicule and mock others for having shit/disgusting taste. Got it...
First day of College
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /neder/
Is German the GOAT of European langauges to learn
Brandenburgian in-bound. Any Bavarians here? I'll kick your ass
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
The third favorite dish in France is Couscous
Ask an Israeli Jew who is serving in. IDF anything
They've always failed us. How do we stop them?
I'm Scottish call me English and I'll kick your fuckin ass
Are catholics considered christians in your country?
Recent map from Russian nationalist recourse
1.Your country
Why do people think I'm white?
This triggers the Americans
What are the best and worst national anthems you've ever heard?
Ideal Europe map
What is up with scandiboos?
The Eurocentric world
Europeans of Sup Forums, how the fuck do you manage to survive on less than 4000€/month?
Why are yuroplebs so butthurt about brexit? I thought you guys were pissed at our opt outs and wanted us to leave?
Pee in ocean
What do ex-east germans think of soviet union and russia? are they butthurt?
When someone from a country with yellow regions says: "fuck off we are full"
Ask a Bosniak
Why is this so shit country?
Fort/Castle and Palaces thread
/deutsch/ Dürre im Drachengame
His country doesn't have a monarchy
There are girls on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
Northern Sweden is Eastern Europe
Why No Samsung Logo on Galaxy Note7 in Japan?
Really makes you think
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Why does Japanese gene makes inferior gene better?
How hard is it to get a gf if you're a kissless virgin in your country?
White ppl lol
This guy literally has death squads and hit men gunning down drug users and their relatives in the streets
Britain invented Steam engine system
Put white people on an island, you get UK
Post yfw you realize the number of flip posters have dropped dramatically
Welcome: Slavs
Kurva anyátok
How common is it in your count to see trolleys abandoned at the side of the road?
ITT: Describe your country's political parties
"Daddy, why do people want to vote for a racist like Donald Trump? If he gets elected president...
Why does Israel treat the Palestinians the way the Nazis treated the Jews?
One of these threads
Sweden 50 years ago was a paradise on Earth. How could native Swedes willingly ruin what they had?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Southeast Asians and Native Americans
What do Euro bfs smell like? :3
Sup Forums Asiavengers
/ita/ il filo - Tomoko edition
Why don't western like Japanese modern culture? Like anime, manga, videogame, and robot
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
State thread for pic related
I'll be clear with something
A bomb has gone off outside a Brussels police building
Any Canadians here? I want to kick your arses
Ugly Russian male, beautiful Russian female thread
Whats the least PC country? Not politically really...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What is the Canada of Europe?
There are millions of Jap girls who are just waiting to be BLEACHED
29 August 2016
Why do some slavs have negroidal features? They look like albino negroids
What is there to this place that its people are so self hating?
What country has the least promiscuous women?
Tell me, Europeans: Why do you guys hate Gypsies so much? Fill this Ameraburgerclap in
Nevertheless Koreans had anti-Japan education and hate Japan...
What's the status of leftism in your country?
Islanders are naturally superior
You are breathing air which was breathed by someone
Is there an elixir of empathy one can take to become a normalfaggot?
I was supposed to born as a black
Russian geography
Did the death of Harambe make the news in your country? Do people in your country know about the meme?
Want anything from the corner store?
/zh/ China 中华人民共和国 人类未来版
Have any of you kind gentleman had the pleasure to met a Mexican intellectual?
Why are Americans such teaboos?
What do they think of each other?
What do you learn about the Vietnam War in school in your cunt?
Why is Portugal so fucking white?Seriously why is portugal so nordic...
What the hell happened to you, japan?
Pseudo JAPAN & Mini CHINA
Think of some great anti-america bants
You wake up in massachusetts
Burgers get triggered
I wanna piss off some mexicans by sharing THE TRUTH
Give Nevada back sharters!
What the fuck I hate Israel now
Guess which country will post after you
The Spanish are the most evil race in the world
How much would you pay for a legitimate British passport in your name with an accurate photo and information?
Why do americans like red cups so much?
