ITT: Post food you think only people in your country make

ITT: Post food you think only people in your country make

>Summer pudding or summer fruit pudding is a British dessert made of sliced white bread, layered in a deep bowl with fruit and fruit juice. It is left to soak overnight and turned out onto a plate.

>white bread for dessert

I had no idea that Brits were actually just island Czechs.

Looks nice.

The description makes me hesitate.
>soggy white bread

it tastes much better than it sounds

Only Flanders and the Netherlands


are both of these poo

Literally never had decent Sauerkraut outside of Germany. Yanks are the worst offenders. Shame desu, their take on sausages is pretty tasty

I don't understand, how so?

All of the ex-HRE countries, including mine, know how to make sauerkraut, because that's our culinary tradition.

Looks nice

smoked herring icecream


Looks like the black version of this

fairy bread actually looks nice

I know for a fact that we have fried butter. At this point we just embrace the stereotype.

I'd eat that

probably just once though

Hmmm, Rote Grütze!

Long time since I laste ate it.

This reminds me of vispipuuro.

What the fuck

Gorodetc/tula gingerbread(wtf english you dont have word for gingerbread without ginger). you can eat this or to break someone's jaw, throwing it at him.

>gingerbread without ginger

So bread?


In Russian language the word gingerbread and bread are two different words. And the word cakes - the third. In English too few words.

you mean like a cookie?

No no no. I'll prove it in a simple way. Look for each of these you words in Google, and if the first hundred images are not similar to the attached photo - it is not gingerbread.