Tfw I can already notice the days getting shorter

>tfw I can already notice the days getting shorter
>it'll be snowing in a month
>winter is finally appraoching
>no more 80% humidity 30c summer days

feels good tqh

Other urls found in this thread:

I hate summer so much.

Im more excited for fall. Love the chilly, rainy days. Also the different colored leaves make outside look amazing.
>pic related

Minnesota here, I felt comfy just reading your post.

Absolutely beutiful, the feel when its a cloudy fall afternoon before sunset and its 40 degrees outside with a gentle cold wind,and you're wearing a sweater while walking down the street admiring peoples home decorations of pumpkins, and the red and orange leaves. While going home, the leaves behind you blow like they are following you.

Even trade. Winter is bullshit and frankly I miss the hot weather.

Your post is a 10/10 comfy post. Well done.

Yea, but Halloween is probably the best afternoon to go walking. That feeling when its about to get dark and the sky and atmosphere is grey, and you start to see your breath. The wind is chilly and you shudder a little while snuggling deep in your jacket or sweater. You watch the kids you know from your neighborhood, church, and barbeques of summer as they are walking around house to house to get some candy. The wind dances the fallen leaves in circles and shakes the red leaves of the trees. Its dark now, time to walk home, you meet some kids on the sidealk and they say "hello Mr.user". The streets are dark now except for the doors that open to give the children candy.

Can you greentext a comfy story?

I don't know how?

Now it's going to be could, dark and wet for 9 months.
It's fucking shit, maybe if I was neet with no outdoor hobby I could enjoy it.
It'll be fun to ride when the horses are a lot faster because of the cold, though.

Your post just cured my clinical depression.


It sucks here for about that long too, but it gets way fucking hotter and more humid than Sweden. In the northern Midwest, we have a very small couple of Windows where it isn't absolutely fucking horrible outside: be it too hot, or too cold and windy.

Fall and mid-late spring are the only OK times outside here.

Cold, dark, wet and depressing. Fuck winter.

Better than it being too hot and humid to run outside and wear clothes that aren't tank tops and shorts.

How do you east coast faggots live with the humidity? The niggers and shitty fucking roads are bad enough, but you walk out the door and it feels like any third world jungle shit hole.

>80% humidity 30c summer days
wtf, i hate canada now
if it is colder than 25c on average in summer it's jungle-tier

Where are you from where it ISN'T humid and hot?


>tfw Southfag.

It's still getting to be 86 degrees here. Everyone gets excited in November when the night-time temp is like 55 degrees.

You should get the extra flags plug in, it's neat.

>run outside in winter
>sweaty and cold at the same time
>catch a flu
>slip and break bones

Upper Midwesterner here. This guy knows.

I long to live in a climate without the highs of summer and the lows of winter. Where can I find that in the US, just Oregon and Washington? Maybe Northern California?

I could live in an arid climate where it's hot all the time though, because fuck winter.

You get used to it.

Just kidding, it's literally hell. Sweating only makes it worse.

Answer the question, please.

Most of Britain is the perfect climate, tbchwy, but in the US the Pacific Northwest is probably your only hope.

I don't want to.

Fuck off, we're full.

>tfw fall in the Great Lakes

Only thing comfier is fall in NE

And it only lasts until February. GG nature

Pacific Northwest fag confirmed

winter is a filthy whore

Are you a pedophile?

No, my wife is expecting though

>living someplace where it snows
lmaoing at ur life

It's super nice here, I didn't know how nice until i started traveling through the midwest and the east coast. You live in a hell hole.

My dad is from Washington, and lived there for a good while of his life, but he HAD to move here for some reason.

I could live in Seattle instead.

Land prices are sky rocketing, only thing out pacing them is the traffic. If you don't mind either of those then why not.

I don't have a marketable job or skill set that would keep me from living in absolute live-in-a-cardboard box-under a bridge poverty if I did a long distance move.

They have a $15 minimum wage in Seattle right now, maybe you could flip burgers until you get a more stable job. And before the fast food places all switch over to robots because they can't afford the labor costs.

>it's already pitch dark at 8pm
The only good thing about all this is that moose hunting season is right around the corner.


Probably still help to know someone over there to help me out until I have my feet on the ground.

Gungeek, is that you?

Tis the season to be sweaty. Fa lalalalala, la-la la-la

me too dude. only gonna get worse and worse as we get older. fuck

>tfw winter in the desert is like summer everywhere else.

It's going to be sunny and 75° every day, I can't wait.

The only people who enjoy cold weather are people who refuse to go outside

So yeah, it makes sense everybody here hates warm weather

>tfw can see Northern Lights again

The winter worsens my depression but at times it's comfy.

>snow in a month
>i don't believe you.jpg

Summer will be miles and miles away.


Fuck winter, man

Let's trade places.
>Zikapore is your friend now

What? You some kinda faggot who cant handle the cold?

What about skiing? Snowboarding? Building huge ass snowcaves and barbequing and drinking inside them? I love winter!

That's a couple of weeks at best and during that time it's pretty much impossible to drive anywhere and I drive for a living.

well brit skin and handle the sun

Where can I live in the states that will be close to this?

Massachusets? New england?

>tfw going for a walk at night during winter and listening to ambient or black metal

>not mentioning the glow of jack-o'-lanterns

>not mentioning "spoopy" cassette tape from 1976 blasting from Old Man Darst's porch. He's 82 and you helped him unload his groceries which had lots of candy this week. Still hands out candy corn every year

>Not mentioning teenagers looking to stir up shit and narrowly avoid the sherriff after they drink too much and try to make their own hayride in a beat up '95 mazda

>Not mentioning that your GF is at your house already, and she's dressed like a sexy witch. It's cute, but c'mon, how basic can you get, Jen
