>1 in 10 adults have in the Netherlands have lice
>over 20% of high schoolers
>28% of elementary schoolers
Why do people think the Netherlands is first world again?
>1 in 10 adults have in the Netherlands have lice
>over 20% of high schoolers
>28% of elementary schoolers
Why do people think the Netherlands is first world again?
>hurr durr they got lice they must be 3rd world
fuck off
Does having lice make you tall?
shut up monkey
It's true, the Netherlands is such a horrible country unlike Hungary! Everyone looking for a new country whether you leech off the government for neetbux or you're a refugee you should check out Hungary! It's one of the best countries on earth unlike the Netherlands.
And also apparently 50% of their population don't wash their hands after using the toilet. Fucking gross
>A parasite spread by cats is infecting 1,000 new people every day in Britain – about 350,000 a year – according to an official assessment of the risks posed by toxoplasma, which can cause serious illness and has been tentatively linked with schizophrenia and other psychotic disturbances.
Britbongs, you guys feeling alright?
A healthy adult can have toxoplasmosis without being affected by it. It's when your immunity system weakens it becomes serious, like with old people or children.
Then again, this would explain the behavior of many /Brit/posters
Unfortunately a lot of men don't wash their hands here, it's pretty disgusting and India-tier.
loads of american have it desu
I think it's 24% of Americans have it. Western Europe it can be upwards of 60%.
Have you ever seen a "crazy cat lady"? She's probably sick due to it.
idk but i was wondering if i had it since i was petting cat a few times
What about all of the mental disorders associated with it?
Possibly, if you've ever handled their shit then you probably have something.
Don't worry, you'll only go crazy once your immune system starts to fail :^)
>tfw you removed the shit from the litter or w/e it's called
>A healthy adult can have toxoplasmosis without being affected by it.
This meme needs to die.
This thread made me paranoid af