Which generation are you?
Which generation are you?
Gen z
i'm a millennial
>inb4 millennials go on to claim that gen Z are the real millennials
I was born in the millisecond between Dec 31 1996 and Jan 1 1997
I'm millenial and don't fit in any of those categories so... I call bullshit
The Pepsi generation.
>muh millenials boogiemen
Eat my 20 yo dick and choke on it
Will Millennials go down in history as the very worst generation ever?
>Milisecond between
There is no such thing
no that's the boomers
If one generation is shit it's the fault of the previous one
That's such a millennial attitude
All those virtues are deadly wrong. And how can they claim such things for children. Millenials were the worst generation ever, since the new ones have arrived. There is no uphills on this ride.
you are a millennial, stop being self hating
Kek, it's true tho
This whole "generations" thing is a meme
Boomers, gen x, millennials, it's all a huge fucking meme so some hacks can shill their books on tv
Explain difference between creative and innovative pls
there is none
it's just some fucking words. you can change anything in that image and it won't matter
change millenial to nigger and gen z to fag and make up some other words, same effect
That only applies to murica
I agree but people like to identify with broad groups
But idealist-realist, dependent-selfreliant are different
Innovative - improve things that already exist
Creative - create new things
but where is the proof they are?
it's jsut words, it has no source or even explanation of why either of the generations are any of the attributes
This is the dumbest picture I have ever seen.
how the fuck are we defining gen z as self reliant when they're literal children
So 12/13/14 year olds are now
Gen Z or should i say Faggot Gen is nothing but fodder. No ideas, no education, no values, no conscience or anything worthy. Just a bunch of braindead peasants.
Hm. ok, But innovationess somehow realate to me wth creating new things too.
Is this somebody's idea of bad joke?
I work with teens at the moment, and let me tell you, Gen Z blows the fuck out Millennials as the MEMEMEMEMEMEME generation. They are every bit as selfish and entitled as the previous generation, probably even more.
The fact that they've never known a world where Faceshit, Twitcrap, and Spygle didn't exist makes them even more unsufferable, because they act as if the world would collapse if these things disappeared overnight.
People classification based on generation entity is dumb bullshit. "OP is faggot" Generation I am.
I am my own man, and as such don't conform to arbitrary concepts pushed upon me
Reminder that baby boomers are what's wrong with literally everything in today's world.
But truth be told, I'm getting sick of the hard left and hard right attitudes that are being forced down kids throats.
I fear the worst.
Generations only apply to people raised in the US
>teenager gen
is this freshest meme right now? who made this?
Also what comes after Gen Z? Wiping?
Why are Gen Y like me not called persistent?
I'm very persistent in being entitled and self-centered.
>born 1997
What am I lads?
moron, the chart is just old
you think if somebody posts that 3 years from now somebody will post
>born 2000
What am I lads
no because they're not a retard like you
The picture is old im in the same boat as you
In three years it'll be
>born 1997
It's still gonna be the same. Am i a millennial or gen z? moron
I was born in 1982. I don't identify with children born in 1995.
>born 1997
Shit Im old
This desu
Even 5 year gaps are kind of pushing it with how much technology and culture shot forward the last few decades.
It blows my mind that people would give children cellphones or allow them to use Facebook nowadays. When I was a kid, nobody would waste that kind of money on a kid, or think it was a safe or good idea to let a child put all their personal information on the internet.
I feel old.
you're an idiot man fr
the picture is saying millennials are born from 1981-1996 making them 19-34 years old at the time this picture was made
gen z are born 1997-2003 making them 12-18 years old at the time this picture was made
this is because at the time this picture was made it was like this, the picture is now old so it's not like this anymore but the range for birth year is still true
Anyways some people argue that millennial goes to 2000 or 2003/2004
So you may or may not be a millennial, but you're definitely a retard