Europeans of Sup Forums, how the fuck do you manage to survive on less than 4000€/month?

Europeans of Sup Forums, how the fuck do you manage to survive on less than 4000€/month?

Low prices

4000 euro per month is a lot m8 you kidding me?

Live with someone else to save on rent

Make sure to get poor-man bucks if you live in a country that has it

Buy rice and cheap veggies (cale, frozen spinach) in bulk, preferably from some farmer you know so you can get good deal

Protein from beans or discount (soon to expire) meat

Don't waste money on booze and shit

it's not that hard desu

source: poorfag here

This. I can have a train of high life with 1,000 euros, and the average wage 1,800 so imagine.

by living at home and never spending more than you must

Who even makes 4k a month here?

How can you not live on 4k a month? You can live easily here outside of NYC LA and San Francisco on 4k a month

He is finnish of course he is wasting it on booze

Internet and cable tv - 20 euro
Apartment costs(I own it) - 120 eur
Electricity - 30 eur
Food for 2 people - 400-500 eur
Wow subscription - 12 eur :3
Restaurants + cinema - 100-200 eur
Hobbies - 100-200 eur
Smoking - 50 eur

That's a monthly cost.

4000 eur is a lot and I think that even in Germany that would be enough to have a proper life.

You are practically living like a slav nigger if you have to save on food instead of buying what tastes good

I spend like £1000 a month max

>4k a month
Literally KANGZ-tier salary here
I would be living the life with that much

>tfw 3800€/month
>half of it goes to anime figures and video games
>not even time enough to enjoy them, just sleep, work

The sad thing for you is that everything except rent cost the same in entire Europe. Just look at Poland I pay the same for food, electricity, internet

>Internet and cable tv - 20 euro
>Apartment costs(I own it) - 120 eur
>Electricity - 30 eur

Bloody hell. I pay 30 euro/month for all these things combined.

I don't rent. I own it.

The rent for a apartment like that is around 250-300 eur.

Russian student here. Live on 138/€, now stfu greedy fingoloid.

this is how it looks like

Tfw much cheaper

138€/month *

plz post pics of your apartment


Beautiful! I really like that style, looks a lot like my apartment but i pay 2000€ for it, 50m^2 but newly built

Trips for truth
But really, 4473 usd/mo is very comfortable in the rural south and Midwest.


I pay 900€ for 80+ m^2

Yeah but you probably live in some shitty commieblock in the middle of nowhere.

Quality is more important than space

>food for two people
>500 €

That's a lot of money.

I live in the center of Oulu. Your rent sounds rerarded desu.

My apartment is 48m2 plus 20m2 patio. Last time I checked the rent in a similar one was 300+eur. 2000 is a lot...

Jäbä asuu jossain ullanlinnassa :D

I know, we buy too much expensive random stuff from exotic countries.

Makes sense since you live in Oulu, the wages are piss low there.

Also post pics of your apartment. Do you have a glassed balcony? When was your apartment complex built?

WTF it's 1,200,000 HUF
That's a top tier salary here

>not living with parents

My mortgage is 1750 usd/mo for 223 sq m in 4 forested acres in New England (expensive region).

The funny thing is that i could be paid that kind of money by moving to Romania and working as a software architect.

You can't really compare a plastic american "house" to a Scandinavian apartment in the city centre. I could easily build a 500m^2 house for all this money i spend on my apartment

>software architect
well, that kind of jobs are paying around that much here as well, but it's really hard to achieve a job at these corporations

Food: 150 €/month
Housing: 120 €/month
Internet: 20 €/month
Water, electricity, gas etc. : 50 €/month

That's 340 €/month for basic life needs.
If you can't survive on 4000€, you must be terrible at your money management.

Internet: 40 euro
Hause: 500 euro
Electricity, gas and the same shit: 100 euro
Food: 200 euro
Hobbies: 150 euro.

I don´t need more.

if you know how to cook, you know how to turn cheap shit into good shit

also that is life as poor, get a job nigger

I pay 1200/month for 120m2 excluding water, electricity and heating
Is that a lot?

Rent £500
Internet £30
Phone £20
Electricity £40 (gas included in rent)
Food £200 (can be more/less depends how I feel each week)

he probably has a job that pays rather than working as a danish potato farmer

Dunno. Wanna lend me some?



Not if you get your dick polished every day by latina with huge tits as part of what you pay for.

No worries, I spend too much on food as well

Quality meat is also more expensive i. Poland, is that right?

What for? It's a small one-roomed apartment, 26 sq meters.

>plastic american "house"
Oh, fuck off with that meme. I have a nice wood frame colonial with a cedar exterior.
>a Scandinavian apartment in the city centre
That sounds awful. I'm married, in my 30s, and I like outdoors activities. Enjoy the shitskins/mudslimes.
>inb4 Tyrone or Pedro
This is rural New England. French Canadians are the most exotic people here.

>lives in the middle of nowhere in a fucking forest
>surprised that his housing is cheaper

Yes. A 1kg of pork is like 4 euros while proper beef to mince for spaghetti is like 7-8 eur per kg.

Silverside is like 11-12 eur per kg(I make "tatar" out of it, pci related).

What is cost of living -the thread

1500€ that i get is very comfy here

comp sci?

>be potato farmer
>work hard every day
>massive muscles
>great satisfying life, even if i dont earn much
>barely need to spend money, since i grow my own shit and i inherited the farm

yeah it's horrible


>living in a forest isn't objectively ideal
When did I say I was surprised? You're really fired up today, huh?

I leech my rent of my parents and I eat frugaly most of the time

Am a student tho

>rent 500€
>food 100-200€
>electricity 20-35€
>phone 20€
I leech 500€/month off of the government as a student and work during summers (and sometimes part time while studying) to cover my bills.

I've also taken student loans that I've invested elsewhere since it's basically a 0 interest loan + some free money.

In detail :
Rent : 300€ (-120 gov't aid)
Food : 150€
Internet + phone : 50€

I used to live like you but then i got a job and quintupled my spending

Why do you spend that fucking much in rent as a student? Get a student apartment for fucks sake

here if you find a 9 sq meters for 300 euro/month it's lucky
Any decent housing is 500 and up

I own 48m2 apt, but rent in my city would be ~150$
gas+water+electricity 30$
heating during winters 15$
100mbit internet and 100+ TV channels 10$
phone (300 minutes/sms and 5Gb of 4G internet included) 5$
1L of regular gasoline - 0.5$
Bus ticket - 0.3$
Taxi - 1.2 - 2.5$
Food - 200$ for 2 people.

Fucking beautiful

Is it true most Russians dont earn more than 500$?

500$ is an average salary here. Probably it's true, but many Russians work unofficially so salaries paid by cash and not taken into account.

t. stadi

pretty sure your cleaning ladies get 1500€ which is engineer salary here