What will happen if I come to your country, wearing this t-shirt?
What will happen if I come to your country, wearing this t-shirt?
you'd get your jaw broken
whatever you wear you'll get scammed
nm u?
Some alternative-type people would think you're cool, but a passing businessman might give you a rude look.
California: Nothing
Anywhere else: You'll probably get made fun of or beat up
no one would give a shit, at worst you might run into some likeminded retards
lol no he wouldn't, literally nobody would give a fuck. Maybe in a conservative area he'd get a couple passive-aggressive comments.
nah you'd literally get beat the fuck up, especially if you're a typical commie sissy numale
Like a lot of aggression. Then I'll have to dress in uniforms...
You would get looks of mild disdain, some lefty students might think you are cool
they gonna get weirded out and say "ey ese no es el logo de Cerro Porteño"
No he really wouldn't, faggot and you know it's true. I've seen dumb kids where edgy commie shirts. Nobody cares. It's fucking Canada.
california: celebrated
big city: ignored
small town: beat up
the south: lynched
Nothing. those that would hang out with you in bars would be progressive leftards and fat chicks with short red hair and one huge earring. And of course the anarcho-punk scene types
pay a fine when cop sees you and takes away your shit
Rednecks would banter
Might find some punk/antifa friends this way.
People would be wondering why, as a Russian, you arent taking a dump in the gutter or expelling snot from your nose directly onto the street
t. Lithuania
Slow and painful death
Not sure what shitty place you live in but you'd get legit beat up where I'm from
Unironically this. We're uncivilized garbage.
people would just assume you were poor since soviet products were used to sold for dirt cheap when the union collapsed.
Homever if you look anything like a kurd, you would get killed
Not as long as he doesn't wander into your trailer park
kek sure thing, tough guy.
Where do you live? I grew up in backwater farm country Ontario and regularly wore Che shirts when I was an edgy 16 year old.
This, unless you're at a university.
>likeminded retards
>progressive leftards
>commie sissy numale
>punk/antifa friends
Who are all these people? They are also homophobic, working in a factory, served in the army and I think you need to destroy all the russophobes in Poland/the Baltic States/Europe with the help of the Gulag?
Will be praised by the majority PTralhas.
>It's uncivilized to remove the red filth
Get the fuck out to Venezuela, commiefag.
some people just don't like commies for all the evil they've done and how retarded they are
Is Venezuela the butt of jokes in south america generally speaking ?
Bolivia and them, yeah.
I didn't say I would, I wouldn't touch you trash I was just saying others might
"Hey nice shirt. Do you play Red Alert 2 too?"
Wear this and you will never get beaten in Europe.
N- nothing
Silently judging others is civilized, beating people to death because of their T-shirts's colour isn't.
Nothing, I've already seen people wearing shirts similar to this
Welcomed to a pub with free drinks and discussions as to why USSR was the last true superpower
Long live Russia. May Putin bring you back to your former (justified) glory
why do white people like to advertise their opinions to reluctant strangers? I don't understand.
Better not go 5 miles in any direction from the airport or the major cities in this backward.
Someone might laugh, or assume you're wearing it "ironically".
>somewhere where you won't be assaulted for wearing a t-shirt just because it's edgy
wtf, I love the south right now
We have a lot of Russians here, they'd mostly applaud you. Others would not really care, I think. Maybe some strange looks but that's it.
This nigga gets it
>california: celebrated
This actually isn't too far off tbqh. People would go "Cool shirt." Personally, I like the simpler version.
nobody would give 0 fucks
most people don't even know what this symbol is 2bh
What will happen if I come to your country, wearing this?
>leaf acting tough on the internet
Yeah lol, fucking venezuela and colombia
lmao I wear this at school every week
"Nice towel. Where'd you buy it?"
In my home
People look at me disapprovingly, but they would not do anything. Communists in Spain have much power and people have much fear and hate them.
instant wpierdol
2006 year
Allright, i have more better flag
Sabina is cute CUTE
>tfw no Kazakh gf
OP just made this thread to trigger Poles and Balts anyway.
Liberal area you'd be fine. Rural Alabama trailer park you'd get lots of stares and maybe some negative comments but I doubt you'd ever get beat up for it.
hmmm....honestly, the poles and the balts are quite predictable. Suffice it to say that about the USSR and Russia, they are triggered. The complex of a small nation.Moreover, this imageboard. And imageboard is a bunch of morons, thugs, teenagers, stupid children and other dregs.
I watched a video from Indonesia I believe where these guys attack a guy for wearing the ussr symbol.
That's the problem. You kind of...killed off their entire intellectual class so the only people left there are bydlo with an average IQ of 75.
we would like to be removed from that pic
sincerely, youre (mostly) friendly slovakian
you'd get a lot of nostalgic stares
Would be like if you walked around Dublin wearing a shirt with Oliver Cromwell on it.
Fascistfags might beat you up depending on the area.
>basing your concept of reality off of Sup Forums memes
Face it, Bobby Pierre, Canadians are pussies. No "numales" are getting beaten up in your jurisdiction.
Indonesia, in no small part thanks to Suharto's legacy, is full of chest-beating McCarthyities who detest commies and especially China.
>The complex of a small nation
That was once a big nation and have never gotten over their fall from glory.
You would get mean stares. In Helsinki you might have a slight chance of getting your cock sucked.
Or walked around Atlanta with a William T. Sherman shirt
by the way, Yes. Russian imageboard going down, and I dread the moment when b 2ch is similar to b Sup Forums.
But the subject board(trv, out, diy...) can still communicate and you can find interesting threads. By the way, someone can answer me why I have never seen butthurt threads on Sup Forums?
>You would get mean stares
I figured that much.
>Butbutbut Grandpa got his dick shot off for you, you traitor
I thought the Nazis took care of most of Poland's elites.
you don't even know what you're talking about
bzz, 2-ch went to shit when the pedal team collapsed and it was so many years ago i don't even recall how many, 5 or 6, 2ch went down 7 years ago, iichan went to shit like 5 years ago too
Mudshit niggers. Hopefully china destroys them.
>the Nazis
US education is amazing.
pok pok pok
No one will care. My friend has a CCCP shirt.
No, there is not so bad. On the one hand there are too many ordinary people, but you can learn something different from a lot of people you'd never met in my life. Doctors, officials, military, police, drillers, lawyers, cooks, sailors. Of course they all drowned in the midst of cancer, but...I have about 6 or 7 years there and I like it. I debated by my favorite TV shows, can find new enjoyable music, discuss tobacco and suddenly get a good dose of laughter. Sometimes it happens even something useful - such as the idiots-rapists decided to upload pictures of proof of the crime on 2ch sent to prison. It was funny.
Literally illegal to do so here
Article 256 of Polish Penal Code
>§1 Whoever publicly promotes a fascist or other totalitarian system of state or of inciting hatred based on national, ethnic, racial, or religious differences, or for reason of the lack of any religious denomination, liable to a fine, a restriction of liberty, or to imprisonment for a maximum of two years.
>§2 Same punishment applies to whoever distributes, produces, records, imports, purchases, stores, owns, presents, carries or sends print, recording or other media that includes contents mentioned in §1 or fascist, communist or any other totalitarian symbolism.
now that is a new level of salty poland. does that also ban ww2 reenactment groups as well?
Yeah I skipped the 3rd section that mentions that artistic, scientific and collectioner's purpose of such items is excluded
a brick in your face most likely
if youre in a russian ghetto, then idk
you will make new friends