A bomb has gone off outside a Brussels police building

>A bomb has gone off outside a Brussels police building
Oh boy, I wonder who could have caused this

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the dutch

>its actually happening


Source my dear burger friend ?

it wasn't just a mad white punk :-DDDDD


Motive is unclear.

remember when yuropoors laughed at us for our mass shootings? They arent laughing anymore. although this recent bomb did not kill anyone

I am laughing.

I was just a firework

>Be American
>Get shot
>Be European
>Get bombed


Probably the jews


There is one or two mass shoitings a day, 44 people murdered (which makes a Bataclan-sized massacre every two months or so), so it's just not newsworthy.

>no injuries
>bomb at 1:30 am
Kek, what a non-event

no casualties

you'll never trigger it

Just your normal bombing, hardly newsworthy nowadays considering Europe has shit like this all the time now

yea but far more innocent people are killed people are killed in the terrorist attacks in europe. niggers and spics shoot each other here and those are majority of the shootings.

Fucking 3rd world scum should stay in their designated shitholes.

>Americans end up with a mass shooting Muslim terrorist attack
Really makes you think.

>1-2 mass shootings a day

There isn't. Or are you usibg the retarded definition of four or more shot and not necessarily dead? Most of those shootings didn't involve a single death and most of them are gang, drug, or domestic related. Not a random shooting random innocent people.

Trigger what?

Stop blaming your problems on niggers and spics
Detroit and Flint were top comfy before Reagan

the brexit m8

No they weren't you retarded mick. Detroit was comfy pre-60s.

We will

If a bomb going off is terrorism assumed to be Islamic, then four guys being shot is a mass shooting

Mass shootings don't mean anything anyway. Most aren't even more than 2 or 3 people.

It's not like terror attacks which can be easily measured and are very public events.

Then why was everyone employed and having a good salary ? Really makes you ponder


Muslims overwhelmingly commit bomb attacks retard. This isn't the 80s anymore when it was irecucks doing it.

4 niggers getting shot in a gang shooting with no deaths is not a mass shooting

This hasn't been the case since the 50s in Detroit, retard.

Compromise: you're about as likely to get randomly killed by some crazed subhuman while just walking down the street in the U.S. as in most of Western Europe.

>They-they are not REAL mass shootings

>four nigger thugs getting shot in chicago over a gang war is equivalent to a random person shooting random innocent people in public


Damn! Finally a political act of terrorism. Sick and tired of those attacks at random innocent people. Attacking figures of power is always the patrician choice.

If Detroit was already a shithole then whose jobs did GM lay off ?

No we're not - our murder rate is significatively lower.

the patriarchy?

Here leftists wanted to plant bomb under police cars.

At least that's what the government said :^)

Well, what's the definition? Because there is no accepted one.

Just call them public mass killings and be done with it. No need to differentiate if they have a gun or not



>An internal report looking at ways to make Sweden’s Migration Agency more efficient has proposed the agency gets rid of specialists dedicated to LGBT-related issues. The move has prompted the country’s main gay rights group to see red.

>Murder rates significantly lower
You're not going to get randomly murdered while just walking down the street m80.

>muh niggers
It is still your problem to fix shithead.
Near 66% of IRA bombings were between paramilitary groups fighting each other, it was still terrorism. Same with France, in fact only 10% of terrorist attacks those last 10 years are from Muslims, the vast majority is Corsican autism

good, the more this happens, the less deluded people will get

Detroit was already a shithole before Reagan came into power idiot.

no, it's ISIS

And I'm telling you that it isn't equivalent you retarded mick.

>only 10% of terrorism in france was mudslimes

Now sort by deaths or bombings. Most of that "terrorism" is dumb shit like political hate speech or a molotov thrown at a car.

Well, our murder rate continues to decrease while in Europe...ehhhhhhhj

4 or more people getting shot with a gun.

Isla vista denizens disagree
I believe there should be a mandatory 3-months period of training at the shooting range before you can own a gun, and another 3 months before you can Conceal Carry. Would have stopped Rodgers and Columbine IMO.

>four or more shot with a gun


>The United States' Congressional Research Service acknowledges that there is not a broadly accepted definition, and defines a "public mass shooting"[2] as one in which four or more people selected indiscriminately, not including the perpetrator, are killed, echoing the FBI definition[3][4]

That's the government definition.

>Isla Vista disagrees
True, but then again we have Lee Rigby

Conclusion: Terrible shit happens everywhere, and we're being idiots when we pretend it doesn't

You still need to fix your shit up. But you're probably a Sup Forumstard white trash so why bother

Once this wave is over (and it will be soon enough) it will all go back to normal.

Isla vista was three people stabbed to death and three shot dead. California has stricter gun laws than Canada.

>b-but muh other states

He got his guns all from california and they originated there.

>and it will be soon enough
You sound so optimistic. I can't say I agree with you but oh well.

>mick calling anybody else white trash

Fucking kek you retarded paddy

>Two retards spouting whatsboutism ITT

Bd anywhere in the world at the wrong time, get fucking killed. It's not something when can stop when it happens. Just take steps to minimize the risk to yourself and you can survive anywhere in the world with no fear.

Why does it change what I said about the training period ? It's actually how you get guns in most of Yurope (only with 1 year instead of 3 months)
I believe he would have never stabbed his roommates if he didn't get his hands on a gun first. Also the Rodgers case call for better health and mental care imo

I am not Irish but those were truly the kindest and most honourable people I've met.

More like don't visit countries at war. France, Belgium, all these shitholes are bombing the middles east and the middle east is bombing them in return.

>he wouldn't have stabbed them with a knife if he didn't have a gun

The fuck are you on about?

>that's how it works in europe

No. See Switzerland and the Czech Republic.

Most of Yurop. Even in Switzerland you have training period in form of conscription. And his plan relied heavily on killing females - with a gun. Had he not a gun, his plans would have fallen apart.


>even in Switzerland
Yeah, no. Being in the military or having to serve is not a requirement to owning a gun in Switzerland.

>his plan required killing females heavily with a gin

Which he tried and only got two kills.

Had he not had a gun he would have just stabbed people to death and run them over. So you'd still have at least three deaths.

t. Connor McGregor

Ireland has one or two mass shootings a day?

wtf I hate Europe now

>Oh boy, I wonder who could have caused this
I bet it was britbongs this time.

The factories in Flint and Detroit that closed down in the 70s were just the final nail in the coffin for what was already a gradual downward spiral that started after the civil rights act.

At least they still have their shitty sense of humor.

>4 niggers getting shot in a gang shooting with no deaths is not a mass shooting
It is to the FBI
That's how they classify it

Good lad

not it isn't


Go to bed O'Brein.

Daily mass murdenings :DDDDD

IQ and PISA are both worthless.

So are you, runt.

Tad harsh desu

Bud why DDD:

I bet the white ppl did this, crazy ass muthafuckas

t. HuffPo

Jeez, this is why the Euro Union will fall in the next 5 years. Letting in people from the middle east is more than a bad idea.

>Be Australian live the dream

>europe 2014
>a policeman getting attacked by a muslim would be front page news world wide
>europe 2016
>stabbings, mass rapes and beheadings are now the norm, even a suicide car bomb attack on a police station barely qualifies as a headline

really makes you think

>be american hear a loud noise and flee from airport


>Forensic lab
>Your samples are on the floor now lol

What if someone is trying to destroy the evidence from a murder?

Thank fuck you don't have to download the dream

>his dreams are larger than 200kb