What is the next step on the history of Japan???
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Does anyone here live off welfare? I mean it must be paradise, I wouldn't even go to college after high school
Why do American parents mutilate their children?
Try talking to girls after advice from you guys
France 2016
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Which country is the gayest on Sup Forums?
Why are Anglos so fat?
Annoying neighbour
Is there still time to save Germany?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals und morgen wieder /deutsch/
Russian music
Why is the Netherlands such a wonder of a country?
How do I become Brazilian?
Will Africa ever develop?
Latin America is shit, poor and third world
Sup Forums, I want to know more about your hobbies
Be American
How do we save Britain?
What happened to NYC that made it the worst city in America in the 70s?
I wish South America was an unified kingdom, with an ancient history, founded in the year 1000
What is your honest stance on Estonia?
How do Small Towns look like in your country?
Are Americans literally only getting chip and pin cards now? Really? How the fuck do you use a cashpoint...
I fixed North America
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why do Americans say "Oh my Gosh"?
/eire/ + /celt/ = /éire/
How much would you pay for a legitimate Australian passport in your name with an accurate photo and information?
How much does Sup Forums love Persian culture, language, music and people?
How is this possible? I thought S. Korea's economy was developed
What do Spanish people look like?
Would you interbreed with a colombian girl?
/Sverigetråden/ - ingen upplaga upplagan
Which two countries would make a perfect couple?
Harmful opinions on Poland will be rewarded
Are Norwegians the niggers of ethnic Germania?
/lang/ - Language General
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Your name and what it means in your language
Post rap from your cunt. US not invited
ITT: we rate each others english accents
Why is France so gay? lol
Have you met anyone famous Sup Forums?
Why can't you all just be like Norway?
Europoors will never know the feeling of eating this godly meal
Europeans will actually defend this
1) Your cunt
Hello, I have Germanic roots and I live in South Brazil
South America
Woah, is this New York???
Currency Collection Thread
Do your country fellowmen refuse to speak english at an international event ?
1. Your country
Was austerity the right measure for Southern Europe?
1. You're cunt
Daily reminder that you will never live in a nordic country
Now we know why they shitpost
Finns are Mongols
Do you have a kot?
Hilo con aguante
WTF i hate Germany now!!
How do you say "I don't give a fuck" in your language and what's the literal translation?
One chance at life
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
USA hate thread
What do you think would happen if your country fell under authoritarian Finnish rule for 50 years?
/cp/ Cultural Pals General - Yandere QT's edition
Hillary is going to win the election and we're all going to burn in the nuclear hellfire against Russia
WTF I hate the internet now!
I told some Euro friends of mind that I own two cars and they were in awe...
/fr/ - Le Fil de la France
Mexico is shit, poor and third world
Why do Germans love war so much when they have never won one?
Show me an indian cute
Being under 30 years old and living in a shitty small-town or rural area
Why is Texas so attractive?
/cum/ Canada, US, Mexico
Why are these guys so rare on Sup Forums...
/ita/ - il filo
This is Ritsu (French)
What's your country's opinion on this fella?
What's your casta, Sup Forums ?
What this bitch says on France ? I don't get her american accent
Why is Asia the white beta male's refuge of choice?
ITT: We read foreign languages and butcher them
Why are Russian posters the kindest posters on Sup Forums? It doesn't make sense
Why are Brits so good at the American invention of rock and roll?
Have you ever met a non-clever jew?
Have you ever met British people? Why are they so terrible?
How fucked are you?
Where my Wisconsin bros at?
Guys I've found the key to identifying subhuman cultures
Tfw not part of the Master race of English speaking countries
Who /gettingthehellout/ here?
God bless Poland and God bless United States of America
Be Italian
Conquer almost the entire world
Mfw we earn more and are more educated than American and Canadian whites
Rate my evening food and post what your eating tonight
Would you recommend any good book from your country user?
European """""""democracy"""""""
UK or Ireland?
How come Chile is so much more safe than the rest of South America ?
Is it weird to enjoy resting your head on your sister's butt? I do it whenever I see her laying down...
