Do you like chocolate ?
I made myself a roulé au chocolat.
On the madscale, 0 is the weakest, 10 is the stronger. where is located your madness ?
Do you like chocolate ?
I made myself a roulé au chocolat.
On the madscale, 0 is the weakest, 10 is the stronger. where is located your madness ?
>french "food"
no thanks
I just eat dark chocolate bars, don't bake much
I do eat a lot of those dark chocolate bars though. Is that mad or sane?
You're either a girl or gay
It's okay, but I never really was into sugary food that much. I like meat.
same, don't like sugary food, but vegetarian
I'm around a 4, 2bh. Dark chocolate is vastly outnumbered by milk and white chocolate here in the States for direct confectionery, though it and "Dutch chocolate" are used for baking quite a lot.
That looks pretty awesome, personally I like them with buttermilk better. I wouldn't really call myself mad for chocolate but I do enjoy the good stuff. We did originate chocolate.
R-rude senpai
It's my replacement for all the cookies and donuts and ice cream I used to eat
I once went to an upper class super expensive hipster chocolate shop and it all tasted like shit
lidl chocolate is 10x better
Your palate is not développed, you have a palate of child or a slob guy. You are accustomed to additives and fake taste thanks to chimistry. Pretty sure you can't enjoy a bottle of red wine Mouton Rothschild 1982.
>roulé au chocolat.
You mean swiss roll? The name you said sounds cuckoldish
>'''''''I made myself''''''''
Do you melt chocolate on ice-cream right?
What did he mean by this ?
Dunno about this madscale, but maybe I'm a 5. I eat 1 or 2 chocolate bars per week. It's always on days when I didn't have time that morning to prepare lunch for work, so I just buy something from the vending machine.
Had my first dark chocolate bar with sea salt and caramel during the Christmas weekend. It was probably the best thing I ever ate in my life, and it was just a little 3x3cm square. I never remember to buy another one at the grocery store on Fridays.
Making swiss rolls is not that hard, they sell the spongey-like thing at supermarkets, so you don't even need to make it yourself, and the filling varies, you can put whatever you want inside.
It's not hard and it shouldn't take you more than 15 minutes to make it.
>taste beer, wine and rakı as a child
>they all taste like shit
>drink them as an adult
>they still taste bad
How do i develop my palate?
The dough is easy to do, too. It's just a simple cake: beat the eggs and sugar, add flour and water, bake it, done.
That he bought it at le carrefour for 1 yuro.
>they sell the spongey-like thing at the supermarket.
Well no shit, that's the time-consuming part of it. Unless you're making the chocolate too. But I guess not even proffesional patiseries make their own chocolate.
Damn, your post made me miss graspa grapes. The reason for my first hangover when eight years old...
On a less nostalgic matter. If you dislike bitter stuff, give up beer. Wine can be nice; if you like sweet stuff, try a demisec instead of dry wine. I never tasted raki to talk about it.
No one makes roll cakes better than northeast brazilians.
Look at how many layers it has.
>drink beer as a kid
>it tastes like shit
>as an adult now drink one or two packs on an average day
I don't know. Start smoking or something.
It's funny how I got used to beer. I used to think it was bitter but now I can even feel its sweetness. In fact I find the typical adjunct lager (at least from the brands I drink) to be sweeter than most decent wine, wine feels drier.
I only ever tried merlot and cabernet sauvignon though. Preferred merlot.
Of course, if I drink shitty wine that's sweetened during bottling (sangue de boi, etc) it'll feel sweeter.
At least for me, it's the contrary, wine tastes sweeter. And I'm used to CS too, like you. (I drink very, very rarely Cabernet Franc and Pinot Noir...). But I guess it's because I'm far more used to wine than beer due to my raising.
About Sangue de Boi: it's more like the grape version of Fontana than wine proper :^). At least Campo Largo improved a lot, as they stopped producing it in Campo Largo to do it in the Serra Gaúcha.
its called sek in turkish for rakı if you dont water to it. maybe it comes from that.
thanks for help
hello yes this is babka
Holy shit did someone shart on your cake?
for chocolate?
Im at a solid 9