The third favorite dish in France is Couscous

The third favorite dish in France is Couscous


And in your country ? What is the top 3 ?

And the second favorite dish is Belgian.

Fucking bastards to not respond. You are not uninteresting, just full of shit.

here in the top 3 in England.

can you find the top 3 for me

couscous is pretty great though

>magret de canard

it sucks compared to confit de canard

couscou is goat tho
try authentic tunisian oucscous not the tasteless algerian shit

couscous is super overrated lol

it's just all the sandniggers answering couscous desu, that's what makes it ranked so high

Why do you have to use such hoity toity names for it? Just call it what it is, Duck

>not the tasteless algerian shit

at least there are merguez in their couscous

>hoity toity names

that's like... their langauge

Potato, buckwheat, rice
As a whole - groats, vegetables(tomatoes and cucumbers), salo (yes we eat it too), pelmeni, BORSCH


ours can have fish/octopus/lamb/beef
also their merguez a shit,ours is superior


their olive oil is better

I don't care what it is, I'm tired of going to restuarants and have menus with unintelligble items listed that turn to be mundane like "Roasted Canard", Poulet grillé, Frites or to hide gross shit like, "Foie", "Calamari". Just call them what they are and I will decide if I like it or not. Fucking scamming restuarants.

You could literally ask the waiter. And then give him a $500 tip

>Moules-frites is second

Who is responsible for this?

How am I supposed to ask for something I can't pronounce?

Why don't you go in Mart and shart instead ?


>No Galettes Bretonnes
>Tomates Farcies

Not everyone is a uncultivated faggot like you.

Why the fuck is magret so high steak frites so low and gratin dauphinois and andouillette not here, i don't live in france according to that list

I mean, they sound like that to you because you know nothing about French.

>I'm tired of going to restaurants

nice proxy mate

>Implying andouillettes can be in a top 10

Even in top 20 or 30


Fassi = GOAT

It's in every menu and a best seller here, same with boudin noir et blanc now that I think of it, in Champagne btw.

You eat goats in France? I've never had it before, how's it taste?


It was GOAT as in Greatest Of All Time, and no we dont eat goat, not a lot at least. We eat a shitload of goat cheese tho.