Would you fight for your country?

Would you fight for your country?

Depends on the ennemy and the cause. If it's facists dictators no. If it's against other Europeans, no.


Depends on who I'm fighting.

If it's communists or fascists I'd do it in a heart beat.

>roachland and Finland
really made me think

wtf I hate Iceland now

So if the threat is coming outside of EU, you would?


Would you fight for another NATO country?

>crimea drawn as a part of ukraine

wishful thinking at its best

80% of Sup Forums want to suicide, but don't want to fight for teh motherland. Pussies

I dodged the draft, so technically, on paper, I always 'fought' for my country :3


>Sweden in charge of being cucks

Swedish results is suprising

Would die for my country

The only thing frenchies learn in the army is how to say "we surrender" in 53 different languages.

They thought it was about cs go



Sale fils de chienne


I just fight against non-Western enemies. If the enemy outside Russia for example I would put on their side.

what now faggots?

also yes unless im fighting for muzzies

kill yourself

Suce ma bite

No and I don't understand anyone who would. Pic shows correlation between civilised and barbaric countries. If country has over 30 points on the map, it shows that country is barbaric, because citizens want to die(!) for arbitrary terms such as "motherland" and "country".

I would

So Bulgaria is civilised and Switzerland isn't
Really made me think

t.cowardly Polentanigger.

Leave the Letzeburgers alone!

Top bantz

Yep, but only if it's a clear attack on Europe and as the very-very last ressort.
I would never fight in meme "Deus Veult" wars.

Don't mind the flag, just changed wifi.

>Poland 47%
i thought it would be higher

>Germany 18%
higher than i expectet

It's more like who is prepared for self defence against russian invasion

Пpoблeмa в тoм чтo y кaждoгo cлoвa ecть ceмaнтикa и в oбщeм cлyчae нeвoзмoжнo oпpeдeлить cкoлькo нa caмoм дeлe oтмopoжeнных фaнaтикoв cкpывaютcя зa кoнкpeтным хa-хa.

>russian invasion
You'll get nuked. To be qualified for an invasion you must posses a Russian minority.

Wich you planted yourself during commie time.
good good.

Ukraine was actually sort of in a grey zone, i admit.

But seriously, this reminds me of Hitler wanting to protect all germans.

I said I'd fight against communists and fascists.

Anti-fa are also fascists.


He пoнял тeбя. B oпpoce вышe, oчeвиднo, зaдaвaли впoлнe кoнкpeтный вoпpoc - вы бы пoшли вoeвaть зa cвoю cтpaнy? Пpичeм тyт ceмaнтикa и oпpeдeлeния?

Other EU country? Possible but that means nearly exclusive russia.
I would never risk my life for turkey or albania

I could only think of a civil war but even that is very unlikely

we not only posses a russian minority, but we also oppress it, what u gonna do about it bitch?

>only shitholes and countries near shitholes say yes
>inb4 hurr durr you are near Portugal, well yea but Portugal is irrelevant

No, I don't feel French so why should I fight for France...

I'd fight if we ever were invaded (lol) but I wouldn't want to patrol desert roads for turrists in nowhereville, crapistan


Because you live there and you profit from what they have built.

t. ahmed

T.brainwashed terrone who will die a worthless death

>t. ahmed
lel no

ye no idea
surrounded by Italy/France/Germany/Austria
>implying they will ever be in any real danger

wft I hate Latvia now

>refusing to defend your own country

>Poland is a shithole
>Greece is a shithole
>Ireland and Switzerland: lol idk

Just admit your analysis is wrong and there is something else behind the % of yes vs. no

Russia. Unite people.

no way

do you know how despicable AKP voters are?

if the country suddenly turned kemalist and secular I definitely would though

everything reminds you of hitler wanting to protect all germans

Yeah probably would, not against other europeans though like said before.

dane fucking shits

no way fuck it

Last time we lost 27 millions fighting for Konigsberg, french occupation zone in Germany and american world hegemony. NEVER AGAIN

I know, right?
Fuck pidorashkas.

People let their guard down around Germans after WW1 too

You are all going to regret it

Actually france didn't. But they were retarded with their defence line

>just changed wifi
wtf are you on the ferry or something

On Ireland, I get to post with 3 flags
1. French on mobile data
2. GB in the train (Irish rail uses a NI company I think)
3. Irish on hostels

Feels powerful

How about survival of my people?

No lmao who fucking cares

Stop this meme. Building defence arround Belgium was against their neutrality, the br*ts would have dropped us.

Only mistake was to think that the Ardennes were impossible to cross.

>not wanting fight for the greatest country on earth

>risking life to protect the properties of German banks and industrialists
lol no

I would fight my country

I would.

How about a war for German property? They don't really have an army so it's gonna be piss easy too.

kek of course not. I would raqther die than fight for a country that only wants my tax money and gives me shitty services in return.

You got that right, bitch boy.
Get on my liberal enlightenment, you barbaric dinosaur.

WTF I hate other European countries now, especially G*rmany...

Why hasn't putin exiled faggots like you already ?

They don't need to, having NATO a.k.a USA babysit them.

But Serbia puzzles me. Have they given up?

nah let the chads go die then more wymynz left for me

definitely would.Atacucks are coward.



over 75%: shitholes
74%: healthy nationalist white countries
sub 74%: cucks

>in half of their anime Japan is under attack by a superior fow
>brave Japanese middle school students save Japan and the whole world
>actually the cuckest nation on earth

And here I thought Americans are cringy

Shut the fuck up Israel. Why don't you guys start competing in Asian sports competitions like it's supposed to?

Greatest ally

I would not desu.

We did, but Arabs refused to play with us - we'd technically win everything lmao

But what the fuck this got to do with topic Alberto?


Also, pic related. Of course not.

he just said your nation is of cucks

I won't die for a country that dies before me.

Half the population would hate me for it but yeah, why not.

No, but I would fight for my people.

Depends who we are fighting against. I have my priorities. Resigned from reserve but informed I'm available in case of military coup.

You mean, would i fight for Abramovich's yacht, Sechin's money, Yakunin's palace and Putin's ambitions?

This is true, though. Russia is shit, Russians are mindless pathetic cucks.

>TFW immigrants ruin our score.

Multiculture sure is enriching! Of course you can't expect anything else from cowards who ran from their home because they were too pussy to stay and fight like men.

Who the fucking cares about my country? Nobody will conquer it because of its useless

Implying I don't already you euro cucks need to get on board with middle eastern oil.

Are you rare?
