What happens here?
What happens here?
basketball and suicide
This looks hot but also cold at the same time, kinda annoys me
butthurt idiots with huge superiority complex
Mini-me Poland.
rebeled province
perkunas lives there
Ancient language close to Sanskrit.
they think they were important part of commonwealth when they were really just dumb peasants we used as supply of bodies for army campaigns.
The lesser you know, the better
Bravo Lithuania
What I can say, Im Lithuanian, I didnt even read 1/10 of whats written hear, but I suspect its another leftist propoganda. DONT GO TO LITHUANIA IF YOU THINK ITS RACIST! 1st thing. Let me explane something to you, we have the oldest living language, probablly the oldest surviving culture, and its only around 3000000 of us, so DONT MIX WITH US. We will remain pure for the most part for sure, because we didnt lose our instincts, although through the war and occupation we have lost our minds, but in a different way then westerners, so we still have a chance to become a strong country, because we are homogenous, we have many geniouses and are compared to JAPANESE because of our minds. We are European Samurai which lost its pride through many many occupations, since the introduction to Christianity to Europe, where Lithuanian has thought it for 1000 years, we have lost our identity at the end. Now it is slowly recreating, and what it will recreate will be something simular to the 3rd reich. Ofcourse you know nothing about it, just mear three dimentional propoganda, because westerners have lots the other AntiMaterial side of life, which is very important if a really free human to posses. I can only give you a small sight what will happen, because of the on going systematic distruction of European races, you will awaken a giant in Eastern Europe now called 'A small Lithuania' dont forget that Lithuania was the biggest country in Europe before Christianity, if we manage to awaken all the rest of our brothers which are Belarus, Ukraine & Latvia, well probablly west Russia and part of Poland, but those countries can be alone without us, we wont interfear, we will become a strongest country in Europe and will awaken the rest of you Spiritless humans, who only understand everything through his eyes, not understanding that there is more involved, you will destroy yourself because you are far away from nature, which is fundimental if you want to live in harmony and peace
really makes you think...
Probably because all the warm colors.
Hello friends and poles
Why is their capital so far to inland when there is a sea? Strange creatures. Anyone have haplogroup and genetic maps?
Best country with Denmark, Italy, Brazil and Mexico. Poland is butthurt.
Lots of gay sex.
tfw no żmudzin gf
Crazy truckers
There are 0 (zero) nice posts in this thread that were posted by a Polish person.
Really makes you think...
Isn't 'zmudzin' deregatory term?
Honest question btw, I'm not familiar.
Oh dog I wonder if she would like a little roleplay.
I would pretend I'm Żeligowski and she would be Wilno. Her pussy would be Ostra Brama and my goal would be to march through it with my soldiers.
Then I would cum on her belly and proclaim it Republic of Central Lithuania.
the flag look african
Żmudź is Samogitia.
Żmudziń is someone living in Samogitia
They used to be kinda big before Russians and Germans threatened them so much they were basically forced in an alliance/union with Poland which was partially benificial since Lithuania despite it's size wasn't strong, but it certainly did shrink it. And shrinking was followed up it's entire history up to the 20th century
Thanks familia.
She's not from Samogitia though, she's from Kaunas.
wtf I want to invade now.
*teleports behind you*