Daily reminder that Nordic women were made for Southern European cock

Daily reminder that Nordic women were made for Southern European cock

fuck southerneurope

3 guesses as to which country OP is from, and the first 2 don't count.

to be fair you american subhuman
its easy to get a germ girl when you are southern european

i would suck any of those guys' cock

t. finnish girl

WTF I am Greek now

Fun fact: Finns are the biggest whores in the world
New Zealand is 2nd.
Austria is 3rd.

Who said I was American?
Much like you, I'm actually from a different country.
From Southern Europe.

Lots of islands.
Goat cheese.
See where I'm going with this?
Nudge nudge, wink wink.

it indeed is fun

fuuck southern euroepe

French are what btw ? We are not southern but we are not germanic.
So we are centrist ?

English/Algerian rape babbies


we dis

A-Are you qt?

t. Pablo Martinez, dishwasher from Valencia

pretty aesthetic, not "hot" though

I hate this 'Southern Europeans are aesthetic' meme
Just because some Greek and Roman statues look well proportioned, it doesn't make you Mediterraneans overly aesthetic
Nordic people are superior

>mfw half barbosa half mongol

the memes are real

>g*rman reading comprehension
I was referring to the blondie you posted

>Nordic people are superior
for you


Most southern european men are fucking tiny.


Africa, but Northern.

Yes, but our ground is higher, so it balances out.