What is Sup Forums's opinion of him?
What is Sup Forums's opinion of him?
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i voted for him but i stopped liking him when he said trayvon would be his son.
Michelle for President in 2020?
Meme president. It was everywhere in media with all the 'yes we can' and 'first black president' shit, but nothing changed. For the world, the USA is the same shit it was with Bush. I have no doubt it will happen the same with Hillary or Trump.
Have things really changed for Americans?
They now hate niggers more, but das about it
>Have things really changed for Americans?
obamacare (my health insurance costs increased) and fewer us troops in Iraq (possibly aiding the formation of ISIS) are his major accomplishments.
>Have things really changed for Americans?
Yeah, Obama's lasting legacy will be defined by the fact that he willingly increase and strained race relations to a level that we have not seen since the 1960's.
I have went from not minding black people and having black friends to becoming racist and not wanting to associate with black people at all in the last four years. Your average black person has become openly hostile toward whites in the last four years as well.
I unironically wish he was our president
>fewer troops in the ME helped the formation of ISIS
Is that true or is he just memeing?
>he willingly increase and strained race relations to a level that we have not seen since the 1960's.
why has it become so bad, though?
from what i've seen on the internet, it's mostly PC culture and all the stuff that came along with it.
but all i've read about, i read it on the internet and the internet is sometimes not the best place for unbiased information
Obama care worked?
Better than Hillary or Donald
a filthy faggot trickery hypocrite lawyer playing the cool nigger card to gain power
insurgency in iraq was at an all time low after "the surge". Obama withdrew troops, and insurgency rose again.
it helped certain people. Very poor people get free healthcare. People with pre-existing medical conditions are now able to buy insurance. "children" up to 26 yo are now able to stay on their parent's health insurance plan.
for everyone else, things seem to be more expensive and with fewer options to choose from.
Nothing significant has changed.
Economy got better. Not thanks to Obama.
Foreign policy is trash. World is far less stable now.
Your opinion of his domestic social policy is dependent upon if you are a conservative or liberal. He fixed some things, but for the most part it was 5 people on the Supreme Court telling everyone what is right and wrong.
We are still in Iraq. Still in Afghanistan. In Libya. In Syria. In Somalia. In Yemen. North Korea has nukes. The Iran deal was shitty. Russia owns parts of Ukraine. China has a massive international bank, and owns the South China Sea now.
The list goes on.
Overall 5/10. Bush was a 4/10.
Iraq's violence was at an all time low in 2010.
Then we left and lost everything we had gained.
It is literally dying right now, so nope.
Pretty much all you need to know about Obama.
he is black
Guantanamo Bay is still open for business.
no im not memeing. i started university in 2008 and one of my groups of friends was black. it was not awkard at all. i was finishing up grad school when ferguson and blm was a thing and black people were openly hostile and suspicious of me on more than one occasion when i was just sitting at my uni chatting to them. also a black guy at my work started hating me b/c i said that BLM isn't helping anyone.
because our media is race baiting with things like ferguson for ratings and obama has taken it and ran with it to boost his approval rating from black and sjw demographics
He's memeing. The same thing happened in the early 90's as we are seeing now. Actually, the early 90's were worse. The LA riots were fucking crazy.
yea and that stopped as soon as it started because the media didnt spin it and the president didnt endorse the chimp outs
we're about 4 years into this and it just seems to be getting sillier and sillier
we are paying foreign countries to take Gitmo detainees from us. the recidivism rate for former Gitmo detainees is unshockingly high.
>why has it become so bad, though?
Social media and the internet has allowed controversy to move at the speed of light. Couple that with a string of unfortunate events happening all happening within a close time span of each other, people's tendencies to overreact, and the media's fanning the flames of an obvious cash-cow story, and we have what we have now. BLM is just the latest incarnation of the "pissed off and angry' party.
No he is not memeing.
The LA riots race problems were confined to inner cities.
The current ones are widespread throughout the entire country.
Furthermore, being better than those times doesn't somehow mean these times are good.
They are creating terrorists there. What else did anyone expect?
>we are paying foreign countries to take Gitmo detainees from us.
Do you guys think Hillary will make men hate women more? May it be the right time to move to the USA and start preparing the Beta Uprising?
>yea and that stopped as soon as it started because the media didnt spin it and the president didnt endorse the chimp outs
No it was pretty much a popular topic in the media for a few years, especially since it coincided with the rise of gangster rap. There was a "black and whites come to terms with their differences" movie genre popular for a while. Though, yes the actual riots were short lived, but they were much more intense than anything we are seeing today. Baltimore didn't even compare.
Also, I'd argue we've only been in this since 2015. Before then we saw some bubbling anger, but never the full scale chimpouts. I give it until the end of 2017 to die down.
That's true. They can't go to the US so Obama is trying to sell them. Saudi Arabia took some recently.
I'm moving there next year regardless of who gets elected, should be fun :^)
Not for lack of trying. We don't accept any more inmates to Gitmo. However, congress has outlawed moving the detainees to US prisons and the detainees that are left in Gitmo are the ones nobody wanted to have extradited to them. The population there is only a fraction of what it was in 2008.
