Ideal world

ideal world

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Joke's on you, most of those states are already German.

Except the South, fuck those hicks.

>neutral zone people




What the fuck is the "american" ethnicity? I would guess english but there is another group with it

Did you take this from The Man in the High Castle?


What the fuck is the "colombian" ethnicity? I would guess spanish but there is another group with it

Nigga who said anything about a colombian ethnicity, and if there would be one it would be mestizo or castizo, but what "american ethnicity" is supposed to be?

There isn't one. We have mostly people of German descent but they didn't come here in large amount until much later. WASPs have been here the longest unless you count natives. Most white people I know are of mixed European descent.

>American tries to banter when confronted with a legitimate question
Fucking sharters.

So american = wasp? What is the english group then?

American ethnicity means you're a Euro mutt.

Reminder that the first Germans arrived long before the US declared independence.


I'm not English, I'm not Swedish, I'm not Mexican, I'm not German, and I'm not Irish. I'm a White-American, so if asked, I would probably just say of northern european descent, but select American because none of the other labels fits me.

he did, indeed.

those boundaries are irrational, and unrealistic.

People who identify as American are usually English or mixed. Its more of a self titled thing, though I imagine families who have been here since the 1600s don't feel a connection to Europe

>Mestizo or Castizo
Try harder Lobo.

the fuck did you do to the Mediterranean Sea?

Japanese Axis is completely dependent on German Axis for oil imports.


in the book the Germans have emptied the sea for arable lands

I don't get the whole canada thing with man in the high castle. Is it truely independent or what?

>grasshopper lies heavy turned into a filmreel because amerifats are too fat and dumb to know what a book is

i see. thx.

>could have been under Japanese tutelage instead of Chinese


50 percent of men in Japan are virgins at age 30. lol, Japan is infantile man country, relax.
Try to get our Kuril Islands.

They are all yanks

Nope, that world would have never gone to the Moon and there would probably have been a war right after
Also New York, etc would have been renamed

This is beyond retarded

Delet, only acceptable alt-history is that Trotsky succeded Stalin

>Japan managed to bite some pieces off backwards and divided China, using Western tech and tactic
>get delusions that they could actually invade US

Cringy af

>Nazi Newfoundland
dem fuckin jews, yes b'y, ain't havin nunna dat

Ahhh, the day it warmed my cold Argentinean heart

Can't be too bad.

fuck off nettouyo

We wuz nazis and shit.

"American" is mostly Scots-Irish, English heritage people who's families have been in America for so long they don't fully know where their families come from

when you use the word "nettouyo"
you have already lost

People who don't know where their ancestors are from, and/or people who are saying "fuck you, i'm American" as a political statement.