grime edition
Drug Diary I started last week
Reminder that Maisie is an East Bath gangsta who probably listens to grime
>keeping grime and removing kpop
oh dear
>getting angry at smart people because you're dumb
Op, i like your new song, what's it called, shut out?
tights edition
wow you're cool
Boy better know.... SERIOUS
you're my favourite poster
watching a german film about hitler coming back to life in 2014
She is literally, and I mean L I T T E R A L L Y, the ugliest woman I've ever seen .
Brittain must be terrible if she's a 7/10.
>the Kingdom of Denmark
Nothing to do with trying to look cool it's to curb poly-drug addiction simply unironically shilling for chemdiary because it'd be a useful tool for the drug users on /brit/ to learn to be more moderate with.
>janny letting a thread made at bump limit stay because it's a grime edition
Really got me thinking lads
This triggers the janny.
>the word "bath" and "grime" being used in the same sentence but not referring to either a conventional bath used for bathing or conventional grime that one may find in a bath
er ist wieder da
bit excessive
mediocre feet 2bh
thank you x
business idea: not keeping huge collections of images on your computer
i have no anime pics
no fedora pics
no slags
life is good
thank you youtube for the wonderful recommendation
poleaboo, you can't be both a tranny and a jihadi.
if you head to the mid east jihadi camps you'll be raped and beheaded, not welcomed into the club.
Really feel bad for all the heteros who have never done this t b h.
>More land than the British """""Empire"""""
You lot seen that webm where a lad unleashes a heroically massive load onto a girl's stockings?
It's on reddit, I'll get it 2 secs.
What naughty searches have you done to get that?
hope nobody gives me what i deserve which is a bullet in the head
>you'll never experience lesbian love, the most pure of all love
I won the banner contest but I still don't use my free Sup Forums pass
who is this cunt?
looool.. best queens guard video I've ever seen.
pik og patter
I knew it all along
>eating 22 bars of xanax in a week
are you off ur ead?
would hate to be one of the lower down heads, especially one of the pair that are really close together
post grime bangers
>not being bi-masterrace
>voluntarily reducing your chances of getting laid by 50%
got my baby momma and my side bitch kissing
>the banner contest
Yorkshire is a great place
can't think of anything in that direction, should really stop clicking links on Sup Forums desu
How is /GF2016/ coming along lads?
>his mother is his sister
do you think janny is a runt?
at least you would never be lonely
>no bf
why live ;___;
Not how bisexuality works.
>increasing your chances to break a gay man's heart by 10000%
Which is why the existence of Bradford and the heavily pakified parts of Leeds etc offend me so much as a proud Yorkshireman
wonder what he meant by this
The webm in question:
love janny
>"What do you do all day user"
>Well I post on a Indoesian finger painting consortium owned by some Jap lad
really makes you think
*plays air guitar*
>why live
there's no reason duh
good lad
Wish I could source temazepam via street; that, or gbl
what is poleaboos opinion on isis
tell you what
that's a thinker right there
met a very qt and nice girl last night, going to try and make her my gf hehe
good lad
how did you meet
thats alot of cum
I'm usually out after 2 splurts
Why such specific benzos?
is the bloke wearing tights? and how do you cum that much?
also you're my favourite poster
don't mess with me sunshine
is marcus hausen itt
university of exeter donald trump supporters club
Just got back from a two week holiday with her
> tfw earlier in the year I was replying to the /gf2016/ gimmick with angry frogs and reeeing
makes you think huh
wish i was a bender because i might actually get laid sometimes
club night, friend of friends.
she looked peng and her dancing was incredibly attractive desu. Smoking area chats then back to mine x
for fucks sake you just said I was your favourite poster
capricious little cunt aren't you
pretty sure girls are showing more interest in me since i feel more confident than ever these days due to new job
Tried literally them all bar midazolam and temazepam and gbl is like a clearheaded version of alcohol without stupour
yeah you'd get laid up the arse
good lad
Might drive to Lancashire to find poleaboo and sort him out
sorry i just really like you and i get nervous sometimes
Tadada... tadada... tada...
Your sister is your mother
your father is your brother
you all fuck one another
the Yorkshire family
Exeter mentioned
you know what
I may have embedded it, but you won't catch me clicking play on this one, not in a million years mate
ikft :(
what? he literally posted the same opinion twice
what did they mean by this?
You tried the RCs? Pyrazolam is the least hypnotic I've ever encountered. Literally no slurring, no wobble, just anxiety removal.
feels good though
just be bi it's fucking easy
*tries to think about dutch stereotypes*
*windmills and clogs and that's about it*
damnit why do you have to be so irrelevant holland