/lang/ : language and linguistics
American culture
Post the #1 reason for your hatred of Burgerland
This confuses and enrages the European
/fr/ - Le Fil de la France coquine
Pick your slav gf
Yuroshits will never know the feeling of having the freedom of choosing the mart they shart in
Check catalog
Why argentina people are such whining ass pussies about the falkland war? Such a degenerate ape country...
Why do most Russians look like this?
Which do you prefer European cities, North American cities or East Asian cities?
Honestly, which the best developed country for a successful black man live in without being threatened by racist scum?
Does anybody else like to be bullied by first worlders on Sup Forums? I love when they remind me of my place...
God-Tier Soft drinks from your country
You are now an Italian for the rest of your life, what do you do ?
Southern Europe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Northern Europe
I am an American communist
Go to Europe
Should I keep masturbating to hentai or switch to real porn?
Take a picture outside of your window
If you aren't on this map, you are literally a non-country
Meet white person
Ancient russian culture must be restored
Mom and dad. My trip to İstanbul is over and I want you to meet my fiancee Ayşe Mehmetoğlu
/ita/ - il filo
You go to the safest and best city in South America (São Paulo)
/fr/ - Fil de la France
More like ahmedomany
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What does a typical house in your country look like? In Norway pic related is a typical house
Your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
In 3rd world countries they take shits and then subsequently throw that feces-laden toilet paper they wiped their ass...
1. Your country
Is UK a colony of USA ? I saw a movie which took place in London and there CIA has a cell...
/deutsch/ Stammtisch am Sonntag-Nachmittag
Thank you, Japan!
Which countries represent the Harry Potter houses?
How much would you pay for a legitimate German passport in your name with an accurate photo and information?
Your country
Why is this little russia land here? Why doesnt poland just invade it?
Average millennial yuropoors
I want to have sex with slovakian cuties
ITT: 'merica
Does reading really improve your vocabulary or is it overrated?
//ÉIRE///An Ghaeilge//
What makes pic related so glorious? Is it their Germanic admixture?
Do Japanese women really not shave their pubes? The Chinese women here do?
Norwegian Hotdogs
/asean/- Slothful Sunday night
Why do Northern Italians and Southern Italians hate each other so much?
Any Brits here? It's time to give back northern ireland
Your cunt
When did you realise that Turkey is actually the bad guy?
No russian maney anymore pigs
Where do women in your cunt usually travel to?
Do you love Italy?
/ita/ - il filo
Would you fight for your country?
Japanese websites
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Make a post insulting asians
Recognizable posters of Sup Forums
Why don't Polish people stay in Poland if it's so great?
I will destroy Belgium and every Belgian I see. I will hunt you and your children. I will kick you're asses
Hello. I was born in West Siberia in a small town. Lately, I live in Moskow and I entered in university wich called HSE...
Finnish girls >>> White girls
Everybody love Japan. Why?
ITT: Countries that are mysterious
"Hey Sup Forums, wanna have a cup of coffee with me?"
1 - Your cunt
How common are german woman/refugee man couples?
I really love German culture and history. Post famous German people
1 v 1 fight who wins?
What is a good place to travel if I want to sex a lot of black women?
You wake up as a Pole
Why are these called trucks in America? Is it autism?
1. Your country/ethnicity
Hi, good evening
Why do Americans shart at the start of every sporting event?
What is your international dream?
How do you ride a white horse?
Duck out of a civil war when your allies control 80% of the countries territory
Is the American-Mexican border dangerous on the American side?
1. Your cunt
Can we all agree on this?
If this doesn't bother you, then you're a horrible person
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Huh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that...
Which generation are you?
Thanks for paying for my neeting fucking loosers
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Wake up
Med women > Slav women > Celtic/Atlantic women >>> Latina woman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Germanic "women"...
This is Ritsu (Irish)
Don't trust Japan
"Hey Sup Forums, want a lick?"
Post pictures of average Russian people
In what Western country can East Asian men get the hottest girls?
What happens here?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...