What's your casta, Sup Forums ?

What's your casta, Sup Forums ?

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Lobo con China Gibaro.


These are not fucking castas but cultures faggot



Superior breed of Peninsular.
Get on my fucking level.

el mierda

me too, feels good being part of the master race

>Castizo con Española
I refuse to believe that.


El chicANO criollANO

Los sudacas, incluidos los coñosureños por muy especiales que se crean, son seres tribales. Defienden a sus pútridos "países" como el que defiende un equipo de fútbol (que es la única forma de defender a un estado no-nación), con una veneración exacerbada e irracional a un trozo de tierra creado artificialmente por masones, traidores y terratenientes corruptos, mientras odian de una manera igualmente irracional y exacerbada al estado vecino, que "casualmente" fue igualmente creado artificialmente por masones, traidores y terratenientes corruptos.

Defeco en todos y cada uno de los sudacas, desde el sudaca nacido en el último rincón de Alaska, San Francisco, París o Madrid de inmigrantes sudacas muertos de hambre hasta el último indio sudaca tiraflechas parido por una india en lo más oscuro y salvaje del Amazonas.

I look more like an Iberian than anything else so probably that.

Implementing 1 drop would be bad in that scenario.


It would not, it's still a mestizo, not a Spaniard.


>Literally mierda.

>espanol -> mestizo -> castizo -> espanol
>espanol -> mulato -> morisco -> chino
How many generations does it take for the mulato line to become espanol? Can it ever happen?



Chłop Pańszczyźniany like every polish poster here - they will try convince you that they are Szlachta but don't belive them

Don't know. Half Portuguese, half English. I figure that's criollo.

All are scum

Except we are a nation state, Mexico is basically composed of two zones; 1. The Aztec empire and territories under it's cultural influence/control and 2. Aridoamerica which was sparsely populated and asimilated by peoples coming from the first region. Spanish conquest wasn't all that different from Visigoth conquest of Spain, the people mixed and asimilated into a new national culture.

Mexico does not have the divisions/nationalisms the have survived in Spain today, we are as much if not more a nation state than you are.



Theh never became spanish again.


I'm not sure

I have White blood(Spain, and Anglo), African, and indigenous.

You are bullshit.


It depends on the order,though.
However, pardo is a term that may describes you.



Criollo master race that cucked everyone else, including the wimpy peninsulares.

>tfw Albarazado

Twin and triplets aren't castas though

No sé qué casta soy, pero tengo un pollón.

Are you like 300 years old?

>white blood
>spain and "anglo"
>white blood

Yup, that's pretty exotic for a Mexican

People with significant African ancestry make up 1% of the country's population

Technically Mexico is Españoles, Castizos, Mestizos, Coyotes and Indios. For practical purposes the three castas become mestizos and all five components are simply Mexicans. All the other minoriy components become a part of that, we are simply Mexicans.

Well of course I'm not an original criollo but it would probably be my classification if the casta system were in place again.

>mfw having light and dark skinned siblings

> I'm Criollo, trustme.

Do you have a full white ancestry ? If so, you're an Espanol

it meant that they no longer give a shit once you are only 12.5% indio. Probably most indio physical features would be bred out by that point.

But I have a huge penis, this may mean sub-Saharan African ancestors.

I want a medium size penis, everyone looks at me when I'm in the locker room of the public pool.

You still espanol even if you have a big dick.
Also not all black people have huge dicks

>Español con India = Mestizo (50% Español)
>Mestizo con Española = Castizo (75% Español)
>Castizo con Española = Español (87.5% Español)
>Español con India = Mestizo (43.75% Español)
>Mestizo con Española = Castizo (71.875% Español)
>Castizo con Española = Español (85.9375% Español)
>Español con India = Mestizo (42.96875% Español)
>Mestizo con Española = Castizo (71.484375% Español)
>Castizo con Española = Español (85.7421875% Español)
Continue on, ad infinitum, and see the numbers drop lower and lower over the generations. Eventually, you'll be calling someone Español despite them having only 1% Español DNA.


Criollo doesn't exist, it is made up term.

Criollo, Nortemex is best mex.

once you go black, you never come back.


fuck off wagon burner

TFW in latin america Obama would be El Mulato instead of El Negro.

Do you see criollo in the casta map?
fucking retard.

I am a mulatto but my white half is anglo

>the most prestigous and educated thinkers and philosophers of the Spanish global empire spent their time creating an ultra precise system of all race mixes that were possible at that time


I'd be an Español, I'm 1/16th Yaqui and 1/16th Irish

Criollo wasn't a casta but it was a distinction made for a Spaniard born in the Americas to one born in Spain. The peninsulares (those born in Europe) were the only ones eligible for certain positions.

What the fuck are the guys on this pic?


mestizo cholos

Non-human chicanos.


This has to be a joke
especially Tente en el Aire (something like stay floating) and Noteentiendo (I dont understand you)

I cant imagine this ever being used in real life, seems more like tongue in cheeck racial theory







I think i'm a noteentiendo


I have 7 siblings and we're all light skinned and me and my 4 brothers are all 6 feet or taller. Two of my nieces have blonde hair and colored eyes.

I dont know but im 6,4 and im brown

My parents are from mexico and I'm 6'4" and light skinned.

What's your ancestry ?


not white

Never said I was although I'm probably whiter than you and taller lmao



Me on the top right

my grand grand parents for the side of my mother were very poor people from Spain, so they came to San Luis Potosi for a oportunity, and my grand grand father (Father side) was a very tall mexican like 6,7

Good lord.

Sure, we look like this

Who cares about race jesus christ

The spanish empire was the Sup Forums of empires. Philip II spent most of his late reign hiding in his basement without wanting to leave.


MUST enrich, MUST enrich savage ass


basically this:if spaniards and other europeans race mix with mestizos or castizos. they actually bleach them and within two generations you end up having people over 75% euro; blacks, on the other hand, are very diffiult to dilute. even genes of full asians are overshadowed (kek) by blacs when race-mix (the rarest combination)

Español con española, peninsular

>6'1 tall
>light-skinned except for legs and arms because "muh merciless sunlight"
>no castizo master race (locally)
>don't know ancestry
>mestizo because castizo look different (not entirely like white though)
>too know that when things get bad you'll be thrown into the oven

why did i have to be a manlet, jesus? why, lord, why?
[crying intertnally]

>don't know ancestry
You should ask your parents,grandparents,etc...

They're dead, and their parents are probably mixed and didn't give enough of a fuck to record it.
My grandfathers couldn't read or write.

whoa..so this is the power of Spanish race

Hispanic castas are overcomplicated and make no sense.
We just need 3 or 4.