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This is embarrassing.

Everyone knows this by now.

>not Krzystof Kolumbycki




or Kolumbski

If historians say so..why not?

Been to his grave desu

He was a psycho so makes sense that he was a pole


>being this jelly xDDDDDD

Could they be related to polish intellectuals?

is this from the Daily Mail? lmbo pathetic


*eats kielbasa*

Yes, I thought the picture was fake but googled Colombowicz and the article exists. Embarassing.


it's disgusting
if he was really a son of Warneńczyk then they couldn't come back to Poland anyway and must've changed their name


>An international team of distinguished professors have completed 20 years of painstaking research into his beginnings.
>The fresh evidence about Columbus’ background is revealed in a new book by Manuel Rosa, an academic at Duke University in the United States.

Sure, its dailymail, but this is not something that dailymail made up. They are just quoting American historians.
But hey, its dailymail, everything written there must be made up.

There was a yt clip with a Spanish professor talking about it as well.

He was catalan.

slanderous yuro lies, columbus was born in milwaukee and was an american patriot who never left the US

>Pooland tries to become relevant by stealing other nation's famous figures

Pewdiepie is also Polish

>An international team of distinguished professors have completed 20 years of painstaking research into his beginnings.
>The fresh evidence about Columbus’ background is revealed in a new book by Manuel Rosa, an academic at Duke University in the United States.


Anyway, Poland is more relevant than Sw*den
You just jelly xDDDDDDDD


>famous figures
>the first thing you come up with is pewdiepie

excuse me but Muhammad ibn-Kolombo al-Genoani was a Bedouin from the Hejaz

Are there other famous swedish figures?

Name one famous Swede who achieved something else than giving others a prize for achieving something.


What if they're muh heritage fags

I have a friend who's very proud about his ancestors being polish. He's also one of those catholic larpers and posts deus vult memes in our friend groupchat.

Historians are certain that he was Polish based on the fact that he, like every single important Pole in history, emigrated from Poland, although they were astonished when they realized he hadn't stopped in Western Europe to perform manual labour.

>American historians dropped

he was a genovese artisan, probably a jew too

Cristopher Columbus = Cristobal Pedro Álvarez de Sotomayor, mostly known as Pedro Madruga, half galician and half portuguese.

The galician theory (one of the oldest, along with the geonese) was always right. The problem is that the galicians didn't have the alter ego of columbus to prove it until the 1970's, but now it's too late to change official history.



Kristofferi Kolumbunen was actually a Savonian Finn who immigrated tp Central Europe from Savonlinna


Good job Poland

Also, did you know Poland invented Boomerang?
>One boomerang that was discovered in Jaskinia Obłazowa in the Carpathian Mountains in Poland was made of mammoth's tusk and is believed, based on AMS dating of objects found with it, to be about 30,000 years old.[13][14]

I always liked theis theory because Pedro Madruga was an interesting guy.

I think not.

The problem with this theory is that the galicians found a family "Colón" in Pontevedra, but the documents were remarked to be scanned in a book at the beginning of the twentieth century, so it was acused of fraud. But now after being analyzed the documents were proved to be authentic. So now we have, along with an infinitive amount of proofs that:

>Columbus used more than 200 galician placenames in America.
>The signature is their name and the initials of their ancestors.
>Francesillo de Zúñiga, in the court of charles V said that they both were the same person.

But somehow people still thinks that he was a geonese pleb. Pretty sad.

makes sense, his travel to india was basically a fuck up


Captain Janusz Kolumb Mikke on his first election campaign in today's Boston, Massachusetts, year of our Lord 1491. Cheering crowd of natives welcomed the eccentric conqueror and explorer after he promised to ban all the seatbelts in ships and replace them with chains.

This is far better than columbowicz. Based.

Poland invented the americas?

The guy who discovered this place was Italian. The country is named after him (Amerigo Vespucci) not goddamn Rapist Columbus.



iirc he never wrote in italian

Lol look at these cunts

He was clearly hungarian, don't you think galamb and columb sound alike?

Kristóf Galamb, finishing Genghis Han's job

He didn't even talk in italian with toscanelli, and the pope considered him spaniard.

Vespucci is a fraud. The real discoverers of America were Columbus and Juan de la Cosa, who made the first map of the continent.

*risto kemppilä

>Amerigo Vespucci (Italian pronunciation: [ameˈriːɡo vesˈputtʃi]; March 9, 1454 – February 22, 1512) was an Italian explorer, financier, navigator and cartographer who first demonstrated that Brazil and the West Indies did not represent Asia's eastern outskirts as initially conjectured from Columbus' voyages, but instead constituted an entirely separate landmass hitherto unknown to Old Worlders. Colloquially referred to as the New World, this second super continent came to be termed "America", deriving its name from Americus, the Latin version of Vespucci's first name.[1][2]

Vespucci made a map years before Juan de la Cosa. What happened is that Vespucci had friends in Europe who told the news and they named the continent America in their honor. Columbus already knew that he discovered a new continent in his third vogage.

>only knows about the Nobel prize and nothing else about the guy
Slav top education right here

*years after

Ahem. The real discoverers were yours truly

He invented starting in mart?

Everyone knows kristof van kolommen is dutch


he was a brit and his name was Christopher Dove


Kościuszko designed american flag

Did you know we had Galicia in Poland too?

all those countries trying to steal Italian accomplishement

>Not Portuguese
>Then in the article "the italian..."
Who is the utter retard who wrote this disjointed shit?
Also spoiler alert: he was italian.

Are you guys talking about Christoffer Kolombus?