What is there to this place that its people are so self hating?
What is there to this place that its people are so self hating?
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Centuries of race mixing contribute to a sense of non belonging. There is a lack of morality and identity.
shouldn't all the self haters be glad that whatsherface got kicked out of office and some bland right winger is telling all the poor they're trash again?
People are pretty happy about that, he wants to privatize stuff and decrease welfare which is nice but the problem is that he's also a corrupt crook that wants to fuck over investigations on politicians and shit.
We can never have a good politician without huge WHOEVERs.
In 2018 we will probably just get another dinosaur as president again instead of some new blood which is what we need.
There is no particular reason for it to be a country. Each state has its very unique culture, history, people, traditions, accents, etc. When people say they hate Brazil, they don't hate themselves, they hate the identity that stands for Brazil.
I think breaking it up would be cool i would love in an independent Rio/Espiro Santo
Sul, São Paulo, Rio, ES, Pernambuco, Bahia, maybe MG should be their own country, and the rest is Brazil.
1 - it's legitimately shit
2 - we want Sup Forums to pity us
What a dumb fucking argument.
"Different cultures" is not a proper reason for secession.
USA works fine as a single country because the government isn't a socialist nanny piece of shit and lets each state take care of their own business, that's what we need in Brazil.
Are we doomed to eternal "rouba mas faz" politicians ?
>the government isn't a socialist nanny piece of shit
Anyway, the only thing in common Brazilian states have is that they have the same official language and were created hundreds of years ago by a dead Empire who only wanted to exploit the resources, and not colonize. What made all of those greats states that exist today was not the government, was not the empire, was certainly not being in the same country, it was the people who migrated there and CHOSE to be there.
The constitution doesn't allow secession.
Just like a kidnapper doesn't allow the victim to just walk off without paying a price.
You are fucking stupid.
The empire focused on developing Rio and São Paulo since the beginning, just read a little bit of history before embarrassing yourself.
>The empire focused on developing Rio and São Paulo
I lied about the "since the beginning" bit, it was actually when the royal family moved to Brazil.
They didn't give a rat's ass about the rest of the country and stomped down any dissenters.
I seriously hope you weren't thinking they SP got rich solely because of italian immigrants or something.
Some people here take the redpill and actually admit that we live in a shithole. Different from you, commiegentina.
kek...no. We just wanted the gold.
Yes, they moved to the southeast to get the gold and in turn developing the region. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.
Not just Italian immigrants, all immigrants who busted their asses looking for a better future for their children. Japanese, Lebanese, Germans, Polish, Swiss, Ukrainians, Russians, nordestinos, etc. There was no God-hand looking to make Brazil rich. Do you honestly think people would cross the Atlantic or the Pacific on a fucking boat for months because the government knew how to make these people rich? Get a grip on reality, friendo.
People moved there because it's where the development was happening thanks to the gold.
I'm not implying it was a God that made SP rich, I'm just saying that it wasn't a fair race to the top where SP won through superior intellect and business sense like paulistas like to imply.
How to get easy (You)s on Sup Forums:
>say anything about brazil
This meme is shit, stop using it.
I said God-hand, which is a reference to big government.
That's not the only great state in Brazil, and even though it's the greatest, I believe every single one of them has the potential to get where SP arrived, but not as a country. Productive states sending billions and billions of dollars every year to be wasted in bureaucracy and welfare for unproductive states. That's enough of that shit. Barely any state share the same history, the same culture, values, traditions, economic principles and even language. Secession or war, we have to break up.
I don't know why foreigners make so many threads about Brazil every single day.
You only need a less socialist government for that you retardumb, secession is cutting your arm because of a mosquito bite.
Like I said before, USA works as a big country exactly because they don't have a socialist government so each state was able to grow without being fucked over by communist ideas of "equal growth".
If you mention culture again as a reason for secession then I will delet you.
A government that doesn't hemorrhage money might be a completely alien concept to you but it's real.
>efficient government meme
>US isn't big government
You're a delusional idiot, and idiots like you have been saying and trying the shit you said for almost two centuries.
Os brasileiros são animais
yes, the empire developed SP
the BRAZILIAN empire though, not portugal
coffe plantations spread from rio (the capital) to neighboring regions, and SP became rich because of immigrants and fertile red soil
pedro built some railroads connecting rio to SP too
>the empire developed SP
Retarded meme.
I hope you are baiting because history has shown that economically liberal countries always end on top and USA was very much liberal, that's what the whole "land of opportunity" thing was about.
Here's a simple video explaining a few things about the free market.
Also, "free market" doesn't mean "no regulation" like you are probably thinking.
>diz o merricano
I'm ancap, you idiot. Of course I know about liberalism. USA is NOT liberal.
kek fuck off with your fantasies, I'm talking about history here. You will have to provide some examples of successful ancap societies if you want to be taken seriously.