>preparing the Beta Uprising?
Yes, enroll in the Elliot Rodger division of the beta army.
Hillary is gonna be Obama 2013-2017.
wait wasn't it a common opinion that most people thought still having troops in iraq was stupid.
>Do you guys think Hillary will make men hate women more?
People at the beginning of the decade, before the Arab Spring, were very frustrated with the Iraq and Afghan wars. We'd been fighting the better part of decade and we were war weary. Now, with the benefit of hindsight, we realize pulling out of Iraq so soon may have been a mistake. To be fair, though, nobody in 2010 would have expected what's happening in 2016.
That's why I asked, although I think it's quite obvious it was a meme question.
We expected to be able to stay and continue to stabilize, unpopular though it was at home.
The Iranians told Maliki to kick us out. So he did.
Nobody wanted to argue. People at home wanted the war to end, damn the consequences. As it turned out, we were the entire reason Sunnis felt enfranchised. The Shias started repressing them even towards the end of the occupation, laying the eventual groundwork for ISIS being greeted with open arms.
man this election is fun to watch, i mean 4 years ago it was just boring republican jesus guy vs black guy but this one is gonna be special.
also the way social media & internet in general is handling this election and the situations surrounding it is a bit crazy.
sometimes it does feel the one with the most meme's is gonna win.
Racial tensions come in waves. It's always bubbling under the surface, but needs some big event to finally ignite it. In 1992, it was Rodney King. It all blows over in a couple years, then will go underground for another 10 to 20 years before igniting again. That is of course if nobody majorly rocks the boat race-relations wise in the mean time. BLM will fall apart as it has no idea what it wants (except for a list of meme "demands" which are totally unrealistic) and no real leadership. It's what Occupy Wall Street was a few years ago, except about race instead of the economy.
> i mean 4 years ago it was just boring republican jesus guy vs black guy but this one is gonna be special.
That's pretty standard. During a reelection year the opposition rarely pulls out their big-guns candidates unless the sitting President is especially unpopular.
>sometimes it does feel the one with the most meme's is gonna win.
It's true. No press is bad press, as long as you can spin it right. Though Hillary has much more resources to spend on her media campaign than Trump.
>More resources
How? Trump is a billionaire. He just prefers acting like a clown and embrace the memes he has made of himself.
Clinton is spending over 10 times what Trump is on ads. Keep in mind, Trump may have billions in assets, but he's only one man. Clinton has the financial support of huge multinational corporations, her funds are pretty much unlimited.
Yes. Probably 60 against Iraq- 35 pro-Iraq with 5% indifferent.
But listening to popular opinion isn't how you make good choices for the nation.
>To be fair, though, nobody in 2010 would have expected what's happening in 2016.
David Petraeus did. Funny enough, he got hammered by Clinton for having 4 classified documents in his house. He was supposed to be a Republican presidential candidate.
>The Iranians told Maliki to kick us out. So he did.
[citation needed]
Clinton has the backing of Wall Street superPACs.
In America, private groups can spend infinite amounts of money shilling for their candidate.
Trump may have a few billion, but Clinton has superPACs.
A candidate cannot spend more than a certain amount on his campaign in a personal sense.
Meanwhile outside groups that are not part of the campaign can spend an infinite amount. Clinton has these big bank/big business groups on her side.
Hillary Clinton is a billionaire through non-legal means and has sponsorship of loads of big corporations and lobbyists, she is basically owned by the banks.
Your story doesn't have anything more credible than heresay in it.
We left Iraq on our own free will. It was Obama's decision.
he's so cool haha he's black and he plays b-ball and he says memes and he's done so much for america, especially minorities
I remember how hype things were when he was elected. I was just turning 18. I look forward to telling my grandchildren about him.
>Your story doesn't have anything more credible than heresay in it.
The word of one of the most experienced Iraq hands on the planet is "heresay"? Sure.
>We left Iraq on our own free will. It was Obama's decision.
Uh. What.
US attempted to keep some 3,000-5,000 troops to remain in Iraq.
Iraq was the one who refused.
I know sources don't matter to you, and I'm speaking with an ideologue of some description, but I'll throw you a bone.
Good president
kills children with drones
>deported a shitton of illegal immigrants, even more than Bush
>the recession was bad, but at least we weren't reduced to cannibalism and eating weeds like the Great Depression. this isn't so much a "good" as much as it's a "it could have be so much worse"
>the least corrupt Illinois politician so far, and that's saying something
>bailed out the banks
>country's race relations are on fire
>drone strikes are a horrifying rabbit hole to jump into, where the US uses robots to police the world, assassinating citizens of other countries without declaring war through Congress. I never asked for this.
>Healthcare reform was halfassed, which is mostly Congress' fault. But it was his push.
>Guantanamo is still open
>Secretary of State warmonger Hillary Clinton fucks up Libya, fucks up Syria, and fucks up the Honduras
>Not in any real wars... I guess?
Overall he's a pretty bad president. There are certainly worse. To be honest the past 1-2 decades have been utter shit for American leadership.
the krauts already did that. it didnt end well
for them.
