First day of College

First day of College

I can't help but notice American universities is filled with insecure and aggressive fuckboys

They puff thier chest out with thier lettered shirts and walk as if they shit in thier pats.

All the women are blonde skanky hoes with short shorts or yogapants and a pink sorority shirt.

College immaturity is unreal

wtf I hate college now

fucking normies

I like seducing straight boys. I look like typical frat boy. (even though I'm into anime, national socialism, and esperanto)
I promise them that I'll just jerk them off and then I end up sucking their cocks and fingering their holes. They leave sexually satisfied but morally confused. I only sodomized two straight boys before, but I am pretty sure they were suppressing their bisexuality.

We're you that fuckboii that just stared me down a few minutes ago with a smug look?

th-thats hot

Midzu min, knacxjo. ;)

eble ja. laŭdire, tiaj agoj kutime okazas en la IJK.

Sed verdire, mi preferas ludi kun aliseksemuloj. Ili estas pli senkulpaj fianĝeloj. :)

Do you seduce virgin autist straight boys who don't have friends, or just normal boys who probably fucked a girl once or so?

>I can't help but notice American universities is filled

>universities is filled

Yeah please go back to whatever shithole country from which you hail. You don't deserve to stink up a university when you can't even speak basic English.

>gets into D-list college with all the retard dudebros who can't even speak their native language
>complains about retard dudebros
A+ post lad

both. the autists are actually harder because I can't socially engineer myself into an intimate situation. Two biggest barriers for QT autists:
1. They are not approachable.
2. Hard to find them outside of an academic setting.

But when you seduce one of those fairly normal straight guys, do you tell his friends, or does he himself? It sounds very hot but also very weird desu. Do they ever come back for more? Are you sure theyre 100% straight?

I never tell their friends. 95% of the time we don't hook up again.
There's this guy that I've been hooking up since I was a Freshman, I just started my Junior year.
He claims to be straight but he lets me suck him and rim him. He's been with his current girlfriend since the beginning of last semester.

What if the guys wear the white arab clothing?
What if all the girls wear burqa?
Are they mature now?

It's full of 18 year olds.
Did you expect a 100% change starting from High School?

i wish this happens to me desu

>be me
>went to military instead of going straight to college
>been to 4 different countries and lived on my own since I was 18
>26 now
>going to college for the first time
>literally don't give a shit about the fuckbois or the sluts
>ignore all the attentionwhores and immature children I see in class

When are these kids going to realize none of that shit fucking matters? Go to class, get a degree and work towards getting a job to support you. Ignore that popularity shit and trying to look cool.

whatever you say, grandpa.
No one wants to fuck you anyway.

You sound jealous and insecure, fatass

>First day of College
Already? It's not even fucking september yet.
Is it just here that college starts in october?

>saving this picture on your computer to post on an anonymous imageboard
Mate, I'm pretty sure you're either gay and just haven't realised yet


>going back to college soon
>dropped out back in the day partly because I couldn't stand this shit
>now I'm approaching my 30's and going to be around these people again


ps ignore leaf I'm American

Kial la fek estas tiom da esperantistoj ITT?

I just started a week ago.

The first day of British literature course my professor talked shit about his in-laws for concealed carrying. It really set the tone for this whole college experience.

And it seems like everyone hasn't realised that highschool ended. We're here to learn and earn a degree so shut, study, and learn.

I'm not a complete autist and I know you have to have your social time but in the classroom is not the time. And make time to study. I've already seen people fail quizzes and tests because they were too busy partying to study. I like a good party too but do that shit on the weekend.

School often starts in August or September in the US


Well at least if you're not an autist and decent looking you can fuck some hoe

more hot stories please

I'm semi autist but I hide it with my douchiness. Y'all are right. I'm just like all those duchebags I complain about. Maybe we're all insecure.

I wish this would happen to me except for the national-socialism part
Though the thought of converting you to gommunism is even more exiting

Of course we are. Our lives are short and meaningless and humans live under a heartless capitalist world.

But at least we are sentient.

Somehow I think you're the one being insecure here

>I'm into anime, national socialism, and esperanto


It's fuccbois you stupid pleb.

nu eble sed laŭ mi estas aŭtismulejo pli ol ajna aliaĵo

I only see 2 Esperantists in this thread. Well, three, assuming you're an Esperantist.

jes, sed gejeco estas nur alia mensa malsano, verdire.

