I'm fucking tired of the English. They just keep fucking everything up for everyone.
I'm fucking tired of the English. They just keep fucking everything up for everyone
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u Scottish?
Блять нaдo былo cpaзy тaк
based scotish that hasn't been colonized yet. Good lad.
>I'm fucking tired of Essex and Kent. They just keep fucking everything up for everyone.
If I was English I genuinely feel like I'd consider emigrating and cutting any kind of emotional ties I had with the place.
I don't even really like the North after Brexit.
Fuck off and leave the union then you cuck
I pray for it.
I actually cannot wait for the day we don't have to put up with your bullshit anymore.
Good, Sturgeon is an annoying cunt and I'm sick of seeing her ugly face
Scotland has its chance to become independent, you rejected it, now deal with the consecuences, it's not like you're oppressed or something
t. child of britbongs
Others fought for independence.
Others agitated and fought in the political battlefield for representation and/or independence for years.
Scots were given independence on a platter and rejected it.
when the barnett formula is scrapped then, and only then, do you get to complain
the funny thing is that they still blamed the English for the referendum's result...
Actually, if they don't let us have another referendum, yes we are being oppressed.
"lets keep voting until we get what i want" god you guys actually belong in the EU, no respect for democracy
Even if it were the case that England props Scotland up (and it is not, since Scotland is the third wealthiest region of the UK after London and the South East and all the poorest regions are in England.) it would still be worth it at this point. The UK's only going to decline further and further.
If the Scottish people keep voting in people who propose a referendum then there is a democratic mandate to have a referendum, especially in the wake of Brexit. To refuse that referendum to take place would be undemocratic.
What a whiny little girl holy shit.
another referendum to reject?, maybe in 50 or 100 years
you guys are poor as shit
the topic of brexit was a major point in the decision to remain in the UK. Just be glad England is in the pilot's seat steering the Isles to a brighter future
>Household wealth
sorry i forgot most scottish assets are tied up in heroin futures and cans of irn bru
You do understand that article doesn't tell you anything about how rich the each regions are, and that it only tells you where rich people own houses, right?
is there a more cucked and pathetic "country" than scotland? Jesus christ, get a grip
sorry i also forgot all the rich people do business in the outer hebrides and commute back to kent during the week
Fucking hell, are there still complete retards who haven't jumped on the brexit train and still pretend we'd be better off in the EU?
According to that map Scotland is only slightly worse off than London. That alone should tell you you're being an idiot.