The Spanish are the most evil race in the world

the Spanish are the most evil race in the world


finns are more evil

Tied with the english desu

Someone has to be the bad guy.

the Portuguese are more evil than the Spanish.

Source: Guarani natives who fled from Bandeirante slaving raids into Spanish territory for centuries.

You are spanish as well unless you're a moorniggerkike, if so spaniards are indeed evil to you and will be.

No they aren't. Spain are cool lads.

I love these pics. Draw more.

No, they're not. While their conquest was violent and exploitative it was also motivated by religion and a sincere, if misguided, atempt to Christianize Amerindians. There were various priests involved in the process and the crown empowered the inquisition to protect Amerindians and passed laws meant to make fair and humane conditions as they were understood at the time. For the most part Spaniards married the women they took, supported them and raised their children. If you want to get technical other Europeans did far worse in other regions.

Having said that Spaniards today share no guilt in that and regardless of dysfunctional xenophobic individuals they've been true brothers as a people and as a government.

callate pendejo

prove me wrong putita.

>it's a "literal Indio sympathizes more with his colonizers than with his ancestors" episode


> Northen Americans killed natives
> Portuguese slaved natives
> Spaniards fucked natives

french colonization was worse spanish was just retarded

they were evil. But anglos were worse.

Nah, that has nothing to do with it. If you want to victimize yourself like a nigger by all means go ahead chicano.


So the ancestors of some nations people did some fucked up shit. I'd love to hear how kind every other countries ancestors were.
Wait, I don't give a shit because the actions of our long dead ancestors don't mean shit to anything.

another chicano...**sigh**

Why do you represent your opinions with little girls. Do you want to feel like a little girl?

If you'd prefer, I can post different images, though I don't see why it matters to you

well, to hyper ultra leftist the things they did matters a lot. Can't understand why, but they do.

Spain isn't even one nation.

Catalonia master race

*removes fedora*
I just want to know how I should address a young lady such as yourself.

is there something wrong with you?

But blasted much?

sk is not even a nation, south west korea master race.
spains borders have been the same for 500years+
show me south korea 500 years ago.

Yes there is. I love you.

>he doesn't know what spaniards did in the caribbean

>bought slaves
>got them to work for food water healthcare and housing? with also a family plan?


Cmon, everybody in the caribbean spanish posesions has some taĆ­no blood. Of course there isn't pure natives because they were basically fucked to death.


This must Ricans do have some taino blood in them with there even being a really small minority who claim to be tainos.

I used to think colonialism was bad. Then I noticed a very simple under looked fact, several major competing powers had emerged in Europe in extremely close proximity to each other. In order for a culture or people to survive, they need economic strength. Enslaving and exploiting each other could only be done to a certain capacity before Europe began destroying it's own cultures. Essentially Europe would go the route of Chinese dynasties, constantly ruling over each other and destroying the previous rulers, with periods of stability when someone conquers and unifies followed by instability. The natural solution purely from an economic perspective is to field a navy and look for places to exploit and enslave.

Europeans weren't rubbing their hands together and planning which people to oppress next while evil music played and lighting struck outside of their dark mansions you idiot. The point of colonialism is they though it was their duty to lift the rest of the world up to European standards.

I never implied that and if you bother to read carefully you can see I implied wars and exploitation between Europeans happened, just not to such a great extent that their cultures were destroyed.
>colonialism was ideological
No, it was largely economic and fueled by capitalism and mercantilism. Whatever pretense of duty was simply trash words fed to the people who had to actually go out and do the dirty work.