Any Swedes here? I'm gonna make a false rape allegation against you while you immediately go to Jail for it no questions asked and then collect 400 euros a week from your government due to the traumatic ordeal
Any Swedes here...
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I hope Sweden has laws where if someone false accuse you, you can do that crime to them without punishment.
I want to see Sweden rape Lebanon.
You meme but I'm literally scared to death of this happening to me after I had sex with a girl in my student corridor who was so drunk I had to half-carry her to her bed. She now ignores me or give me angry looks whenever we meet.
is 400 euro per week a lot for people in the middle east?
that is more than averege salary in serbia... (mean is about 360)
Thats how much i pay each month to keep my parking spot for me alone
Du förjäner det, jävla nbög
you can't imagine how is like to live here...
käften fetto
tffitö pötito
>mean is about 360)
that can't be true, i thought we are on pair
el libANO
Od zemalja regiona, na začelju su Srbija i Makedonija, u kojima su prosečne plate nešto iznad 350 evra.
how the fuck, even for a shitty country in the middle east without oil 400 euro is our minimum wage
you can't live off 1200 euros a month in nederpoop?
first world problems
you have oil
Survive? Sure, if you dont mind renting a shitty room in the back of someones house and eating cheap bread every day.
Live? No
stop lying.
Proof me wrong fuccboy
1200 is less than minimum wage
then how much does a doctor/engineer/lawyer earn?
100-250k average with exceptions who go over that easily if they are good at what they do
You could rent a 1-2 room flat (maybe not in the expensive areas) and live alone just fine.
250K a month? a fucking month?
wha the actual fuck this can't be right
yeah doubt it, I'm making 1300 and i can't afford 2 room flat in fuckig poland
it's a year
I make 1200 in autismbux a month, and live just fine by myself off that. My apartment is a bit shabby, and my budget is shoestringed, but it works.
If you can survive here on that little, I doubt it would be more difficult in the Netherlands.
you could live off of that just fine here, if you stay away from the inner cities
wew almost had a heart attack
how does one go about getting a job in Denmark/Netherlands?
>tfw 400E per week was my pre crisis salary
maybe your estate market is regulated by gov, it's pretty wild in here I'm paying 600 for a single room flat 30 minutes away from the city center
There's a reason Slavs aren't considered real whites by germanics.
We don't
Poland is much better than Serbia tbqh, you weren't sanctioned by the entire western world right in the transition between gommunism and capitalism, a procces which still didn't even end fully, promped up by more corrupt governments than you can even imagine
Geography doesn't have anything to do with economy, historical events do. I have a friend who lived in Russia and then moved to Lebanon and he keeps telling me how much nicer it is there despite it being outside of Europe
just need a pair of shoes and a the ability to mentally disassociate the act of collecting welfare with leeching my fellow countryman