>May it be the right time to move to the USA and start preparing the Beta Uprising?
Spaniards already came to the USA for your Beta Uprising in 1898.
obama created the fire for the next civil war. things seem quiet but soon someone will make a wrong move and we will tear ourselves apart. trump and hillary cant stop it.
Actually a bretty cool guy in some ways, at least for a politician
>His masterful economic policies made his country great again
>Made US federal government support stem cell research
>Ended the pointless cold war vs Cuba
Not to mention distancing the US from Israel and Saudi Arabia and opening more cordial relations with Iran.
>made his country great again
wtf are you talking about?
this country is worse than ever
>bailed out the banks
You simply cannot let banks go bust in this fractional reserve system, people's money vanisges into thin air
If you think 2016 was worse than 2008/9 you're delusional. And don't start on "muh nigger chimpout, much SJW, muh degeneracy", all of that doesn't hold a candle to imminent financial collapse.
B-but the jooish neoliberal NWO bankers, they must be destroyed!
You are telling me the most powerful country on Earth couldn't negotiate a status of forces agreement?
We got one in under 2 days in 2014.
i didnt say that. but nothing got better. maybe it got better rich people? i dont know what gated community you fuckers live in but im stuck in the trenches.
>let ISIS happen, sparking refugee crisis
>divided our country's society
>SJW era
>let the Wall Street bankers go free
I think shit has gotten fucked
>>You simply cannot let banks go bust in this fractional reserve system
Yes you can, if you want systemic change. Slapping the wrists of commercial banks, who literally did vanish people's money into thin air by speculating it in the housing market, is not going to change their behavior.
Especially not when the next POTUS is either going to be Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Neither of them will reinstate Glass-Steagall. Especially fucking Hillary, considering her husband was the one to repeal it in 1999.
That crisis was "fixed" by using money we didn't have. In essence, paying it forward. It's going to compound and be much worse when it's time to actually face the music. None of the guys involved in setting up the stage for the collapse were prosecuted. It was a dust under the rug solution.
I'm come from a working class family. My dad lost his job in 2009. Trust me when I say things have gotten better for everyone since then. It's not a as good as things were pre-recession, but things are better and are at least stable.
>Yes you can, if you want systemic change.
As well as a total economic collapse on the scale of 1929. You don't simply "let the banks go under".
>but things are better and are at least stable
You talk as if that's not what every politician does in regards to a major problem. They all just make things better while they are still in office while footing the bill to the next guy who comes in office.
>But we COULD have!
Obama wanted it.
Maliki said no.
So we didn't.
Thanks for playing.
>Oh shit, a rebuttal! Better post a smug reaction image lmao
Not an argument.
Unemployment rates are lower, the GDP is growing, inflation is at a stable rate. Just because things suck for your sorry ass doesn't mean they are worse for everyone. These are the statistics.
Meant to link
>m-muh conspiracy
friendly reminder that glass steagall was functionally ineffective since the 70s and would have done absolutely jack to prevent 2008
>risk: total economic collapse
>solution: couple the banks with commercial-speculative behavior
Bravo! That sounds like a great idea for a system!
Now please excuse me, I'm going to run some live wires through my pet rabbit's cage, re-route my exhaust pipe on my car to end inside my passenger seat, and revise my exercise schedule to run through a black neighborhood every morning while wearing conspicuous wealth around my neck and wrists.
Structurally and systemically, what could possibly go wrong?
you seem to think that the president has much power than he actually has
Oh boy, it's the globalist Dane shill. Nice to see you this fine day
Daily reminder that you're full of shit
This. The POTUS is Head of State, not Head of Government. Congress has the real legislative power, and they've had a Republican majority since 2010.
nice non-argument you got there really convinced me
even then, the absence of glass-steagall prevented the crisis from getting much worse
>A recent NPR report states that as many as 30% of Americans have trouble making ends meet and other advocates have made supporting claims that the rate of actual poverty in the US is far higher than that calculated by using the poverty threshold. A study taken in 2012 estimated that roughly 38% of Americans live "paycheck to paycheck."
>nice non-argument you got there really convinced me
You read those articles, from people far more educated than you (especially Stiglitz), pretty damn quick.
Your speedreading ability is legendary. Or did you glance at those pesky glyphs we call language and think 'man, this is too hard, I'm going to go back to Sup Forums to shitpost about things I don't know about'?
Seems like a cool guy, but I'm not sure if he fits for being president.
Don't worry bro, we can buy cheap TVs, everything is fine!
Even if education, childcare, healthcare, food, and housing are all far more expensive than back in 1996. I mean, who needs those?
ah yes next you'll be talking about the esteemed robert reich
i'm not rereading arguments i've read already, glass steagall is a red herring
>ah yes next you'll be talking about the esteemed robert reich
Post your nobel prizes then?
>solution: couple the banks with commercial-speculative behavior
No idea what you mean but the bailout money was created by your own central bank, ie. they marked up the banks' accounts in the central bank to provide them with the funds they needed. Nothing "speculative" about it really