>implicante ke 3 ne estas ega kvanto da esperantistoj hazarde esti en la sama loko

kvarĉan ŝajne estas fruktodona fiejo por esperantistiĝi.

Nu, mi ne povas refuti tion.

Seeing how relevant esperanto is at least ITT is making me want to learn it

If I study an hour a day how long will fluency take

a few weeks. but you should do it an hour a day for real.


>at least if you're not an autist
Look mom, I'm using the buzzword.
I know plenty of autists with hot girl-or boyfriends, holy shit.

you sound like the type of guy to sit in his dorm room all day and only leaves for class and food.

I'm not OP but that's what I've been doing
First days in uni ever

What should I be doing? It's not that I'm too bitter to talk to people it's just that I'm fine without it and I'm quite awkward.

>national socialism
>and esperanto

Pick ONE!

(Vivu Esperanto)

i know where you are coming from man, trust me i do. you just have to say fuck it and talk to people, and honestly if you are scared or nervous chances are they are too its nothing to be ashamed about. just throw all your inhibitions and self doubts away its easier than you think to break out of your shell

Mi estas eterna komencanto.


hell just last Friday i went to my first ever party and it was super easy to chill and make friends after a few beers

Go to a community college then, fag

studu. ĝi ne estas tre malfacila.

ĉi tio.

Aŭ simple parolu kun aliaj pli ofte. Parolado rapidigos vian lernadon.

>Converting to gommunism
I don't know why commies think they're capable of doing that to anyone other than politically ignorant and apathetic people

Haha bitch the whole purpose of college isn't education
It's to push out liberal left leaning consumerists with a slave debt

too autistic to care, I just want my monies for gaimu

>walk as if they shit in thier pants.
>implying they didn't

Parolas (por?) socialismo.

Al via frazo mankas subjekto. Mi ne komprenas vian demandon.

>decadent West

college is a meme desu

>implying anyone in college but football players look even half that aesthetic

Depends on your school, fucktits

Firstday freshman here
I visited newly made friends dorm and vaporized weed and someone told me a nigga was gettin laid and i got pretty sad

>straight guys accepting anything from a frat-looking dude
yeah they weren't straight for sure

My advice to you is to get involved with clubs and shit that actually interest you.
That's how you meet people that are the kind of people you like, people who aren't like you just described.

You fucked the original pasta faggot

>walk as if they shit their pants


There is no such thing as heterosexuality. Or homosexuality.
These are labels created by 20th century society.

>ps ignore leaf I'm American
Ha, you wish maplefag.

you're about as american as a healthy diet.

you and your cuck tier nation can go back to sucking each others dicks and role playing as the greatest fucking country on the face of the god damn planet... AMERICA!

you think your so great with your free health care and your non-nigger president, but that doesn't mean a damn think. so go on playing your hockey and eating your vegan beacon, and while your at it use the metric system like those dirty Frenchies, but deep down you'll always know that you're an inferior product to the one true, AMERICA!

while you canadafags are off sucking Putin's dick we'll be out there kicking every ass until we take the right name, and fuck Putin's wife in her deep hairy vagina, and will we use lube? hell no! cause that's how we do in AMERICA, that's how you do when you A MAN. so go back to being femdom'd until you get on this level. then maybe, just maybe in a hundred years you might come close to being half way good enough to join the ranks of the holy promise land of Badassery know as the UNITED FUCKING STATES OF AMERICA!!!


nah that was probably me, I can't help it. smug is my default non aggressive face

t. beta virgin who will be one for a very long time

literally everyone 3rd year and above have the go to school, go to work mindset at my school.

most of us just look at first years like "wow they are so naive" or "wow holy fuck first years" look. its like they still exist in their high school bubble.

it gets drilled out hard when the handful start failing their classes or get chronically stressed during the year. by then everyone just becomes a shelled out adult who waits for death.

>tfw got a room for one so I can masturbate peacefully
>tfw im going to be one of those guys you mentioned
Im planning to bring my computer without graphics card because i dont want to waste my time with video games. at least i will read some books in my free time.

what do you have to lose?

wrong board

I don't care about 3dpd problems

>took an academic leave for 1 year to finish my diploma
>seeing all these losers crying about their first day of classes

Go with the pooinloo internationals, they got good weed and women are hot.